Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Google Image Meme...

Go to Google/Yahoo images and search for your answers to the questions, then paste ‘em. This could be time consuming but could be fun. [snatched this from Jennie]

1. How old will you be on your next birthday:
plus 10...hee.

2. A place you want to travel:
Vienna, Austria

who doesn't wanna visit this place?

3. Your favorite place:
Home Sweet Home

the bedroom

men's undies section [don't ask, hee...]

4. Your favorite things in the world:
Cucumber Melon and Mango Shower Gel, baby!

Greeting Cards/Snail Mails/Postcards [hint hint hint!!!]

On cyberspace, time to bridge the gap between here and anywhere else in the world.

Massages [NG gives me one from time to time and I'm grateful for that but I miss having this for an hour done by a pro. Goody massages is a very goody thing.]

5. Your favorite food:
C-H-I-C-K-E-N!!! [doesn't have to be KFC]

6. Your favorite animal:
Golden Retrievers...Bob and Rix are my faves, I'm not fit to be a dog owner but I like them nonetheless.

7. The city you were born:
Good ol' Manila.

8. The city you live in:
The City of Omaha, Nebraska

9. Your favorite color:
I love this's purple...heee...

10. Name of a former pet:
Yoki...he was a white dog...our family had him when I was younger.

11. Name of a past love:
Yep...not a lot of people knew about him...I didn't knew him that much but when you feel something for someone, it's not easy to let it go. But I eventually did, he turned out to be married with kids. Hah!

12. Name of the one you love:
NG a.k.a. Brian, I'm pretty sure it's love not lust, or maybe not...I'm confused...hee.

13. Your first name:
My name was from a 70s singer named Vikki Carr, my Tatay's fave around the time that I was born.

14. Your middle name:
I don't have one...but in the Philippines, our middle name is our mother's maiden name.

15. Your last name:
I don't think I'm related to the bishop.

16. Your nickname:
Vikki, Ate V, Cleng, Cubby.

17. A bad habit of yours:
I'm such a worrier...trying to change it...easier said than done though.

18. Your first job:
Data Encoder for Infocom

19. Your major in college:
Computer Management, didn't get to finish it though. Oh well.

20. How do you feel right now:

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