Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Heys...I'm on DSL connection since last week. I'm loving it. Can't complain. It's quicker to upload pix and watch vids. Whee. That's all I need. I'm good to go. I get to do more online nowadays since mailing NG doesn't take 2 hours anymore. Hee. Not that I complained before, just quicker now. All good. I just want to share that with you. Things that makes me happy are simple things. I don't aim for the moon. Never have.
NG had four days off [Friday to Monday] last week, we had extra chat times. All good. It is a blessing that he can't use YMessenger at work or else, I'd be up late each night chatting with him. Good blessing on that. That's why weekends are a big part for us, it's our chat time with no interruptions and all that. And speaking of weekends, it's almost here again. How time flies fast. Time is indeed, one amazing thingy.
This week at work is not that busy. I just did paperwork all day today and more paperwork tomorrow. Having my cousin Frank on board the work force [heee] is indeed goody. We get to do things more at the same time. All goody. I'm happy. I'm ready for a busy week tomorrow. Bring it on. Hee. Just kidding. Just trying to psych myself to not be affected with an added step in processing the papers at the Customs. SHAME on YOU for mandating that to each importer. That is so UNCOOL!!! That's why our country is going nowhere, with people who power trips all the time. Sad reality we live in. GRRRRR to them.
What else? Oh, I had dinner with the gurls last Saturday at Sbarro's. Yummy. Then we had coffee at Seattle's Best. All goody. It's always nice to get together with those gurls. LD [who's not a gurl] was there too, quiet on a corner, with his laptop. Hee.
Okay, I don't usually want things right away, but when I saw this phone, me wants it. Hee. It's a Nokia 6300. I saw it on a tv commercial first, then a few days ago, saw one gurl at the work place who has that phone. I even asked her if it was that phone model. Hee. It was really nice. Pretty. Slim and all. Kinda like my phone right now, which is a Nokia 6070 only slimmer. But knowing me, I won't get that 6300 just yet, even if I can afford it by Christmastime. It's not practical to get a new phone when my phone is still practically new. BUT if ever I'd get a new phone for Christmas or for my birthday, it's the 6300 that I'm gonna get.
Nokia 6300 [will be my phone someday...heee...]
Nokia 6070 [a Christmas gifty from NG...]
Okay, must get out of time...I'm liking ON THE LOT right now. I was watching the results show last night and I fell azzzzleeep. Darn it. I had to check online who were voted off. Nice show. Must figure out a way to vote online. I'm amazed on how they make movies. They are on time pressured and all that. Really creative people. I'm liking Zach, Adam, Andrew and Shira-Lee. Hoping for the best for them.
It'll be a brand new month tomorrow...June bay-bee...a rainy month here in the Philippines, start of the school year for the students out there, be ready for a heavy traffic on Monday. Hee. May we all have a fine June. God Bless you.
The wonder of it all --- just to think that God loves me. --- Shea [from the May 30th Daily Bread].
It's been a week since my last post. Time is amazing yes? It just comes and goes. When we're running late, we try to beat time. When we're early, we wait [since we don't have any other choice...] until it passes us by. I've been early almost all of my working days last week. I even had to go to work last Saturday morning, my father drove, we left around 7am, we were at the Customs area at 8am. My father drove fast alright. I just kept quiet. Hee. The person who was assigned at the office that I have to deal with didn't arrive until 9:15am. Hah. But at least, my job was done after that.
Last Thursday, work ended around 8pm-ish, got home around 9pm-ish, then I had to arrange some documents for the next day, so, I'd have them ready by then. I sent NG a quick mail when I got home around 10pm-ish, telling him I wouldn't be able to reply to his mails since I was really tired. If you know me, I don't like missing mails, it's the one thing that we've always done since the beginning, the mails, every day [except weekends, we do take breaks on the mails, you know...] Anyhoo, mails [I have 22 mails waiting for me] will be done later today when I get home from work, as far as I know, it'll be a light day, since it's a Monday, our client doesn't usually release checks during that day unless it's urgent.
