Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

For Some Reasons...

That I don't ripway files are gone. Man, have to fix the colorblocks this weekend. I'm too lazy to do it right now. I'm pissed and all but this is all free service...can't do much about that. I'm not complaining just venting. heehee. God Bless everyall. Keep the faith. Yep.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Tuesday Morning...

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

41% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Friday, June 24, 2005


  • Watched Only You last night. I love this movie. Robert Downey, Jr. is a favorite. This movie came out back in 1994. Whoa, 11 years ago. Imagine that. I still love it. There are movies that you just can't stop watching even though you've seen them lotsa times already no? Yep. A line from the movie: I'm in love with her. I love her more than she'll ever know. But you're a lucky lucky man, you've got the right name.
  • I haven't seen a movie in the theaters this year. Wow. Can't believe that but it's true. Money is that tight nowadays. Though it's a blessing coz I'm distracted in a way.
  • Movies that I'll watch over and over again: Pretty Woman, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, The Big Hit, Serendipity, Somekind of Wonderful, Say Anything, Two Girls and a Guy, Fire with Fire, She's The One...yes, I know, most [if not all] romantic type movies. I love them. Movies like those give us hope in love no? That's just me.
  • On One Tree Hill last Tuesday, a line that caught me in some way: If she loves me and I love her, there's nothing to figure out. A simple line yet...yet not that simple really.
  • On the real-life front, will be donating blood later today. My 17-year-old cousin will be having a heart surgery this week. Prayers for her will be needed. Thanks. The first time I donated blood was back in 2002 when my Tatay had a triple-heart bypass operation.
  • Also, LOST marathon tonight at Miss M's place. Wheee.
  • Have to go for now. Back to bed. I'm sleepy.
  • Have a fine weekend. Keep the faith ya'll. God Bless us always.
  • Sunday, June 19, 2005

    Eye candies...

    Purple slippers courtesy of Miss M. Ain't it a beauty? Yes, it is.

    The FRIENDS trivia game courtesy of Nurse A. Perfection. Played this game during our last VS and guess who won? Heee.

  • Ok, it's a brand new week but already looking forward to a long weekend on the horizon for me since Friday will be Manila Day.
  • Leaving you with today's prayer:
    Lord God, today I commit to You my present location and situationi. May you guide me throughout this life to just be where You want me to be, as I seek to do Your will. You are my dwelling place and I rest under the shadow of Your wings. [Psalms 37:5; Deuteronomy 1:33]
  • Keep the faith. Thanks for visiting again. God Bless us always.
  • Friday, June 17, 2005

    *The Center of the Bible...

    Even if you are not religious, you should read this. It is very interesting.

    What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
    Answer - Psalms 117

    What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
    Answer - Psalms 119

    Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?
    Answer - Psalms 118

    Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118.

    Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118.

    Add these numbers up and you get 1188

    What is the center verse in the Bible?
    Answer - Psalms 118:8

    Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives?

    The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just center of His Word! Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

  • It's a Saturday morning. Weekend once again. Yay. Been up since 4am-ish. I'm about to go back to bed. Just waiting for my taho.
  • VS with the gurls tonight. We all need one. Been a busy couple weeks on my end.
  • Chatty chat with NG will be at Miss M's place. Not used to chatting with NG [or with anyone for that matter] with other people in the room [ that weird?] but I'm excited about it. NG says he's ok if the gurls ask him questions. He's nothing to hide he says. Yeah.
  • IF only my friends and family can just feel what we feel no? we don't need to talk much about us. Heeee. I'm just NOT a good talker is all. I tend to jump from one to the next. I think I need to make a list to not get sidetracked or something? I can definitely talk in here and on YM. That I know.
  • Anyhoo, must go for now. Back to bed. Have a fine weekend ya'll. Keep the faith. God Bless us always.

  • [*This was forwarded to me last year me thinks...]

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005

    6 months and counting...

