Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Monday, January 28, 2008

So 90's...

From Monday's a Bitch.

1.Which song reminds you most of the 90's?
How Do You Talk To An Angel by The Heights

2.Do you remember where you were when you heard about Kurt Cobain?
Hmmm...was at home...watching TV...he was in the minute breaking news.

3.Were you ever known to sport a fanny pack?
No. Though, I wanted to have one for some reason. Hee.

4.Which 90210 character was your favourite?
Dylan McKay aka Luke Perry.

5.Do you own a troll doll?
No but I think one of my sisters did and a few of my friends. They look scary-creepy. Don't know why they were popular back then.

What's New?...Not Much Really...

My cousins and I just amused ourselves even if we're irritated inside since some people wanted to see what is inside our client's container. It's a regular shipment for crying out loud. They just want to see. Fine. Waste a day, come back the next day to have it examined. Grrrr. We now have 3 pieces of bottles, the next time they want to have it opened, will just show them the bottle, I hope that would suffice. Ah ewan AND if they thought they'd get something from having our client's container opened, boohoo, didn't get that group of people a single peso. Serves them right. They "examined" the containers they know they will not see any fault. Grrrr to them. You have straight papers and yet, you still get harassed by this effing people. That is not work for me, if you're becoming a hassle to someone else. Ah ewan. We have the same shipment this week, I wonder if we'll get by the mickey mouse club.

I finally got my passport last Tuesday. No corrections. Yay. I was asked by a friend why I didn't just had it delivered. My reason was, if there will be any corrections, at least, I'm there to have it corrected. Thankfully, no corrections. I saw some people who had corrections on their passports. I feel bad for them. After falling in line after line, they don't get your passport information right, that'll make me angry.

My nephew Dylan turned 7 last week, we had his birthday celebration last Sunday @ Shakeys. It went fine. A good turnout. We're happy we got to do that for him. We didn't get to have that kind of celebration back when we turned 7. I remember, I had a party as well, even had lechon, but times are changing.

CUTENESS times two...

My cousins wanted to take one baby home...heee...God bless them babies.

  • Heath Ledger passed away last week. Sad.
  • Novak Djokovic won the 2008 Australian Open. Happy for him.
  • I recommend Atonement. James McAvoy can CRY. Men who can cry, gotta love them
  • NKOTB [New Kids On The Block] will have a comeback? Hmmm. Interesting.
  • Maroon5 tix are pricey for me, might not go, don't know.
  • LOST starts its new season this week.
  • NG turned 36 last Friday, he said, he's old. I told him not to say that in front of my other friends who are a few years older than him. Or else, he'll get whacked in the head. Hee.
  • I wanna watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. Jason Lee is in it.
  • I'm doing a "project" on the emails NG and I have been exchanging since December 2004, it's not easy as I thought it would be. NG sent me 11588 emails as of today and I replied to most, if not all of them, multiply that by two, that'll be 23176 emails. Sheesh. I don't think I'm gonna finish that "project." I planned on it back in 2006 but just got keep getting set aside and now, the number of emails is overwhelming. Oh well. At least, I don't have a deadline. Whatever. I started 2 weeks ago. And I only got as far as emails dated January 13, 2005. Might not finish this "project" if I get tired. Hee. We were crazy kids for sending 20++ emails a few years ago. Nowadays, it's just 3 or 4 mails a day during the week, we get rest on emails during the weekends. In time, no more mails, if things work out as we hope they will be. Praying on that. 3 years of long distance is quite enough me feels. It's time for short distance, wanna try that soon.
  • This is the last week of January 2008. Can you believe it? I can't. Time is really an AMAZING thing.
  • Here's hoping we have a good last week of January 2008. Keeping the faith. God Bless.
  • Monday, January 21, 2008

    I Find Peace...

  • I get daily inspiration on my email from Beliefnet, and once in a while they have specials like 10 ways of certain things, today, I got 10 Ways to Bring Peace to the World...and I thought, it's worth sharing, I want peace in every way I can get them. Here's 10 Ways to Bring Peace to the World By Susan Skog.

    As Martin Luther King, Jr. illustrated with his life, the entire world is lifted up by one individual choosing peace. One person can create something that ignites all of our collective hopes, energies, and dreams. What if you could do that too? What if you are destined to be your generation's peacemaker?

