taken from Monday's a Bitch - A Weekly Meme
1. How much money did gift giving cost you this season?
Hmmm...less than 6 thousand pesos me thinks.
2. Was getting ready for the holidays more fun, or more stressful this year?
A little of both.
3. Were there any gifts that you were particularly proud to have put together this year? Which was your favourite?
The gifts for the kiddies, I guess. A hair-braider for my cousin Nadine is a fave.
4. What's your favourite holiday food?
My Tita Loida's spaghetti and I'm not picky, chicken is a given though. Hee.
5. If you were to be magically morphed into Santa's tenth reindeer, what would you want your reindeer name to be? Would you have any notable or quirky reindeer characteristics?
Stuckeyvee. Hmmm, maybe, the quiet reindeer who likes the color purple.

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