  • God gave us a push that fateful night I feel, we knew eachother for a while, but not in a depth and way that night began to bring between us, it was a true wake-up call.
  • I say thanks every morning and evening before I rest, and when I wake up, 'cause it needs to be said and I just can't help it :)
  • This truly will be a long journey, but I am determined to see it through, no matter what, distance can be beaten with a little bit of faith, and a lot of love, and we are set in both me thinks! :)
  • Thank you God for making me open my big mouth and just take a chance, love and divine will work in wonderful ways!
  • Hopefully I don't sound so needy...but my world revolves around you :)
  • I know it's the guy that is supposed to sweep the girl off her feet, but somehow I think with us it was the other way is a sweet thing, you take my breath away everyday :)
  • You are right, love is something you can't can't be labeled, it defies explanation, it just IS.
  • I know!...I have never met another person that I am so in tune with, it's crazy and so wonderful at the same time!
  • Both our prayers have been every sense of the word, I firmly believe that :)
  • God is the reason...and ain't it absolutely maddening the whole mix of emotions sometimes??
  • I too am glad God brought us together, when he
    did ... timing is everything ... and who better to call that shot than God right? :)
  • You are changing and affecting me every day I find in new ways...each in ways more wonderful than the previous, I really feel I am the better person today just because of you! :)
  • I just have to say...without you I was lost truly...a person can make their way thru life...maybe they will find someone...maybe they won't...but by God's hands....he guides us together....always!
  • I will make it my project to get to you this year, I really think it will be great, great things come to those who are patient :)
  • Ohhhkay...I seriously need to go. Ultra mush mode now. The above italized sentences were snippets from NG's January mails. Spent hours reading those last Sunday. I got as far as January 17th. Sheesh, lots more to go. 3658 mails as of today. Too many you think? Haaaaay. Can I just say, I feel loved. Such a great feeling. God is good. I don't forget to say thanks to Him every moment I feel the love.
  • Gotta go to work now. Also, another happy moment, Nurse A is in touch again...yay. Answered prayer indeed. Keep the faith ya'll. Thanks for visiting again. God Bless us always.
  • Monday, June 13, 2005








    cuteness#7...Enough said...just some pictures to smile about. Indeed.

    Saturday, June 11, 2005

    This and That...

    I've Been Tagged by Chel
    List your current six favorite songs, then pick six other people that have to do the same:

    1. The Day Before You - Rascal Flatts
    2. Shiver - Natalie Imbruglia
    3. Just A Little Bit - Maria Mena
    4. Wonderwall - Ryan Adams
    5. Push - Sarah McLachlan
    6. I Can't Make You Love Me - Constantine Maroulis

    Six people that [I think] might do the same as well: [no pressure...hee]
    1. Miss M
    2. Laney
    3. LD
    4. Supastah
    5. Single Detached
    6. Moonlit Jazz

  • Long weekend. Not gonna complain. Extra bed time. All good.
  • Sunday lunchtime now. I have a slight headache when I woke up around 8am. Darn. I don't like headaches. Didn't get up 'til about 10am.
  • Folded clothes. Thought of ironing my jeans and shirts but I got lazy.
  • I finally finished reading Simplify Your Life : 100 Ways To Slow Down And Enjoy The Things That Really Matter, coolness of a booklet, I have been living the simple way most of my life, a few more for from the book and I be living the simple life indeed. Less chaos that way no?
  • I feel restless, wanna arrange my clearbooks but too lazy. Wanna start a book, hmmm ... maybe Harry Potter 5? ... Oh well. I'll eventually get to doing things soon. Yep.
  • Ok, have to go and start replying to some mails now.
  • Thanks again for visiting. Keep the faith. God Bless us always.
  • Tuesday, June 07, 2005

    Would rather be somewhere else...

    [Coolness no? Check out the site at, there's more neat images where that came from...]

