My crush for this guy started when I was still in HS, that's quite a long time ago, and I still have this high school girl type crush whenever I see a recent photo of him. He was the Bench undie model for years until he got "overweight" and lost his right [if you can say that] to be the underwear model for Bench. Nowadays, it's Jon Avila, Dingdong Dantes [my friend said he kinda look like Zoolander whenever he poses...], Rafael Rossell who dons the latest undies for Bench.

Last Friday night, Bench had it's every other year denim/underwear show in the Philippines. If I was still there, I KNOW I would have been there to see that. Jomari is not as underwear ad worthy as 10 years ago, but he still and will always be my Bench undie guy. SIGH. He'll turn 32 next month. I should update the website I made for him me thinks. I've been saying that for the longest time. I just might. If I don't get too lazy. I got the images from the
Team Kapamilya Multiply group, click on the link to see more pix from the Blackout Denim/Underwear show. I miss buying stuff from
BENCH, they have a limited online store as of the moment, still not the same as being inside the store and being surrounded by the colorful undies. I lovelike undies on men. Bow. Don't ask. It just how it is. Hee.

My EBC friends...missing them...this was taken when Slutty Nurse [2nd from left, I don't remember how she became the "slutty nurse" coz she's really not, I think, we got it from FRIENDS...I don't remember for sure] had a recent vacay in the Philippines. The lucky dude in the pic is Neo.

Eeee, Ada aka Slutty Nurse, Miss Gwynnie and Doctora aka Nerdy Nurse [she recently passed the nursing exams...we now have two nurses in the group...CONGRATS again Doctora Nurse...your being studious and incommunicado during your review months really paid off...a mini wave for you...whooo]. I miss our VS [vodka session] gurls. Not fun to drink by myself. Maybe, I'll drink tonight.

I have been playing this game UNO!!!!!! My cousin Nadine and I used to play this card game back when I was still in the Philippines, now they have a computer version of the famous card game. Wheee. I wish it's an online game where you can play against real people though, that would really be FUN.
Been here in O for 2 months now...where did the time go? What has changed? I definitely gained weight. I haven't been eating much but the lack of activity [like walking a lot back when I was still working] on a daily basis could be the reason for my gain weight. I need a weighing scale, NG promised me one. I'm not overly conscious about it but I know how not easy it is to lose weight, I never really tried, I just played badminton a lot a few years and that's where it all started. I miss playing badminton. Who wants to play versus me? I'm not good at it but I can hit the ball when need to. Hee. I wake up at 5:45am every weekday, the same time as NG gets up. Then just do whatever is needed to do during the day. My computer is always on, just on standby until someone from home gets online and started chatting with me. Had a long chat conference with two of my friends yesterday, must have been more than 5 hours. So many subjects have been talked about. We even tried voice chat. Ain't technology cool? Yes, it is.I went to the mall again today, not much time though, I was there for only two hours because had to get home before NG gets here since they keys were with me. Saw one skirt that I actually really liked. It was white, AND I'm not a fan of white clothing but for some reason, I liked it instantly. Might go back to get it. It was on sale too, so, it's like, coolness.It's Saturday night, NG's night to unwind [loud tunes + drinking his Yukon Jack], so, I'm here in the living room, unwinding with him in the other room, I can hear the tunes LOUD and CLEAR out here even with the door closed. It's loud and I don't like it but that's how he unwinds AND knowing how a creature of habit he is, he will lose his mind if he don't get that each weekend. Hee. It's all about compromise yes? We have so many things to discover from each other, even if we've been together [long distance] since December 2004, we still have a lot of things to discover [both good and bad] about each other. An Aunt told me about something she read about this guy who's had a successful and lasting relationship, the guy said, you must have the 3 Cs: Commitment, Communication & Compromise. Will just have to keep that in mind for now yes? Hee. Sounds easy but it could be tricky.Must go and play my game for now...and I think, I'd have a few glasses of AbDew or AbCran-apple. Have a good day. God bless.
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