Friday, I was early at work, was at the Customs area around 9am, I even had time to have breakfast. I was praying every moment I got that I will be able to finish it before lunchtime. So, I can release our client's loose cargo [it wasn't in a container van] after lunch, usually, we don't release loose cargoes during Friday since there are a lot of people rushing to release theirs. But with all the prayers and all, I was at our client's warehouse in Kaloocan around 3pm-ish, left there by 4pm and made my way to the mall and had my late lunch/early dinner at Sbarro's. My treat to myself for a job well done. Hee.
My weekend was pretty much the same, laundry was done a bit late though, since I napped after my chat with NG last Saturday, I woke up at 6pm and I thought of not doing the laundry but I know, I'll have to deal with it eventually. So, I haul myself out of bed and washed shirts and undies. I dealt with 4 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of shoes, and a bag Sunday after my chat with NG. All good. After laundry, I napped from 5pm-ish til about 9pm-ish. Took a shower then I started ironing clothes. That's my weekend. All good. Things were accomplished, even if I didn't feel like doing them. Hee.
And today, it's another Monday, a brand new week starts yet again. Life is one big routine no? We just have to find a bit of joy to it from time to time. And I realized, work and chores are part of our lives, but the people around us, they surely can do wonders to our mind and soul. A smile from Nadine. A text message from a friend. A wake up call from someone. When you need something to cheer you up, it does, most often than not, come your way. Hee. My life is good [inspite of money issues and what not, they are all gonna come and go, in time] and it can only get better. I KNOW it. I just have to keep reminding myself about it. Have a good week. God Bless.
I took a few shots in between my ironing, I was excited on this one pic where I was texting or pretending to be can't see my phone in this pic but I had that in my right hand and my camera on my left hand. Hee. I don't even know why I'm sharing this pic. I just looked happy excited on it.
It's Election Day today in the Philippines. It'll be my second time to vote. I actually don't have my 12 senators yet but I have a pretty good idea as to whom I'll vote for. I don't like politics. Politics is dirty most often than not. I pray about the people who are running for different positions, that they will indeed do something good for the people and not [first and foremost] to get the money back they used for their campaigning. But we all know most of them will get those back. I got a forwarded email with a breakdown on how much a senator gets in a month. Php35,000 is the salary based on the email but a senator gets a monthly FIXED budget of almost 2 Million Pesos. I think an elected senator's term is 3 years. Do the math as to how much they get for that period of time.
There's a going trend here in the Philippine politics, where tv/movie/sports personalities running for whatever position they decide on. Am I gonna vote for someone I see on tv/movies? Hmmm. I saw this one tv commercial of a senatoriable [is that a legit word?] where another famous actor whom he's had an issue with for a long time suddenly were shaking hands and what not and saying they patched things up for one common cause. That was like...OH YEAH!!! I wonder how much that other actor got for appearing in that commercial? As well as the other famous personalities who endorses other candidates. Ka-ching! Easy money no? I guess, the saying "it pays to be famous" works in times like this.
Politics is a popularity thingy here in the Philippines. I will not be surprised if the candidates who spent a lot on their tv/radio commercials and print ads will not win. Vote buying is another thing. Oh well. I'm just gonna pray for them. Since poverty is a big thing here, a lot of people will surely be tempted to sell their vote for 1000 pesos. That's money they can used to feed their family anyways. Oh well. Sad sad reality. I hope and pray that most of the people that I'm gonna vote for later today will do something good if ever they get elected.
I plan to vote early. There's one candidate running for councilor here in our area, he gave out ID type cards with the voters name and the precinct number where we have to go to. Clever no? Maybe, I'd vote for him, since he already did something useful for most people no? There's another councilor re-electionist who had street signs with his effing mug shot on every sign. WTF. Yes, it was his project but why must he have his face on it too? That was just odd to me is all. Oh well. He might win again. Who knows really. Jomari's ex-wife is a councilor re-electionist as well. She might win again too. She's famous after all. I am not aware of whatever she's done for our area though. I don't really follow this stuff.
