Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Too much you say? ...
  • Hmmmm...I'm still here. Always here. Happy most of the time. The sad moments doesn't stay with me for too long. I don't let it stay. God is good. I know that.

  • Been experiencing financial probs [as always] here at home BUT I know, in time, once my sisters are settled in Dubai, things will be ok.

  • Two weeks ago, my 37-year old cousin had a mild heart attack, he's ok now, just wished he'd quit smoking and stay away from those fatty food from now on. His own dad had a few attacks and two surgeries [I think...] and my dear Tatay [3 attacks, 1 surgery]; another Tito [2 attacks]; an older sister of my dear Tatay [1 surgery...and a few attacks...] and Tito Fred [one attack and it turned out to be fatal...] SIGH. Why can't they learn from that? I mean, if you love your family, wouldn't you wanna see them not worrying about your condition?

  • Oh well...I hope the men in my family quit smoking someday no? Been praying about that all the time. Before it's too late. I'm glad NG doesn't smoke.

  • A friend of mine confessed something to me the other night, she told me in confidence, so, I won't talk about it here. I just am happy that she trusted me enough and told me about it. Prayers for her though. She needs clarity on some things.

  • On a more lighter note, I am quoting my HS friend AJ from a post on her blurty, it just touched me. I just felt the love after reading her post. I am happy knowing that my friends are happy. Always makes me happy as well. Happy. Happy. Happy.
    Love doesn’t need an explanation, she says. It’s just there. It presents itself and it removes all fears of the unknown.
    She was my unknown happiness all these time. At a time when I’ve lost hope and faith at a chance to happiness she came and embraced all that I am, all that I’m not and all that I would be. I’m so glad and grateful that I went to the unknown territory called love to be able to feel this way.

  • I figured out how to view my archives but it requires a few clicks here and there...darn, will have to tweak it some more. My head is aching just thinking about it.

  • 5096 emails from NG since last night. There are 10000++ mails between us. Imagine that. Who would've thought? Certainly not the two of us. Taking it as it comes. No need to rush. We have time in our hands. That's four hands so, more time. Heee. Gotta have faith. Whatever will be, will be.

  • Have a fine Sunday ya'll. Thanks again for visiting. God Bless.
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