Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
From Post Secret Wouldn't it be nice to be able to sign? I never learned how to do this. I still could learn yes?
Korean baby covers Hey must watch this...
From Monday's a Bitch: 1. Did you watch the Oscars last night? What did you think of them? Woke up late for it. Saw bit parts. Saw James McAvoy. Not much into awards shows now than I used to.
2. Have you ever called in sick to work when you weren't really sick? What did you spend the day doing instead? I try not to because karma is a bitch. The few times I've had, I just stayed in my room, whenever I feel down or something, it's not just easy to get up and pretend that you're okay when in fact, you're not, if you know what I mean.
3. In school did you ever have to serve detention? What for? I cut class and got caught. First time I did it AND I got caught. Never did it again after that.
4. Have you ever had food poisoning? What did you eat that caused it? No food poisoning. Though, I remember, years ago, during lunch, I ate just a bit of rice and pork asado, then ate LOTS of watermelon, was throwing up for quite a while.
5. Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you ever consider getting one? I don't have any though there are times I wish I'd get one but I'm not too keen on the needles.
I don't get to watch Gossip Girl but isn't this guy too good looking? There are gay rumors buzzing around him, that he's with JC Chasez of NSYNC. One time, it was a news bit on ET that he's with Carrie Underwood. Hmmm. I don't care what his sexual preference is, he's easy on the eyes, I don't even know if he's a good actor. Hee. Not crushing on him but you just can't help but notice his good looks yes? Oh, his name is Chase Crawford btw.
Kids say the darndest things: [a brief conversation between me and my 8-year-old cousin Nadine]: Nadine: Ate, ano ba yung condom, yun frenzy? [apparently she saw in on a TV commercial] Me: Hindi mo pa maiintidihan kahit explain ko sa'yo, pag laki mo na lang. Nadine: Try mo, baka maintindihan ko... [She forgot about her question once we got to the chocolates section inside Watsons...heee...As far as I can remember, we just learn about those things as we grow up no? I can't remember how I learned about condoms. And even if I do remember, I will not tell it here. Hee. I do have a condom I got free from a Cosmo mag a few years ago, I have to find it and get rid of it, they have expiration right? The packet it came with is purple, that's why I kept it, I guess. A FRIENDS episode is flashing back right now, Ross calling the condom company...hee. I miss FRIENDS.]
I celebrated my birthday with the EBC gurls. We had body massages before our crabs, tofu and palabok dinner. We were online after dinner. We helped Eee start her own Multiply and Facebook accounts, yay. No VS, imagine that? No one really craved for it. Coffee, tea, popcorn and cakes are what kept us awake until we parted ways at 6am. It was a good way of celebrating my birthday. I pray I get to celebrate it with them again sometime soon.
This is the last week of February 2008. Where did it go? Next week, my youngest sister will be here for a month-long vacation. I can't wait for her to have it because she's been really swamped with work. Getting her vacation wasn't easy either. Her bosses didn't want her to go because they need her a lot. I told her that could by why the person before her resigned, because of too much work load. Hee. But she enjoys what she do. I think, I can say, she's pretty blessed that she enjoys what she does for a living. If only I could afford to give her a Macbook Pro for her birthday next month, I would, maybe someday, somehow. It's not impossible, will just take some time to get that. Can't wait to see her again next week. Yay. It was July 2006 that she was last here. I still am praying and wishing that one day, we'd all be in one timezone and we'll all just be a phone call away. Distance can be a bitch, thankful for the internet, text messaging that keeps us closer in some ways.
Have a good week ahead. Keep the faith and God Bless.
Got the pictures below at NKOTB Fans...these brings back memories. Had these posters in my room wall back in the day. Wow. I think, I still have some of the posters/magazine pictures of the guys. I have to look for them though. Had the biggest crush on Jonathan Knight, he was the quiet one among the bunch.
I didn't go to work today. Was just in bed all day/afternoon. I just got up now to update the dailybread. Sigh. Body's aching. Cough and Cold. I don't like being sick. I have to go to work tomorrow, it's a busy work week. Must go back to bed now. God Bless.
The weekend is almost over. Had a lazy one, as always. Stayed at home. Cheaper that way. Been feeling under the weather since Saturday afternoon, it's late Sunday night right now and I'm really feeling under the weather. I don't like being sick. Who does? Sigh.
It's bound to be a busy work week, so, I cannot take a sick day off but I know, if I really need to stay home, I can. Uncle Boss will let me stay home for sure. For now, I think, I can work tomorrow, it's just gonna be another day waiting at the Bureau anyways.
Chat with NG tonight since he got Sunday off this week, then another full weekend off the weekend of 23rd and 24th. All good.
I downloaded LOST Season 4 Episodes 0 and 1 via utorrent, it took hours, of course, finished around 2am-ish, and I was watching it at 3am-ish. Damn that show. A friend told me not to download anymore and she'll just burn me a copy. I told her, I think, I'll just wait when there are more episodes to watch, I don't like anticipating each week for a new episode. I'd rather watch one episode after another. A marathon. I'll just wait for now.
Downloaded other stuff off the utorrent thingy, got me albums of Joshua Radin [don't really like the whole album], Robin Thicke [me lovey], Colbie Caillat [sounds goody for a first album], Ingrid Michaelson [she grows on you], and Natasha Bedingfield [love the album]...if you're on my Multiply list, will upload them there to share.