One thing is for sure, if a candidate loses, he/she will say he/she got cheated on. If a candidate wins, most people think he/she won because he cheated.
Last Friday was a frustrating one for me at work. GRRRRRR to a few people at the Bureau of Customs. The nature of my job really gets to me at times. It's a lot to bear at times. It's like you're doing your best to finish your job as early as possible but there are times, some people just makes it impossible. GRRRRR indeed. I wanted to cry over it but why bother no? Hell is filled with people like them. It was a busy week, another busy week ahead of me this week though because of the election, I got an extra non-working day. Someone should move the voting day on a weekend. Some people are on a no work/no pay basis. If you love having legal Holidays and what not, you gotta love the Philippines for that. Hee.
On a lighter happier note, 29 months with NG since yesterday the 13th. Hah. When we talked over the phone, we were like, 29 months...I KNOW!!! Who would have thought no? SIGH. Not easy being in a long-distance relationship. We have good days. We have bad days. We just try to deal with it as best as we could. Faith.
Also, a belated Happy Mother's Day to you if you're a Mom.
Have a fine week ahead to you and to you too. Keep the faith. God Bless.
2am-ish to 10:30am-ish [Bed up from time to time to do #1...]
11:30am-ish - 2pm-ish [chat with NG]
3pm [Lunch]
4:30pm-ish to 6:30pm-ish [laundry, I decided to wash my undies along with my jeans and shirts, so, I'd have a laundry free Sunday for this week. Hee. I was in the mood for it, might as well no?]
7pm-10pm [nap time]
10pm-ish - 11pm-ish [Bible reading time]
12am-ish onwards [Played some Mission Tank on Nadine's Gameboy which she lent to me last Friday night then just stayed in bed...trying to sleep luck...]
3am-ish [went online, updated the daily breads and updating this blog...]
I should go back to bed...I think, I will...I'm quite tired...another weekend is almost over...a brand new work week is upon me...a busy week as far as I know...better than not busy. I'm grateful. I just whine about it from time to time. Human nature yes?
In Entertainment News, Paris Hilton is going to jail for 45 days...hmmmm...I guess, money can't buy your way out of trouble all the time no? America is really strict with their laws and what not no? Whether you're an ordinary or a famous person, doesn't matter, if you violate the law, you must pay for the consequence. Jail is one place I don't ever want to be in.
Here's something I got from Beliefnet about money and the bible. Worth sharing me thinks. The Bible and Money: 10 Tips from Scripture Finance guides come and go, but as Christians throughout the centuries have known, the Bible is a finance guide for all time. From stories about rich men and paupers to proverbs with sharp insights, God's word is filled with good advice on money.
The Bible cannot tell you how to diversify your portfolio, but it can tell you how to be the kind of person who saves enough money, spends wisely, plans ahead, gives generously, and learns to enjoy money.
(All verses in New International Version unless otherwise noted.)
Tip #1: Remember that God creates wealth "Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth." [Deuteronomy 8:18]
Tip #2: Feeling rich? Give thanks to God "This is what the Lord says: 'Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the Lord." [Jeremiah 9:23-24]
Tip #3: Save for the kids' inheritance "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." [Proverbs 13:22]
Tip #4: Get out of debt in order to be free "The poor are always ruled over by the rich, so don't borrow and put yourself under their power" (MSG). [Proverbs 22:7]
Tip #5: Guard against greed "Then [Jesus] said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.'" [Luke 12:15]
Tip #6: Remember that money isn't evil, but loving it is "For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some people by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs" (NASB). [I Timothy 6:10]
Tip #7: Give back to God "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." [Proverbs 3:9]
Tip #8: Know that everything belongs to God "And remember, the land is Mine, so you may not sell it permanently. You are merely My tenants and sharecroppers!" [Leviticus 25:23]
Tip #9: Put God before money "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." [Matthew 6:33]
Tip #10: Count the cost of your spending "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it?" [Luke 14:28]
Okays, that will be it for now. Must go back to bed. Have a fine Sunday. Keep the faith. God Bless.