    "We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization," King said. Here are 10 real ways you can cultivate deep in yourself the loving peace you want to see in the core of the world.

    * Wherever You Stand, Make It Camp David *
    "The only way we can make peace is for each of us to be the peace we want to see." -- Susan Collin Marks

    It's up to us. We can't wait for someone more powerful or wiser to deliver peace. We are the wise and powerful ones who choose peace in every thought and action.

    King showed us that even the simplest acts tilt the world toward peace. When his house was burned during the civil rights movement, he raced home not knowing if his wife and young daughter were safe. And he knew whatever he did could affect the anger brewing in the country. He stepped onto his porch and said, "Remember, this is what God said, 'We are not advocating violence. We want to love our enemies. I want you to love your enemies. Be good to them. Love them and let them know you love them.'"

    Global peace is a personal choice, hour by hour. Ask yourself, "Am I going to add to the fighting in the world? Or offer up something greater?"

    * Nurture Peace in Yourself *
    "The first step is to come home to ourselves. You don't need to become a Buddha. You need to become yourself." -- Thich Nhat Hanh

    It's hard to stay peaceful if we're overwhelmed by life. Find some peace, calm, and stability in your inner world so you can be kinder in your outer world. Do whatever soothes you, daily. Spend time in nature, meditate, sing, dance, play, chill on the couch. Do yoga, read by the fire, eat good chocolate while watching an entire sunset. Disconnect from conflict and just breathe for a while. Center yourself and tap into the peace you already carry within.

    * Heal a Piece of Your Anger *
    "Peace is as much about getting the bombs out of our own hearts as out of the Pentagon budget." -- Colman McCarthy

    It's normal to get angry. But as peacemakers, our challenge is to channel that frustration into something greater. Think of your anger as rocket fuel that can launch your dreams--not scald people around you. View it as a surge of energy to create what you really want and need. Practice breathing deeply, disarming yourself and asking, "Why am I so angry? What do I really want?"

    If we can transform our anger into a higher dream, as King did, we take a stand for peace. We step away from the vise of anger and step into the lives we really want.

    * Focus on the Positive *
    "Plant yourself in the middle of what you love most--the thing within you that is most alive." -- Yael Lachman

    Others may want to waste their precious time focusing on the perceived ugliness in the world. Be the one who focuses on the positive, and watch the magic happen. Our thoughts are powerful. What we pay attention to expands. Attract peace with your thoughts. Notice peaceful people and places, tune out violence.

    And remember that more people are at peace than at war all across the earth. This is the story we need to focus on, broadcast, and amplify. The world is evolving and becoming a brighter place.

    * Creatively Resolve One Conflict *
    "Conflicts are a call to creative problem-solving." -- Louise Diamond

    Whether you're hosting a family gathering or conferencing with your staff, conflict will pop up as surely as that annoying neighbor who wants you to vote like him. Intensity will always percolate in any community. Conflicts can't be avoided. But we can learn to navigate them more confidently and use the tension as an opportunity to express our views honestly and peacefully.

    The next time conflict surfaces, keep breathing, stay calm, thoughtfully speak your truth, listen to others, and try to find some shared ground. Realize that your frustration may be about the situation, not the person. Set the intention to find a resolution. Try to find the humor. Agree to disagree, if necessary.

    * Be the Bridge *
    "Out beyond the ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." -- Rumi

    When do you demonize and fear people you don't even know? When you have incorrect perceptions of others, it's easier to fear, even hate them. Get to know the genuine in others. Meet people of other cultures, religions, and backgrounds. Find shared experiences, hopes, and beliefs. Connect on that holy ground, and peace will flow out from those moments.

    * Practice Self-Responsibility *
    "We want to put an end to wars without giving up our violent intentions and violent relationships," -- Arun Gandhi

    Wars break out over our evening meals--or in the world--when we try to control someone else. Accept that everyone holds a piece of the truth, Arun Gandhi says. Accept that you're only responsible for your own values, beliefs, and choices.

    * Forgive One Person *
    "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies." -- Nelson Mandela

    This month, try to release one individual--it could be yourself--from your anger and judgment. If you can't change what happened, then change your thoughts about it. Let it go. Forgiveness isn't about forgetting, it's about being at peace in your own skin. It's about getting on with your life, says Arun Gandhi, who forgave the man who killed his grandfather. "Being obsessed with anger only destroys us."

