I'm at home today. It's a declared holiday. No work. Was in bed all day. I got some zzzz time as well. Been having an off time with my sleeping lately with my sleeping. I finally got up around 11am-ish. All good. I had my breakfast [taho] then maybe, will have lunch later. It's almost 1pm now. Not hungry yet. Just relaxing on an extra non-working day. Hope your day is okay as well.
Started watching
BROTHERS & SISTERS last Sunday night. I'm liking it so far. I'm on episode 18 now. It's a family drama. Go watch it when you can. I also like the songs played on the show. Will probably finish it later. Then will start with the 7th and final [SIGH] season of the Gilmore Girls. Another favorite show ended. Oh well. Me thinks, B&S is the replacement on my drama genre show.

Took these images last week at work when I had one of our client's refrigerated containers examined. It's more like open and close. I took pics because the assigned examiner to me didn't get to go the examination area. And I gave her 600 for that. Hah. Whatever. That's how things are done way way way before I started working in this line of work. People with the least things done gets the most money. We practically pay for their signatures. Oh well.

Nice? Me thinks so. Impulsive me though. Why is it tough to save and so easy to spend it like that? This could be my Christmas gift to myself. Hee. I felt guilty for getting it the first few days since we're experiencing money issues but didn't get to resist it. Oh well. I will try to be more vigilant in saving money next time.

My sis-in-law gave me this bag. Sweet bag. Whee. I'm not used to shoulder bags but this one I lovelike. The size is right. Wish it had more pockets inside to put stuff in though. Now, I'm thinking of getting a wallet. [YES, I don't have a wallet, don't give me that look...hee...] I've survived not having one since high school. I do have a coin purse from SisterJ though. Hmmm, maybe, I'll get a wallet soon. Will see. If I find something that I like, I just might.

We had VS last weekend. It was just supposed to be dinner since Doctora and Eee wasn't feeling okay. But on the way home, decided to get Vodka Cruisers first, then after a few minutes, just decided to get a bottle of Absolut. We got pizza at 3am. Hee. Doctora didn't get to join us though but she knew the VS was gonna happen. Mrs G and I had 4 glasses of AbCoke. Eeee had 3 of her AbFourseasons. We all got dizzy after. Maybe because we drank fast. I don't know. Last time for me prior to that was back in February. We have 3/4 full of Absolut left. Sidenote: Passed by Cherry Foodarama last night with my cousins, the 1 liter of Absolut Vanilia was only 688 pesos. Hmmm. I was tempted to get one. That's one of my faves Absoluts along with the original Blue and Apeach.

Bob and Rix: WE WANT VODKA TOO!!! Hee. They were actually waiting on Eeee to give them more pizza but she was busy with the
Ipod Touch.
Okays, me thinks that's it for now. Have a good weekend. God Bless.
1 comment:
OMG. an anya hindmarch I Am Not A PLastic Bag statement bag. they're totally out of stock even in HK... i HAVE got to have one of those... i pray that when i get into Harvey Nichols, they have one left for me... until then, sniff na lang.
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