  • Ok, it's a rainy Wednesday...have to go to work in a few. Though, I wish I'd be going to a wedding instead. Just making a quick post.
  • Today is the wedding of a friend. Wanted to go but can't get out of work. Yep. I'm the only employee in my UncleBoss's [UB for short] small company. He did hire another guy [TJ aka Tito Jose aka UB's cousin...TJ is funny. Has an infectious laugh. He'd be fun to be around with. Nothing beats to be with a person who always makes you laugh no?] but he still have to learn the ropes on how corrupt the Bureau is. Heee.
  • At least, by September, I'd be able to get off work for at least 2 weeks no? I'm sure TJ will know the ins and outs on how much he has to give each person in the Bureau.
  • My Monday has been blah, must be the gloomy weather. Been feeling unwell since Sunday night. Though, no biggie. I don't get sick. I'm blessed that way. I always thank God for that.
  • Thank God for technology. Around 1pm-ish last Monday, SisterM texted me via YM. [If I'm away from the computer I'm on SMS mode on my YM] Now, I enjoy it even more coz I can chat with my sister via that way. It's cheaper that way. I SMS chat that way with NG too. After lunch 'til about 4pm. Sometimes, the messages get delayed but we're used to it by now. It's better than no chat at all no?
  • Chatting with NG right now. Quickie chats in the morning. As his work day ends and mine starts. We owe it to technology no? Reading his emails as we chat. Crazee eh? That would be us. Hee. I am not doing anything really...cept following my heart to my one and only true love..I feel I owe you for being that one :) [Hmmmm...mush mode now...] Ok, must go and make some cash. My Wednesday is brighter. I wonder why? Yep.
  • Leaving you with the daily prayer for today:
    Thank You that Your Son will return from heaven with a shout of triumph, that the dead in Christ will be raised imperishable, and in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be utterly changed. Thank You that "whatever we may have to go through now is less than nothing compared with the magnificent future" You have planned for us.
  • Thanks for visiting again. Keep the faith. God Bless us always.
  • Thursday, June 02, 2005

    Killing some time...
    You Were Actually Born Under:
    You Should Have Been Born Under:

    You are totally loyal, faithful, and honest.
    However, you don't trust others to be as ethical as you are!
    Straight forward and direct, you really aren't one for small talk.
    You are a great listener - and an agreeable companion when you're in a good mood!

    You are most compatible with a Tiger or Horse.
  • Ohkay, for some reason, the image for the Dragon is broken...can't do anything much about that. I was born under the sign of Dragon. 1976 baby.
  • Yahoo Horoscope for Aquarius today:
    As someone in Wonderland said to Alice, it's best to try to believe at least three impossible things before breakfast. The funny thing is once you let yourself believe them, they don't seem all that impossible to begin with. The first step is to let yourself believe that such benevolence is in store for you. So go ahead -- what are three wonderful, lovely and no-way-that-could-happen-to-me things that you want in your life?
  • Ok, killing time is up for now...I miss SisterM...haaaay...SisterJ might leave in two weeks...another sigh...more on that in the coming posts. For sure.
  • Leaving you with the daily prayer for today: Thank You Father, that the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated how I am to live and serve. May You strengthen my heart in every good work and every good word, so that more and more I may honor You by the way I live. [Hebrews 4:12; Philippians 1:20]
  • Have a fine weekend. Keep the faith. Thanks again for visiting. God Bless us always.
  • Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    Guess who's coming back? ...

  • Phoebe, I mean, Lisa Kudrow will be back on TV this month. Wheee. Hope HBO Asia will get this show. For more info on Lisa's new show click on to The Comeback. I'm excited.
  • SisterM is Dubai bound as of 8pm last night. Haaaay. She even called while boarding. I was asleep at that time but managed to answer my phone. She said to not forget her. Like that's possible no? Man, I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about her. Oh well. She also texted while she was inside the plane. She even mentioned she was on 16D. Anyhoo, her contract is for 2 years. She can come home after a year. I'm definitely gonna miss her. We used to do a lot of things together. We have more common interests than I have with SisterJ [which incidentally, will be leaving for Dubai within this month too...that's two sisters leaving in a month no? Well, at least, they are bound to the same place. That's a comfort to know.] but I love them both just the same. Yeah. It's not like we're not gonna see each other again right? Too bad they won't be here to meet NG in September. NG is bummed about that too. Oh well. Such is life.
  • It's an early Thursday here. Thanks for visiting again. Keep the faith. God Bless us always.