    * Believe in Peace *
    "Dream. Dream. Dream. Be idealistic. Dream the world can be a better place." -- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    Believe that peace can happen anytime, anyplace. Love the idea of living in harmony more than the idea of living in chaos. Spend time each day visualizing how your own life will be different when peace grows in all your relationships. Imagine your community cooperative and thriving. Imagine our country no longer warring with others. See our homes bathed in peace and prosperity. Feel the joy of that! Believe that a peaceful world is our destiny.

    * Serve a Piece of the World *
    "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The world is asking for your light. Find a way to give back and make a difference. Help someone else. You and I make all the difference in whether the world grows more chaotic or more peaceful. "You don't need a college degree to serve. You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve," King said. "You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."

    Serve the world with your peaceful heart, with your peaceful soul. Make it big. Make it so.

  • As for me, I find peace whenever I'm awake at 3am and it's all quiet that I get to think and realize about the good things/people I have in my life. I find peace in laughing effortlessly whenever my cousin Nadine tells me a joke [even if it's corny, she still makes me laugh] or something about a TV show she just watched that I have no idea of. I find peace knowing I'm loved and that I can love someone unconditionally. I find peace looking at my photo albums. I find peace browsing thru men's undies at Bench. [I have a thing for undies, let's leave it at that...] I find peace re-reading cards or letters that were given to me. I find peace re-reading my journal [though, I hardly write any but it's still peaceful to read them]. I find peace seeing my loved ones sleeping. [It's not like I watch them sleep...just seeing them sleeping is peaceful, knowing that in that moment, they are far away from whatever problems they might be facing]. I find peace in being with my loved ones. Though, I also find peace just being alone at times, not having to worry about not talking [which I'm VERY good at...heee] to whoever I'm with, just minding my own thing, it's a me, myself and I, kinda thing. I found peace in getting daily text messages and emails from NG, it's a comfort knowing he's out there even if he's not right where I am. I find peace watching my favorite TV shows [whether I laugh or cry at those shows, they are my shows...]. I find peace knowing that my loved ones are at home and that they are safe. I find peace in knowing that peace is not impossible to have in this lifetime. I find peace reading the daily bread. I find peace having God in my life, I KNOW, I can do so much in that area, praying and hoping, I'd get there someday. How about you? Where do you find peace?
  • Have a good week ahead, it is the last full week of January 2008. Hah. Where did the time go? God Bless.
  • Monday, January 14, 2008

    Philippine Goverment Offices...

