Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Year-End Survey...

1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
Wore a bathing suit...heee...I was scared a fwend might disown me if I didn't.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I didn't have resolutions, only a to-do-list, when I don't get to accomplish it for that year, I just try to do it the coming far, I still need to : learn how to sign-language, learn how to drive, SAVE MONEY [for the nth time...], read HP5 & 6 and more of the Bible...other than that, I've done most of what's on my to-do-list for 2006...

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
None that I can think of. Though, a HS friend got pregnant.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What country/countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
More Faith and Money. [in that order]

7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
February 12. Met NG. Enough said.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Being a part of a long-distance relationship.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Disliking my job or more like disliking working alongside some inconsiderate people. Is that a failure? More like a disappointment me thinks.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
No, thank you God.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Hmm...a ring for Christmas and a pair of heart-shaped earrings. [My yin-yang pair can use a break from time to time...hee]

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Hmm..maybe, me? For keeping my faith above my worrying.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Nadine when she [literally] ran away from home and stayed with us, more on depressed that was. As for appalled, certain greedy relatives in the province. Karma baby, karma.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Bench. Hee.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Meeting NG.

16. What song will always remind you of 2006?
Baby I love your way...[MiG Ayesa version]

17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Kept my faith in everything I do.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Be negative and worry a lot about things that are beyond my control.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
With my family, as was goody. My brother and his family spent the Christmas Eve with us for the first time.

22. Did you fall in love in 2006?
More. Yes.

23. How many one-night stands?
Ayayay. I lost count...heee. AS IF!!!

24. What was your favorite TV program?

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don't usually hate people but I still hate [such a strong word but I do] my greedy relatives in the province...

26. What was the best book you read?
I didn't get to read any except for the Daily Bread and some verses from the Bible.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
John Mayer's Continuum. [must get his cd sometime soon...]

28. What did you want and get?
Material wise: Nike shoes.
Personal wise: I'm not going there...heee.

29. What did you want and not get?
I said, I'm not going there...

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
I enjoyed A Lot Like Love, Dodgeball, If Only, Little Manhattan, My Date with Drew, Red Eye, Spanglish... [though not all movies came out in 2006...I only got to watch them that year...]

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I Turned 30. With NG. Pasta and pizza dinner.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Hmm...let's not go there, kids read this blog. Hee.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
Eh? I don't know. I like comfortability. No concept whatsoever.

34. What kept you sane?
Praying about things that makes me insane.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
MiG Ayesa.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Stoofid Garci issue. As if not most politicians cheat during elections no? Politics in the Philippines is really something.

37. Who did you miss?
My sisters.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006?
Long-distance relationship is NOT easy but it can work if both parties really want to make it work.

40. What was the best thing to happen to the web this year?
I didn't pay much attention, was busy mailing and chatting with someone.

41. Who did you steal this from?
Pia from LJ.

42. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year?
"Don't worry about tomorrow
He's got it under control
Just trust in the Lord with all of your heart
And He will carry you through..."
[from Trust by Sixpence None the Richer]

  • There ya go. May you have a wonderful and healthy 2007. Keep the faith in 2007. YEAH. God Bless.
  • Friday, December 29, 2006

    Christmas 2006 in Pictures...

    We never had our own Christmas tree, we always put our gifts at Tita Loida's tree. All good though.

    We had Caldereta, Fish Relyeno [yummm], Dinuguan [the puto didn't came...the person forgot Nanay ordered from him...heee], Chicken BBQ [for some reason, I didn't get to sample this...NG said, I must have been ill that time for not having chicken...heee...], Bake Mac [yummm] and Steamed veggies with a carbonara-like white sauce [yum yum yum]...for dessert, Buko Pandan, Leche Flan, Kalamay and Macaroni Salad.

    Dylan and Nadine killing time riding the e-scooter before midnight strikes.

    Dylan with a cowboy hat and Nadine with her reindeer horn headband...

    And the moment these two kiddies were waiting for finally came...heee...

    I didn't wrap my gifts this Nanay did...thank you very was really nice witnessing kids open their presents, I was even unsure they'd like what I got for them...

    Dylan seemed to like his Wolverine toy...yay...

    Same with Nadine...double yay...

    Kids are easy to please when it comes to gifts me long as they have something, they are uber happy, doesn't matter what it is. It's the excitement that really warms the heart.

