Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Having Friends in my 30s...

  • We have cable today, for some reason, I chanced upon Oprah, the episode was about women in different backgrounds in their 30s. It was refreshing to see how their lives are. I mean, I'm in my early 30s. To see how different yet the same [in some aspects our lives are]. We value our faith, family and friends. At the end of the show, Oprah asked the audience, what they know now in their 30s that they didn't know in their 20s. One woman answered: that life happens, that you have to make it happen for yourself. You don't have to wait on people to change for what you would like but rather go with the flow and move forward. Another woman said that, now that she's in her 30s, she now know that friends can/does make a difference in one's life.
  • I agree with what that woman said, it was like, EXACTLY. A friend and I were just chatting about friendships the last time I was online. I told her that at this point in my life, I'm content with the friends I have in my life. I know, I'd still meet more people from here on but I'm not worried about making any more real true friends because I feel that I have them now.
  • I have re-acquainted with some of my friends from Grade school and it's a good feeling to remember things back when our ages were still a single digit. Hee. We have our own yahoogroup and a Friendster account [21 members since September 2007 is not bad no?]. Just touching base is all.
  • There's my HS friends whom I've known since I was 12-13 years old. I try to look back sometimes and remember how the friendship started. My HS years was a good one because of the friends I have. We've done a lot of things together. [mostly legal...heee] I know, I may not always agree with all of them but the bottom line is, I KNOW, in times of good and bad, I can count on them and they can on me. [if any of my HS friends reading this one], a few of them even made me God mother to their kids, so, that's a lifetime bond if you ask me. I only have 3 God children and I'm happy to say I've accepted it from one friend to another.
  • And of course, there are the people I met via K-lite, whom I met around the late 90s. Unexpected friends they are. I never thought I'd be friends with them since we all are of different circles before. But one thing linked us together and I'll always be grateful for that. I know now, I want these people in my life for as long as I can have in this lifetime. I've been through quite a lot with them. I know, I want these people to be around me until I am here.
  • And I've had my share of losing a few people that I thought or wanted to be my friends. To different reasons. Very shallow when I look back on them. One told my crush that he's my crush and I never talked to her again. CHILDISH yes? I was that way when I was 12. I guess, it's the trust, I told her in confidence and she betrayed that trust. Oh well. Another, also told something about what I told her in confidence. I returned all her letters [which I regret doing now] and cards and never talked to her again. How childish that was. I would never do something that I know I don't want another person to do to me. Luke 6:31.
  • Right now, I have been thinking about a friend who could be a fair-weathered friend. I am praying, have been praying that friend is not what she seems to be. It's hurtful. It's very saddening. It's like you like to think you know someone but it turns out you don't. I honestly don't know what to do right now. I'm hurt more than anything. I've asked NG about it, and he said, take it as it comes, just decide when the moment comes. I guess, that's what I'm gonna be doing. Just decide in the moment. Because if I decide right now, I'm losing a friend. SIGH.
  • Anyhoo, been meaning to blog for weeks now, and now I've done it. Hee. It's the almost the mid of the month. How time flies no? Christmas time is around the corner. I don't think I can make my Christmas cards this year. Sigh. I should have planned on it, like I should have started when the BER months rolled in. Oh well. There's always the next year. I like making my cards even if I'm not that artistic. I like spending time in making a list of the people I'd give cards to. Must go back to bed for now. God Bless.
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