Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Friday, May 19, 2006

I Am A Blogger...
  • Laney introduced me to blogging around 2002, I started my own in May 17 of that same year. It's been 4 years since that day. A lot has happened since that time. Both good and bad. The goodest [hee] is, I have to say, is me learning about God's words. I have a long ways to go. I take it one day at a time. I don't know if I will ever get to read the entire bible since I'm quite a slow reader and I tend to get stuck in a phrase or words whenever I am reading. The thing is, no one is forcing me to read the bible, I don't feel pressured, I am doing it on my own pace. That's the best way to go about it me feels. I pray each time I start reading a passage, that I get to understand it. I have a lot of questions regarding a lot of things. I hope and pray, in time, I get the enlightenment that I need with it comes to that. I'd appreciate if you could include me in your daily prayers.
  • Also, I turned 30 last February, I was thinking of making a post all about it but I never got to do it. Heee. I didn't get 30 cards but I got more than 30 greetings. I should have asked for 30 gifts no? Heee. Nah, the cards were more than enough for me. I love having to read something whenever I feel a bit down, it cheers me up knowing that people took time to write the messages on the cards. If you want to make me happy in an instant, give me a card. Maybe, for my 31st...I'd make it mandatory to all my friends and family no? Hee. I'm pretty sure I'd get more than 31. Sheesh, I still sometimes can't believe that I'm 30. Turning 30, suddenly made me realize a lot of things. I want to change my line of work. I want to do something new. I want to do something good that some people would benifit from. I've always been the girl who played it safe. I liked it that way. I never hurt anyone in the process. It's okay if I get hurt as long as I didn't hurt nobody. Never complain, never explain!, I lived with that phrase for a long time. I just don't like explaining myself. So, better to just shut up and move on, I thought. It's safer that way. There are times, I wondered, what if I handled some things in my life differently. Where in, I only thought of myself and no one else. They will only be what-ifs now. I can't go back and redo them. What's important now is, to not have a lot of those what-ifs...I'm old enough now, to take charge and stand for myself, no one else would do it for me but myself.
  • Been thinking of going somewhere for work, for experience and all that. Though, since NG and I have plans to be together...I'm not so sure I can do that right now. It's like, why didn't I decide on going to another country before I met him? Makes it more harder to decide when you have to think of someone no? I'm not complaining though, I mean, I like having NG in my life. It's a good feeling having to think of someone. I do believe that if two people will be together, time and distance will not break them apart unless they both give up on it. Or I could be wrong on that too. Heee. I'm no expert when it comes to relationships. I take it one day at a time. It's hard enough that we're far from eachother so...just have to take it one day at a time.

  • Enough about me, don't wanna bore you further...heee, I started watching Grey's Anatomy last night. Watched the first two episodes from my first season dibidi. The audio and the character's mouths are not insynh. There's a second or two delay. It's bearable, can't complain much since it's a bootleg copy I have. Heee. I watch with the subtitles anyway. I LOVE watching with subs. I just do. I like the show so far. Patrick Dempsey is really aging well. He turned 40 last January according to his IMDB profile. I remember him from Happy Together & Can't Buy Me Love from the 80s, he wasn't as good looking as he is now. Hee. YES, I watch TV for the hummina hummina guys. I don't care for the plot just show me some hot men. Hee.

  • Speaking of hummina hummina men, Tom Cavanagh most popularly known as bowling alley lawyer Ed Stevens of Stuckeyville [that's where I got my blog name and I want to be a stuckeyvillian...hee, taking my TV too serious...] is back on TV with the show Love Monkey, I hope the show stays on the air for a while and reach our local TV stations. I still am waiting for ED to be released on DVD. Someday, somehow.

  • SisterM will be coming home next month...yay. She called me early Monday at 3am-ish, waking me up in the process, to tell me that she'd be going home next month instead of in August. She wanted to keep it a secret from my parents and other relatives aside from me and my cousins. But one cousin didn't realized she wanted it a secret and told her Mom and Nadoinks, who then told my parents. Heee. Either way, she will be here next month. Yay.

  • I've downloaded [took an hour or so] a new game called Mystery Case Files : Huntsville, the object of the game is to find enough clues in the crime scene which then will lead you to solve a puzzle, in a given time. I like it. There's a sequel, MSF : Prime Suspects, I'm thinking of downloading it but I couldn't find the codes to play it unlimited so, will just wait for now and enjoy Huntsville. Hee.
  • My cousin Frank is recovering good from his heart bypass last Tuesday. He's now in a regular room. Thank you for your prayers. Appreciated.
  • Elliot Yamin didn't make it to the American Idol Finals. Sigh. I cried watching the results show last Thursday night. I'm such a cry-baby, I know.
  • Okay, me thinks will go for now and play Huntsville until my eyes can't take it anymore. It's another weekend. Another month is about to be over in a few weeks. Time is one amazing thing yes? Indeed. Have a fine weekend. Keep the faith. Thanks again for visiting. God Bless.
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