Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Monday, October 18, 2004

1 part Happy, 1 part Sad...

  • My Nanay texted earlier today asking money to send to the province. Darn. This is what I don't like about my dear mother. She KNOWs our financial situation here and still she keeps on sending this guilt-trip text messages. I understand the current situation there but we also have a situation here. It just put me in a bad mood that after all this time, she thinks that we can get money JUST LIKE THAT. Aaarrrgggghhh. I promised myself I will not borrow money unless it's a life and death situation. And this is not one of them situation. Sheeesh. My Nanay always know how to put me in a bad mood just thru her text message. It's like if we don't come up with the money, it'll be like abandoning her. Where did that even come from? My God. I'm not very verbal. I'll just keep quiet BUT it's just sad that the person who can hurt you the most is ALWAYS someone you love. Sucks doesn't it? Man. Those Greedy relatives should all burn in hell. God help me not to HATE them because I can't help myself. All we need is love. Right, but with people like my greedy relatives? No thank you. Makes you wish we're not related at all. God please let me see the brighter side of this situation, I know you love them too inspite of their actions.

  • Ok, the happy part of this post? Well, I've been reading about DHTML [the combination of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS] and tried a few FREE codes I got from Dynamic Drive and I've been enjoying myself experimenting with the codes. Yay. This is the distraction that I so badly need right now. I'm still figuring out how to go about the codes. The way I want them to appear and stuff. I hope I get there sooner. Give me time and my Jomari Yllana site will have a face lift. Hah. I say that with confidence. SisterM will be my help with Photoshop or I could just ask her to make me some Jomari graphics. I'm not really artistic like that. I only see black and white. Anyhoo, that would be all for now. I'm gonna get some zzzzz. Need to get up at 5am-ish to do laundry. That is, if I wake up in time. My alarm clock is not that helpful sometimes. Hope you're having a better time than me. God Bless us all. [yes, including my Greedy relatives]

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