Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Pictures and what not...

Gotta love those lines on Ewan's forehead. I miss seeing this guy in movies. I still have to watch The Island. I read somewhere he's doing a movie with Hugh Jackman. Double Hummina Hummina. That's 4 humminas.

My FRIENDS calendar thru the years, I think, I started buying the calendar in 2002 or 2003, the calendars were locally available at Odyssey at that time. It became my Christmas gift to myself each year.

Bought this thru my friend Dino's friend in London. Yee.

Nurse A gave us this calendar. Thank you, thank you very much.

NG gave me this one. Even if FRIENDS has ended since 2005, the calendar is still one of the best sellers at

My first Havaianas. Ain't it cute? Mrs. G gave it to me. For some reason, I can't make myself buy those one of those flipflops. Hee. I'd rather spend on shoes than on slippers. That's just me.

Saw this on JZ's blog. This will be my first purchase for the year. I think, I still haven't finished Twisted Travels. Now, where did I put that book? Must find. Hee.

  • It's a Wednesday night. Two more work days and it's another weekend. Can't wait. I just want to get more rest. Been feeling uber lazy when 2008 started. How about you?
  • The start of the work week for me wasn't so good. GRRRRR to a few people at the Bureau for giving us a hard time. Sad fact about how things are in the Bureau, when you do your work straight and you pay everything right, you still have to show some proof why you're paying that amount, EVEN IF it's already HIGH. They want to get more from you. BUT when your work is not straight, less than an hour, you will be finished, THOUGH, you'd really shell out money. SAD BUT TRUE. Whenever I encounter those kinds of people at the Bureau, that's the time that I dislike the goverment offices. Corruption abounds. Red tape. Welcome to the Philippines.
  • Anyhoo, I'm just pissed at a few people at the work place. I'm praying next week will be a better work week for us. The more I am looking forward to March, so, I can have my two weeks off once again.
  • Here's hoping your work week is better than mine. God Bless.
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