    Me, Nanay, Dylan, Lyndon and Ivy...Tatay had to go home after dinner coz he was sleepy tired, he had some beer at our neighbor's prior to dinner. Hee.

    My brother and his family...this is the first Christmas eve [they usually visit on Christmas day] they've spent with us me thinks. If only my sisters were here too. Oh well. Maybe, next Christmas.

    Nadine and Halle [yes, as in Halle Berry..heee]...

    Christmas day around lunchtime my cousins and their kiddies came...that's cutie Jenea with the gorilla hands. She's cuter in person. Hee. I'm biased though.

    Nadine and the gorilla hands...

    Even I had my pic taken with them gorilla hands...couldn't resist...heee...

    Tin....growling at you...heee...those gorilla hands make a sound when they hit cool...

    Nadine and Jenea sparring [spell check please?] with their gorilla hands...I have a 20 second video of that...heee...will try and upload it on youtube soon.

    Me and Jenea, I almost lost my balance and fell coz Jenea got quite heavy...heee...

    Yeah...we fight with our hands...such cuties....

    Jelo, he owns one pair of them gorilla hands...

    Jos, owns the other pair...they should get the same gifts coz Jelo gets jealous if he gets a different one me thinks...heee...they are cousins...I gave them matching Justice League swords and been giving them same gifts for years. Hee.

    AJ posing for the camera with the gorilla hands...

    Evan, joined in the fun too...

    Luan who just woke up around that time...don't mess with her and her gorilla hands...heee...

    Tin and siopao-faced Jenea...cutie...

    How can you not like Jenea with that smile? Heee. Parang nanloloko...

    A group pic...I should have been in there but someone has to take the picture no? That someone turned out to be me. Hee.

    Saturday, December 23, 2006

    Dear Santa...

    Nadine asked me to email this to Santa...heee...I told her if she doesn't get her wish from Santa, I'll give it to her on her birthday. Hee. I just can't afford to get her that doll at this time. But surely can get it for her birthday in April.

    This is a free image from Windows XP that I lovelikey. I call it the lost island. Hee.

    This is an image taken by Laney. Gotta love Laney's pic. WOWness my goodness.


    It's not 10 shots per set this time...heee...

    Neo could have been drinking vinegar here...heeee...

    Mrs. G. surely LOVES Raymond...a birthday gifty from Neo...

    Bob saying HI!!!...

    A shot with the gurls and Mrs. Gs boys, they are sooooo used to having their pix taken by now...hehe...Laney, that pink bag on the lower left side, near Nurse A., is her coach bag..the other one is white...will make sure to take pix for you next time. We forgot, sowee. I will smell the bag for you too. Hee.

    There was one bottle of perfume left from Nurse A's stash, we had to raffle it off, Mrs. G. was the weeeeener...

    Can you say, loooooser??? Hee...

    Nice bags eh? The bags are too big for me but they are surely nice. I love the color. Silver and Gold.

  • After the king crab belated birthday dinner of Mrs. G. last Friday the 15th, came the VS/Tequila session, it was a fun time, as always. Some probs were shared throughout the night but it all turned out okay me feels. It was nice to be in the company of friends. Just to know that there will be people praying for you. I certainly feel blessed that I have people that prays for me.
  • With faith and all, I'm sure, what we're all going through right now, shall come to pass. It always does me feels. God will not give us something that we can't handle right?
  • As of last Friday the 22nd, NG has sent me 10011 mails [and I replied to most, if not all of them...that's 20 thousand mails between us...] Started December 17, 2004. Hee. We love mails what can I say? At the beginning, I thought, the mails will ease up a bit, well, they did, we used to have 25 mails a day, now, it's down to 19 a day, depends really. Hee. And I was thinking of having those mails printed. Damn. I don't think I can do that now. Since, it's more than I thought it would be ever be. Hee. Who would have thought NG would turn out to love mailing too?
  • Anyhoo, must go's almost CHRISTmas...yay...all good...let's not forget the main reason for the season, I know, I tend to forget it at times...Keep the faith. God Bless.
  • Tuesday, December 19, 2006

    Blog Updated...

    Absolut Bling Bling...ain't it pretty???

    Rix looking at me, he wasn't feeling chummy that night...

    Though, Bob was his useful playful self, here with Nadine...