  • Last Friday, I went to the DFA [Department of Foreign Affairs] to have my passport renewed. I woke up at 4am, had breakfast, showered, dressed and was out of the house by 5am. It was still dark at that time, in fact, it was still dark at 6am. Was at the vicinity of the DFA at 6:30am, I thought I was quite early [when I applied for a passport in 2003, got there at 7am and the people were a lot but it was only 1/4th of the people who were there last Friday] but there were already hundreds in line. Went to the back of the line and each seconds passed the line kept on getting longer. They let people in at 9am. Yep. To get inside the vicinity of the DFA, it took me almost 3 hours.
  • Once inside the vicinity, made my way to the basketball court, where STEP1 [I really don't know what they do here, they basically number your application form], the line I was while outside was totally disregarded for a new line was formed. I didn't know I had to hurry to line up. I took my sweet time walking. I should have run. It was another long line to face. Finished Step 1 around 11am-ish. Waited for another 2 hours, at this time, we were still in line, some were lucky they had seats, I wasn't one of those people. Had to buy crackers and gatorade because I was hungry. [had my breakfast at 4am remember].
  • Around almost 2pm, the line going to another building, for STEP2 [they check your documents here, if you lack one or two, you just have to go back next time, I guess.] The lines will be segregated once you're inside the building, though, there's still a line for each. Fairly fast though. Especially for renewals. At 3pm, was finished with Step2. Here's what I don't get, why don't they check the documents early on? I mean, new applicants have already lined up for hours only to find out when they reach Step2 that they will not be able to go on because they lack a document or two? Isn't that plain common sense? AND I think, they should have a separate line for renewals and new applicants, that way, the people who are just there to renew will finish early and more people will be accommodated. SIGH.
  • Had to go to another line in going to the Auditorium [where Steps 3 & 4 are], took about half an hour to get inside that Auditorium. Step 3 is just where you pay for the fee. Php750 for 7 working days. Php500 for 14 working days. That was fairly fast. Another line is formed for Step4, they have chairs and the place is air-conditioned, so, at least, it wasn't that excruciating than when lining up for getting inside the vicinity and Steps 1 and 2.
  • More than 30 minutes have passed before I was called to have my data encoded and stuff. That went fairly quick. Thumb print. Signature. Then it was FINALLY over at 4pm.
  • Was really tired at this point. I got there fresh and all and I left that place [that you will hate] feeling frustrated and kept asking myself, if that is an everyday thing, why don't they do something about it?
  • On the news last Sunday, a new online application will be available for those people who wants to renew their passport. The news bulletin on the DFA website was dated January 11. That was the day I decided to go since I had a light day at work and I can take the day off. SIGH. Grrrr to DFA.
  • So, if you want to have your Philippine passport renewed and you have the budget, go thru a travel agency, or try that online thingy. Call up their hotline number 7371000 to ask for requirements and such.
  • CAUTION to new applicants. DON'T BELIEVE those people outside the DFA when they tell you that you will not get in without an application form [the forms are FREE and AVAILABLE once you are inside the vicinity] and DON'T believe them if they tell you that your picture is not the right one. If ever your picture will be invalid, there is a photo booth inside the Auditorium [where Steps 3 & 4 is located] and only in Step4 will you FIND OUT if your picture is valid. Just to make sure that you will have the right one, call up the hotline before heading out to the DFA office, they give specific requirements on how the picture should be. And if you go to a studio photo place, I feel, they already know how the picture should be once you tell them it's for passport purposes. Bring a book or an ipod. Though, with all those people around you, someone is bound to talk to you. I met 3 gurls [Lyn, Tess and Estela]. One lost her passport and returning to Japan where his husband is, one is a new applicant bound for Spain, one is renewing hers and returning to Kuwait. After Step2 though, I didn't see them anymore. I wonder why. I hope they will get theris soon. I will go back to that place on the 22nd to get my passport. Praying no mistakes on spelling of my names or wrong date of birth and what not.
  • Okay, not all our government offices are inefficient. Went to the National Statistics Office website and you now can request for a copy of your birth certificate or marriage certificate and what not online. Then you just have to pay at any BDO or Unionbank branches and it'll be delivered to you in under a week, I think.
  • Let's go back to being inefficient, the Post Office, or like my friend calls it, the LOST office. NG sent me a CD December 17th. A Christmas card was supposed to be included but he lost it on his way to the Post Office. Anyhoo, he paid $18 and marked it EXTREMELY URGENT, so it'll get to me around Christmas time. He was told it'll take about a week to 10 days max. I got the notice from the Philippine Post Office last Friday [January 11th], what boggles me is, the item was already written as to what is inside that plastic package. They just wanted to get Php35 [processing fee] from me when I get it personally. SIGH. NG is pissed about that. Not only because he lost the Christmas card [he did send me another one that following week, which, I STILL haven't gotten. I'm NOT surprised!] when he mailed that and it cost him more than it should. If only he listened to me when I told him not to send that CD and just bring it when he comes over. Oh well. NG can be stubborn at times. Hee. I must get used to that no? But he did that so I could have something for Christmas aside from other things he got me. I'm most excited about the Christmas card though. I didn't get much this year but that's okay. There's always next Christmas. [that's a hint to all those friends and family reading this...heee]
  • I could give you more dirt on our government offices [I work alongside one] but I think, that's enough for now. I just needed to let that out. I'm still frustrated. I want my almost 10 hours of January 11 back. Bleh to you DFA. My sisters are renewing their passports in Dubai as I asked them to.
  • It's a brand new week. Hoping it'll be an okay one. Must log off and spend time playing Mystery Case Files : Madame Fate [THANK you Pia!]. May you have a good week. God Bless.
  • Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    Pictures and what not...

    Gotta love those lines on Ewan's forehead. I miss seeing this guy in movies. I still have to watch The Island. I read somewhere he's doing a movie with Hugh Jackman. Double Hummina Hummina. That's 4 humminas.

    My FRIENDS calendar thru the years, I think, I started buying the calendar in 2002 or 2003, the calendars were locally available at Odyssey at that time. It became my Christmas gift to myself each year.

