Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Happy Images... virtual guy...I know he's known for his womanizing ways ... but I still like him ... heee ... can you blame me?

My nephew Dylan...sucha rowdy 4-year old...

SisterJ and Nadoinks...

His CD was playing non-stop while I was napping yesterday afternoon ... hmmm ... I love his music...

Men on the wall..this one is on SisterM's side of the wall...she used to be on the top bunk of our double-decker bed...these men always stare at her...heee...I bet she misses them. I miss her lots too.

FRIENDS on the wall...also, there's Alanis, Alicia Keys, Stephen Speaks, Collective Soul and of course, Jom...

  • Ever had a dream that when you wake up and remember just start crying? That's what happened to me yesterday. I prayed while I was crying. Even had to ask God...why the dream happened? Why that guy had to be in that dream? Sigh. The worst dream so far for me...more like a nightmare.
  • 4105 emails from NG as of last night. We're not slowing down as of yet. It works for us so far. We get our off moments on chat but it's been great in general. Sometimes, you just can't be THAT talkie but you don't wanna be NOT online either. Crazeeee. Happy sigh.
  • Anyhoo, that will be it for now, short and sweet. Have a fine week. Thanks for dropping by again. God Bless us and our country ALWAYS. Let's all move to Yemen. [heee]
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