Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Saturday, December 23, 2006
It's not 10 shots per set this time...heee...
Neo could have been drinking vinegar here...heeee...
Mrs. G. surely LOVES Raymond...a birthday gifty from Neo...
Bob saying HI!!!...
A shot with the gurls and Mrs. Gs boys, they are sooooo used to having their pix taken by now...hehe...Laney, that pink bag on the lower left side, near Nurse A., is her coach bag..the other one is white...will make sure to take pix for you next time. We forgot, sowee. I will smell the bag for you too. Hee.
There was one bottle of perfume left from Nurse A's stash, we had to raffle it off, Mrs. G. was the weeeeener...
Can you say, loooooser??? Hee...
Nice bags eh? The bags are too big for me but they are surely nice. I love the color. Silver and Gold.
After the king crab belated birthday dinner of Mrs. G. last Friday the 15th, came the VS/Tequila session, it was a fun time, as always. Some probs were shared throughout the night but it all turned out okay me feels. It was nice to be in the company of friends. Just to know that there will be people praying for you. I certainly feel blessed that I have people that prays for me.
With faith and all, I'm sure, what we're all going through right now, shall come to pass. It always does me feels. God will not give us something that we can't handle right?
As of last Friday the 22nd, NG has sent me 10011 mails [and I replied to most, if not all of them...that's 20 thousand mails between us...] Started December 17, 2004. Hee. We love mails what can I say? At the beginning, I thought, the mails will ease up a bit, well, they did, we used to have 25 mails a day, now, it's down to 19 a day, depends really. Hee. And I was thinking of having those mails printed. Damn. I don't think I can do that now. Since, it's more than I thought it would be ever be. Hee. Who would have thought NG would turn out to love mailing too?
Anyhoo, must go's almost CHRISTmas...yay...all good...let's not forget the main reason for the season, I know, I tend to forget it at times...Keep the faith. God Bless.
that's not a coach bag ate V. That's Eee's jelly kelly. :)
Oopsie...heee...Ada's bag was near din kze..I thought, that was it...teehee...thanks for the correction Dra...God Bless.
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