Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Blog Things...
  • My song last year was 100 Years by Five For Fighting [2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year?]

    Your 2005 Song Is

    Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz

    "Love forever love is free.
    Let's turn forever you and me."

    In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain.

  • Christmas Card Making Update:
    Step 1: Cutting and pasting letters from old magazines to form the words of your choice.
    Step 2: Folding the paperboards in half.
    Step 3: Pasting the words to the paperboards.
    Step 4: Writing the message.
    Step 5: Mailing them away.
    Yes, progress indeed. I'm on Step 4. Yay. And while going through the drawer where I keep my old envelopes, I found some leftover cards that I made in 2003. Hah. Goody. Made 50 this time around plus a dozen more to give. I'm one happy card maker. Heee.
  • This is bound to be a busy work week, the week before Christmas, I'm praying our pending work will be done by Wednesday or Thursday.
  • No work on the 26th, the day after Christmas. Yay. Long Christmas weekend chat with NG awaits.

  • Got to chat with my sisters last Friday night. First Christmas without them. Sigh. We are all grown-up now. My Christmas wish is for them to not feel homesick as they already do. The sacrifices Filipinos do to earn more for the future.

  • My Christmas gift for myself. Can't wait to see it. Yay.
  • Ohkay...have to go for now...leaving you with today's daily prayer:
    Thank You Lord for the many ways You use other people to counsel me and help me grow...and yet that Christ Himself is the answer to my hang-ups, the one source who can meet my deepest needs. How I rejoice that He is wonderful in counsel and mighty in power, and that He heals from the inside out. [Philippians 1:3]
  • Thanks again for visiting. Have a good week. Keep the faith. God Bless.

    manonica said...

    Is that pic taken in Dubai? Lowy and Jo are looking good... Jo put on some weight and Lowy lost some. Miss them too. Sniff.

    aileen said...

    i agree...mallory lost some weight. good for her!