    Nadine and I were killing time here...

    killed more time...heee...

    and more....

    At the dinner table...Php400 worth...heee...Nadine loved the buko pandan...

    The gurls and I with Erik Santos...we are not fans of the guy but why not have a pic with him no? Hee...

  • This is a quick post...have a fine day...busy work week before Christmas...all good...better than nothing no? Have a fine day. Keep the faith. God Bless.
  • Wednesday, December 13, 2006


    This is how the original layout/template looks like from the choices available at Blogger. I chose this one because it seems easier to edit to my preference.

    This is how it looks after I've done some font color changing and what not...I successfully added my clock thingy with a few clicks. I advice to save your layout in a word pad or the like, so, you can just copy and paste the links and what not that you want.

    Here are my links list...yeeha...still from Blog Rolling, Blogger's got an option in adding links, since I have quite a lot of links, I didn't have the energy to add in one link at a time. It's all good.

    I have tried and failed before in figuring out how to make my archives to recent to not-so-recent hierarchy, I didn't have to do any figuring out in the beta blogger, I just click on the options on how I like my archives to appear and voila...heee. I'm happy with that. It's nice that way me thinks.

    Here are my fanlists too...more to come when I have the time...the only thing that I need to put back on my latest layout is my flickr badge. In time. I will try my bestest to bring it back. Hee.

  • Today marks the second anniversary of NG and me. I still can't believe that it's been that long. I've known NG since early 2000 from the Jamie Walters yahoogroup that we both belong to. We said his and hellos throughout the years but we never talked outside the group. Fast forward to October 2004 when he started using YMessenger. We talked twice that October, the second one was the last one that made me not talk to him again. Let's just say, he left me on chat without so much of a nothing. I thought that was rude. Hee. Though, nowadays, we get to laugh about that incident and knowing other things concerning how that all happened. Then that December 13th 2004, someone from my list sent me a link about friendship and Winnie the Pooh...I sent that to all the people in my list and out of nowhere, NG said thanks to me for sending that link to him. I hesitated to talk to him since I still thought that he was rude. Hee. But we did talk for an hour me thinks. Then he said he's going to nap and said his byes...

    NG (2:07:18 AM): Thank you so much for talking .....
    Me (2:07:36 AM): ditto.
    Me (2:07:40 AM): i had fun talking to you.
    NG (2:09:03 AM): sweet dreams.......night

    An hour later, he sent me another message, saying his byes again...
    NG (3:04:26 AM): Umm... night again......
    Me (3:04:31 AM): ok
    Me (3:04:36 AM): hehe
    NG (3:05:09 AM): ok, so yu think i am

    The chat went on for another half and hour or so...would have been longer but I had to go get a few zzzz before an early day at work. Hee. Anyways, I still don't know how it all happened but it did. So there. It wasn't planned. NG says it's because of Pooh. 2 years. Almost 20000 [by the end of this year] e-mails between us. Crazy but true. Though, it's down to 18 a day nowadays. Used to be 20++ mails a day. Everyday SMS chats. Weekend webcam chats. Weekend phone calls. [just to say good nites and all that pleasantries...] Met in February this year, for two weeks. Not enough, but that's all that we were allowed to have at that time. He said, 2007 could be our year. Who knows really. Though, I do know he'd be here around February of 2007 and that is not far from today. SIGH.
  • Funny 2 years ago today, I posted about me grabbing the spoon, I'm still holding on to that spoon until today and trying to grab some more along the way. Gotta keep the faith. YES. In a way my anniversary with NG is my anniversary of me being brave enough and FINALLY reaching my hand out and grabbing that spoon. Such a huge weight has been lifted off of me when I grabbed on to that spoon. THANKS to Mrs. G for that chat 2 years ago. NG was a bonus of my grabbing that spoon. SIGH.
  • Anyhoo, must go to bed now...really tired...this week is one of the busiest we've to be the only employee when it's as busy as this. I really pray that Uncle Boss gets another person to work with us. So, I can take days off just like that since someone else can takeover for me. That's my wish for next year. Uncle Boss doesn't need to work as much as he's working. He should just be at the office manning the phone and just relaxing me feels.
  • Continued prayers for the victims of the recent typhoons that hit our country. Sigh. I pray their faiths are stronger than ever. Mine gets stronger every day. God Bless.