    Bought this thru my friend Dino's friend in London. Yee.

    Nurse A gave us this calendar. Thank you, thank you very much.

    NG gave me this one. Even if FRIENDS has ended since 2005, the calendar is still one of the best sellers at

    My first Havaianas. Ain't it cute? Mrs. G gave it to me. For some reason, I can't make myself buy those one of those flipflops. Hee. I'd rather spend on shoes than on slippers. That's just me.

    Saw this on JZ's blog. This will be my first purchase for the year. I think, I still haven't finished Twisted Travels. Now, where did I put that book? Must find. Hee.

  • It's a Wednesday night. Two more work days and it's another weekend. Can't wait. I just want to get more rest. Been feeling uber lazy when 2008 started. How about you?
  • The start of the work week for me wasn't so good. GRRRRR to a few people at the Bureau for giving us a hard time. Sad fact about how things are in the Bureau, when you do your work straight and you pay everything right, you still have to show some proof why you're paying that amount, EVEN IF it's already HIGH. They want to get more from you. BUT when your work is not straight, less than an hour, you will be finished, THOUGH, you'd really shell out money. SAD BUT TRUE. Whenever I encounter those kinds of people at the Bureau, that's the time that I dislike the goverment offices. Corruption abounds. Red tape. Welcome to the Philippines.
  • Anyhoo, I'm just pissed at a few people at the work place. I'm praying next week will be a better work week for us. The more I am looking forward to March, so, I can have my two weeks off once again.
  • Here's hoping your work week is better than mine. God Bless.
  • Friday, January 04, 2008

    Movies I've Seen In 2007...

  • Titles on BOLD letters are recommended. Titles that are italicized [?] are movies that I watched coz I lovelike the actor[s] in it, doesn't mean I recommend it, but will not stop you from seeing it. Hee. BOLD italicized [this is not an easy word to pronounce] titles are movies that I wouldn't mind watching again. I've watched more movies in 2006 than last year. Hoping to watch more this year. It's the 5th of the month already and I haven't seen any movies yet, I have seen 5 or 6 episodes of Dexter though, it's an ok series so far. My favorite movie that I've seen in 2007 would have to be Borat.

  • January
    01 - Invincible
    02 - Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2
    06 - Borat
    14 - Scoop [Hugh Jackman and Scarlett J. doesn't have on-sceen chemistry!]
    27 - Little Children

    NG was here, watched Borat and Beerfest again, some other comedy movies...was too busy that I didn't get to write down what movie I saw on which date. It was a pretty busy month since sisterJ, Tita Leny and NG were here.

    28 - One Hour Photo [creepy Robin Williams!]
    30 - Runaway Jury [Two words: JOHN CUSACK]
    31 - Identity

    07 - The Shipping News
    29 - Music & Lyrics
    30 - Catch & Release [I'm still looking for the soundtrack of this movie!]

    01 - Epic Movie
    02 - Van Wilder 2 : The Rise of Taj
    07 - Little Miss Sunshine
    11 - Trust the Man
    12 - School for Scoundrels
    13 - Employee of the Month [I discovered Dane Cook in this one!!!]
    14 - The Groomsmen
    18 - The Ex
    20 - Rumor Has It

    02 - Blades of Glory
    16 - Calendar Girls

    21 - Clerks 2
    23 - Georgia Rule
    24 - The Holiday
    25 - In The Land of Women
    26 - Blind Dating
    27 - The Devil Wears Prada
    28 - Evan Almighty
    29 - Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus
    30 - Smokin' Aces

    01 - Transformers
    15 - Disturbia
    25 - The Lookout

    03 - Knocked Up
    09 - Freedom Writers [Was surprised to see McDreamy in this one.]
    24 - I Could Never Be Your Woman [Paul Rudd is always a delight!]
    27 - Becoming Jane [James McAvoy baby!]
    29 - The Good Night [didn't understand this movie!]
    30 - Shanghai Kiss

    05 - License to Wed
    07 - 2 Days in Paris [talkie movie, I lovelike Julie Delpy]

    18 - Superbad [I'm McLovin']
    19 - Goodluck Chuck [DANE COOK!!!]
    25 - The Wendell Baker Story

    15 - Kinsey
    21 - Enchanted [the only movie I've seen in the theaters...]