Heys, missed me? Hee. I missed this blog. I haven't forgotten about this blog, I just couldn't come up with anything much to post in here. It would have turned out to be a daily picture of Jomari each time I post an entry. So, it was better NOT TO post when you're forced yes? NOW, I'm not forced. Not at all. I only posted 3 entries for the month of April. Three. Though, I have a good reason for not posting much. God a bit busy with work and when I get home, I pretty much spend two hours mailing NG and then bed and tv time for the rest of my 24 hours. Funny, I didn't get much sleep the past month, I ended up zzzzing at around 2am-ish [after the Ellen Show] then at times, restless, mostly because of the summer heat.
Here's how my sched is like: Monday-Friday [work at 8am - 5pm, time varies really...some long nights, some earlier than 8am...][home usually at 8pm, I do mails, I try to update the daily breads early in the morning when I get up earlier than usual...but if not, I type the daily bread when I get home and post it then do NGs mails, there was a week that I asked NG if we could not do mails, as much as it disappointed me to ask for that, I had to, I just had to, coz I really felt tired when I get home and I just stay in bed and watch tv until I get tired, which is quite disappointing coz I'd spent hours in front of the tv and still sleep at 2am...anubayun] Figure out how I put a few hours of sleep in there. Hee. Then my weekends, I stay in bed most of the start of my Saturday and Sunday, until it's time for my chat with NG around 11am until 2pm-ish, then lunch, then laundry at around 3 or 4pm, Saturday [I wash jeans, shirts and shorts] Sunday [I wash my delicates aka undies and small items like socks, hankies] then I iron clothes around 9pm-ish while watching TV..then just bed don't usually go online much late at nights...] Hmmm...start of March, I started back in my daily bible reading, I still have to decide on the best time for it, nowadays, I do it around 10pm-ish. Which time is best for you to read? Do share.
So, with that schedule, pretty reasonable enough to not be able to post as much right? Hee. Just say yes.
Since we're on the subject of time, I came across this passage a few weeks ago...just would like to share...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. [Ecclesiastes 3:1-8]
Also, I know I'm one blessed person, yes, I may not have a lot of money and all but we are far blessed than the people in Africa and other places. I get to eat 3 times a day, twice a day by choice. I get to buy some clothes when I have extra money. Though, one thing, I surely can't afford is hospital, I think, that's why I've never been hospitalized except when I was born, God knows I can't afford it. Sigh. I just am grateful for each moment. Like a friend texted last week, just have to have PERSPECTIVE. Just have to keep that in mind no?
Also, I've noticed, we have lotsa black ants around our dining area nowadays, it is because of the heat? They are everywhere even if there's no sweet edibles in that area. What gives? Do you have lots of ants too?
Nadine turned 8 last April 8...
Nadine and Halle...
Birthday gurl and me...
Dinner/VS at Mrs. G's last April boys allowed heee, except Bob, Rix...
Eira's not enjoying the popcorn it seems...
Eating BBQ at 4am...
Eira, Mrs. G. and Doctora...
A group pic, thanks to LD for taking this one...which reminds me, I don't think I have yet to send these pix to the gurls, oh my, my bad...
Hmmm...I guess, this will be it for now. I'm home on a Tuesday, all thank to Labor Day Holiday, only 3 more work days left for me then it be the weekend again. Leaving you with a few quotes I got via email and from Beliefnet daily inspirations:
>>Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
>>Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
>>Don't let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
>>BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
>>When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
>>Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
>>The days are too short even for love; how can there be enough time for quarreling? [Margaret Gatty]
May we all have a fine brand new month. Wow. 5th month of 2007. Wow indeed. God Bless.