Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Almost But Not Quite...
  • I was writing a post last night when my computer stopped functioning. Crap. Then, I had to reboot. Arrrrgggh. Don't you just hate it when that happens? I just lost my train of thought and decided not to post last night. I just played Chainz 'til my eyes can't take it anymore. I'm stuck on Level 6. Grrrrr. I will move up to Level 7 in time. I'm in no hurry.
  • The first month of 2006 is about to be part of the past, how has it been for you? It's been quite a busy month workwise. Some relatives from the USA visited, that was fun, spending time with family and all. Too bad my sisters weren't here for that. Oh well.
  • NG turned 34 last Wednesday, he said, he's old. Reminded me of Joey Tribianni saying: "why God, why..." Heee. I will turn 30 next month. Hmmm. I wanted to be alone [alone] on my day but NG will be here around that time so, I'm thinking, it would be rude to be alone on my day when he's here no? Heee. I don't know, I've been celebrating my day alone for years now, it has a sense of peace that comes with it.
  • Don't get me wrong, I like it when my friends and family remembers my day but to have a party is not really my thing. The last time I had a party was when I turned 18. Didn't really want it but my parents were outside the country at that time, so, I just gave in to their request. They did pay for my birthday expenses, so, it was all good. Nowadays, IF I decide to have a party, it will be from my own money [which I don't have much] so, I always choose to not have a par-tay. Though, a dinner or something with some close friends and family is a must.
  • Okay, so, I'm turning 30 next month...I'm gonna be shameless in asking my friends and relatives to give me a card for my 30th. Heee. Yep, I'm on a mission, to get at least 30 cards for my 30th. It's a lot but I know more than 30 people in my life, so, it's not impossible. Heee. If you want to be part of my 30th, just let me know okay? Heee. Damn. S-H-A-M-E-L-E-S-S me. I KNOW. Thanks in advance. I will always be grateful.
  • A few weeks ago, the 20th season of Oprah started on Studio23. 20 years. WOW. Ain't that something? Indeed. Her guest for that show was Jenn Aniston, who was looking mighty fine. I miss seeing her on TV. I miss FRIENDS. If Oprah Winfrey run for president, you think she'd win? Hmmmm.
  • More on the Oprah show, last Friday night, it was all about Body Dismorphic Disorder [BDD for short], it was an eye-opener of a show. I never thought such disorder existed. While watching the show, I felt grateful and relieved that I'm not suffering from BDD. Yes, we feel ugly most often than not BUT people with BDD feel it 24/7, they can't even stand seeing themselves in the mirror. One person with BDD said: "To hate yourself, to hate who you are—it's difficult beyond anything I can explain, many days I would cry myself to sleep because all I wanted was to not wake up in the morning." Dr. Katharine Phillips, the world's leading expert on body dysmorphic disorder further said that:
      "BDD is a serious psychiatric illness"
      "It's not vanity. And it can be absolutely tormenting."
      "People with BDD see themselves differently from the way everyone else sees them."
      "Surgery cannot cure BDD."
      "Most people with BDD don't want to be unusually beautiful. Most people just want to look normal, and acceptable"
      "They want to blend in and not feel deviant in some way. It's so difficult for people to understand this illness. Family members try to talk to the person out of their concern…'You're beautiful.' But that doesn't work. You need the right psychiatric treatment to get better. This can be a devastating illness, but the good news is that most people get better with the right treatment."
    I pray that people with BDD get all the help that they can get. Sigh. That's another reason to be thankful for yes?
  • One post from this week's Post weekly must-see blog.
  • That baby is one naughty baby...hee...cute pic yes?
  • Okay, it's way past my bedtime [what bedtime? heee...], so, I better get out of here and try and get a few zzzz before another work week starts. Hope you all have a fine week ahead. Thanks for visiting. Always appreciated. Keep the faith. God Bless.
  • 1 comment:

    manonica said...

    Jen has become a tad TOO skinny methinks. Oprah, on the other hand, looks fab, yes?

    Prayers for the BDD patients out there. You're right, being free of it is another thing to be thankful to Him for.