Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hey Hey Hey...

  • Just checking in. I haven't posted in a month. Hah. Time is really amazing. It just is. One day you're waiting for something and before you know it, that day has passed you by. Just like that.
  • Earlier last month, SisterM got back from Dubai for a month-long vacation. It was really good seeing her and spending some time with her. More than anything, I'm glad that she was able to have a vacation. She was able to just sleep, eat, watch movies, and be with us. She had her 28th birthday here, it was fun. Lotsa food. Family and friends came. All good fun time. Monday the 31st, took her to the airport, time to go back to the real world, where she and my other sister have to be far from home so they could earn more than they are getting here. SIGH.
  • It still gets to me the sacrifices people make to have a better life. There are a lot of consequences involved whenever a father or the mother go out of the country for work. Sad reality that most Filipinos go through. Kids rebel coz of lack of parental guidance. Gets into all sorts of trouble. Spouses gets involved in extra marital affairs. I'm not saying it's the same case with everybody. It's just a sad reality for most families.
  • In my own experience, my dad had to go out of the country for work when I was in 4th grade, my mom followed her when I was a sophomore in HS. It was quite tough living with just my siblings. We'd have guardian's here and there. Still not the same. I don't blame my parents for being away from us through our growing years. I know, they only want what is best for my siblings and I. We turned out okay. My brother was swayed into the dark side when he was a teenager but he's changed a lot since that time. I'm really thankful to God and for a few relatives that didn't give up on him. I just pray that he and my sister-in-law won't have to go out of the country and have to leave my nephew here. If ever they will get the chance to go out of the country, I pray, that they will go as a family.
  • I'm being a semi-downer right now. My bad. I felt like sharing what's been on my mind. Quite a lot has been happening lately. Life changing things. Grown up things. SIGH. I just pray about it all the time. That everything will turn out as we hope it would be.
  • Hope you all have a good day. Prayers for everybody. We all need it. God Bless.
  • 1 comment:

    qtz said...

    Don't worry Vee, you're not alone in this one. Been in that mood myself for quite some time now but I'm not gonna write about it. Not just yet. Liked the terms life-changing things, grown-up things. I just pray we all get out of this rut. Good luck on future endeavors! Godbless!