Also, been checking sites of resorts of Boracay and Bohol for SisterM, so far, their Bora is done. Just need confirmation for their Bohol trip. Picked up their tickets last Thursday night at CebuPacific Robinson's Galleria. Could have it sent via email but I didn't have a credit card, paid in cash. Found a few resorts at Bora that have nice websites like Beachcomber Boracay and Red Coconut. Makes you wanna go there if only money is not an issue. Hee.
I'm not a Piolo Pascual fan but when I saw this commercial, I was a guapo Cupid he is. Love his eyes. Man.
It'll be my birthday on Saturday. I'll turn 32. I can't believe it sometimes. But I'll be that young. Hee. I'll spend it with a few gurl friends. NG will not be here this time though since he'll be coming in March. Was nice spending 2 consecutive birthdays with him. And to think, I used to spend my birthdays alone, yes, would go to the mall and just go about things, there was one year, I played Bingo for the heck of it. Hee. And spending it with people you like is good too. I like it better. Here's to being happy on my birthday.
This was the cover of the latest W Magazine. Saw it at a magazine store and I wanted to buy. It was Php599 though. I changed my mind. I don't wanna splurge on a magazine just because hottie McAvoy was on the cover.
Look at him! Hummina Hummina! Hotness! Hoping I'd get the mag on sale and take this pic and have it mounted on wood and/or plastic. It's been awhile since I had the urge to have a guy's pic mounted on wood. He's hot right? Or is it just me?
From Post Secret. Just gotta have perspective yes? We have so much more than what other people have. Must focus on the good in life than the bad. Easier said than done, I know. Keep our faiths. We must.
Leave Work Earlier Than Usual There is always one more phone call or one more email. Consciously stopping early once a week (at least one half-hour) affirms that we do not just live to work, but work as part of living.
Let Go of the Work Week Cease doing and worrying about the work of the week. Practice gently letting go of thoughts and concerns about work that inevitably pop into mind and take over. Eventually these thoughts soften and recede. Sometimes I take a more scenic route home to help clear my mind.
Turn It Off Set aside your BlackBerry, turn off your computer, set your cell phone to silent, at least as it relates to work. See how your consciousness shifts and how it doesn't. If you feel incredibly uneasy and even destabilized, you are being invited to discern new ways of taking control of your life.
Eat a Special Meal with Family or Friends Taking time to reconnect to those we love expands our sense of who we are. Savoring our food (a new recipe once a week adds adventure) deepens our connection to the material world; candlelight invites us to bring forth more light from within and see beyond the surface.
Make Love with Intention Take pleasure in the sensual part of life. Set aside a time to engage in some activity that creates greater intimacy with someone you love.
Give a Blessing to a Child in Your Life Remember what it was like to feel genuinely blessed by an adult in your life. In a world in which children are so vulnerable, an adult's blessing is transformative and life-affirming.
Experience the Beauty of Nature Take a walk or a bike ride; go for a drive or a hike. Experiencing the awe and wonder and amazement of the natural world creates a reverence for life--and gives the enlivening and ethical sense that we are each an interconnected part of such an infinite cosmos.
Engage in a Contemplative Practice Find a contemplative, reflective, or centering practice that you can do regularly. This can take the form of reading from a wisdom text, listening to music that touches your soul, looking at art that engages the heart, or engaging in more traditional prayer or meditation. Try not to listen to the news.
Laugh Laughter is a signal of transcendence. It reminds us that no matter what is happening in our lives, this too shall pass; it helps us to hold our absolutes humbly and keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously--all qualities that insure we can deal with whatever life throws at us.
Express Gratitude Find five things for which to be grateful over the past week. Consciousness is like tofu. Its taste completely depends on what it is marinated in. When we "marinate" our consciousness in gratitude, we become more grateful people.
Bonus Practice: Take a Nap Sleep restores the body, refreshes the spirit, and is the place of dreams.
Wanna make a million? Click me. Interesting, I must say.
It's February, my birth month and have to say one of my favorite months [the other being December]. I'll turn 32 this month. Yep. Can't believe that I'm 30-something sometimes but that's that. Just have to accept as the number of years add up each year. We can't prevent that. Just have to accept and live with it. Hee.
I'm not really into celebrating much. Been doing an alone day on my day for years. Though, that has changed recently because I have people who I like to celebrate it with. My EBC gurlfriends and for two consecutive birthdays, NG was here. So, that was quite a change indeed. This year, NG will not be here since we have to move his arrival until March so he could meet my youngest sister. And hopefully, we'd get that something that we both been waiting for since August 2006. Praying about it.
On my birthday, I hope to have a body massage with my gurlfriends. I hope we're all free on that day. Then dinner. Maybe, a quick VS? I don't know, it's been awhile since we had a VS coz of different things going on in our lives. I got busy at work. Doctora got busy with school. Eeee got even more busy with things. [Hee] Mrs. G busy with work too. We're all busy but it's a must to get together once in a while to catch up yes? And hopefully, will get to do that on my birthday.
And if you're thinking of giving me something for my birthday, will make it easy for you, two words, BIRTHDAY CARD. Email me for my home address if you're up for it. Hee.
2nd month of 2008 is here. This work week is quite busy for me. I am hoping won't encounter any hassles along the way. Praying about it.
Here's wishing a good February for you and me. God Bless.