Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

First Quarter...

  • It's the last day of March. Whew. Where did the first quarter of 2005 go? How was your first quarter? Mine was pretty good. Spent lotsa time online than my usual.
  • It was interesting. On how many feelings a person can feel in a span of a few months. All good though.
  • Made me realize quite a lot of things...
      That I could be happy if I allow myself to be happy...the only person who can truly make you happy is yourself --- Jessica Zafra. Quite true in a way.
      That we can't choose the person we love. I love Jomari but I never chose to love him. Too bad he doesn't love me back. Hah!
      That we have to grab that spoon eventually... never been the seize-the-moment kind of gurl but I'm really glad I grabbed that spoon a few times. More spoons to come. I'm ready. I think.
      That it feels good to be told that you have changed someone in a way that you never expected you would change a person. Imagine that. I changed someone or so he claims? Hmmmm.
      That you do get sad when you can't take away your friend's problems. Yes, it's heart-breaking to hear/see our friends go through hard times. We can only do so much.
      That praying for someone does work. Yes, God hears and answers our prayers. Prayers check for everyall.
      That above all else, we have to believe. Have faith. And let God do his wonders. AMEN to all that and more.
  • On a happy note, Constantine oh so rocked last night on Idol, singing that slow song. I have to get back with you on the title. KILIG moment.
  • Here's hoping that we'd have a better second quarter. I better go. It's 6am and I have to get ready for work. Have a good one. God Bless us always.
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