Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Are we there yet?...
  • The picture above was taken at Miss M's place during our post-Christmas thingy last December 29th. Got cards, pictures and very well-thought-of gifties. Sigh. I'm one blessed gurl.
  • Finally, got the FRIENDS calendar from Dino dude. Thanks again to his friend for buying them for us all the way from the UK. It may be a bit pricey for a calendar BUT if you're a fan, you'll understand how my friends and I feel about having the calendar. There were two defective calendars though...tsk tsk tsk.
  • Someone got me this. When I told Nadine about who gave me the shoes, she was like...uyyyyyy......Heee. Nadine has a way of making me smile.
  • It's 2 hours into the year and I'm online. Just got back from my Tita's house. First media noche without my sisters. Oh well. Glad they called before the new year started. I told my cousin that we should celebrate new year's in a different place next time. SisterM and I actually have talked about it before. That we'd celebrate new year's at a different place. She got her wish. While I still celebrated in the same place, not that I'm complaining. I love being with my loved ones. Though for a change, it would be nice to celebrate it somewhere else if money weren't an issue. Indeed.
  • Here's my 2005 To-Do List, I've crossed out the ones that I was able to do last year, let's see...
      >> Play badminton.
      >> Send birthday greets to my friends/relatives. [as late as it is, I think, I did pretty okay in this area...]
      >> Learn how to sign-language. [I've been fascinated with this since I was in gradeschool. Anyone know where I could enroll or something?]
      >> Learn how to drive...hmmm...maybe. [I'm a backseat driver. I always feel like the cars are too close to the one I'm in. Yikes.]
      >> Save money for my 30th. [not much but I have some...]
      >> Read the following books : Harry Potter 5, LOTR trilogy, and the Bible. [HAH!..Though, I have read passages from the Bible, my faves would have to be the books of Psalms and Proverbs...the bible guides surely help...]
      >> Buy less dibidis.
      >> Pay off a debt. [one more ...]
      >> Count my blessings. [Indeed!!!]
      >> Grab more spoons. [yes, as many spoons that I can grab...]
      >> Talk more. [I tried...did I do okay?]
      >> Update my Utopia site, Jomari Connection and finish the EBC Hummina Site. [one out of three...]
      >> Surprise my friends by sending snail mails.
      >> Have faith and trust and obey God above everything else.
    I will try to do the ones that I didn't get to do last year and continue with the ones that I DID get to accomplish.
  • What else? Hmmm... I had a pretty good 2005, inspite of my sisters going abroad for work and our money was a pretty blessed 2005. Here's praying that 2006 will bring more blessings to me, to you and to everyone else.
  • Leaving you with today's prayer:
      Thank You Father, that You so loved the world that You gave Your one and only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Fairest Lord Jesus! You alone are my heart's desire ... my chief delight... my soul's glory, joy and crown. Every advantage life can offer is like rubbish, compared with the overwhelming gain of knowing You. [John 3:16; Philippians 3:8]
  • Thanks again for visiting. Here's to a brand new year of keeping the faith and believing that God is ALWAYS there for us, no matter what. God Bless us always.
  • 1 comment:

    manonica said...

    Uuuy din. Who got you the shoeses? ;-)