Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Friday, August 31, 2007

[BER] months starts...

  • It's official, today marks the beginning of the BER months. If you are from the Philippines, you'd know that this signals that Christmas is fast approaching. Most likely, when you visit the mall today, you'd hear Christmas songs playing in the background. Maybe even Christmas decors will already be available. SIGH.
  • Where did the time go? I can't believe 2007 will be over before we know it.
  • Here's a random meme, I got from here. I'm bored like that. Hee. I don't know what else to write really. Maybe, after I've answered this questions some thoughts will come into mind.
    20 Questions
    1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you?
    it's all about the words baby...

    2. What's your favorite kind of cake?

    3. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them gifts?
    Depends. I've made Christmas cards a few years. For birthdays, I buy for them when my budget permits it.

    4. What's your favorite holiday - i.e. Christmas?
    Christmas. Everyone seems nice even to each other. Good vibes are good even if it only comes once a year.

    5. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where?

    6. What was the best party you've ever been to?

    7. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?
    Simple one for sure. Friends and family.

    8. What's the most romantic thing that's ever happened to you?
    Been asked to marry someone? Is that romantic?

    9. What's your favorite romantic song?
    Baby I Love Your Way [Big Mountain version]

    10. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?
    Jomari. [hands and feet down...hee...]

    11. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful?
    Kate Beckinsale

    12. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?
    Jude Law

    13. If you could be a fictional character from a book who would you choose?
    Harry Potter? Hee.

    14. If you could be in a television sitcom, which would you choose?

    15. Which character would you like to be?

    16. What's your favorite girl's name?

    17. What's your favorite boy's name?

    18. What's your supermarket of choice?
    SM Supermarket.

    19. What is your best character trait?
    You have to ask my friends. I've been told I'm nice. What is nice really? Hee. I just try to do good and be good to people as often as possible. It's not easy with some people but I still try.

    20. What is your worst habit?
    WORRYING. Imagining death. Ayayay.

  • Random pic: My sisters with Gunther @ Central Perk, Dubai back in 2006. According from Wikipedia:
    Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one "step" away from each person he or she knows and two "steps" away from each person who is known by one of the people he or she knows, then everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth. Several studies, such as Milgram's small world experiment, have been conducted to empirically measure this connectedness. While the exact number of links between people differs depending on the population measured, it is generally found to be relatively small. Hence, six degrees of separation is somewhat synonymous with the idea of the "small world" phenomenon.
    Small world indeed, all I know is, if that theory is true, I'm less than 6 "steps" away from the FRIENDS gang. Hee.

  • Technology doesn't scare me but this image does. That could happen in the future though.

  • Rafael Nadal

    James Blake
  • US Open, the last tennis grandslam of the year started last Monday the 27th and I only realized it when I saw in on Yahoo news a few days ago. DOINK. Go Blake! Go Nadal! If it were to me, will let all the guys wear those muscle shirts. Hee.
  • I got this text message from my HS friend, I thought I'd share it with you:
    There are 3 days in which we must not worry:
    YESTERDAY, because we can't change it. TOMORROW, because we can't control it. And TODAY, because its in GOD's hands.
  • We may have a fine September.
  • Anyhoo, must get going for now...let's keep the faith...need it daily...God Bless.
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