Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Monday, October 31, 2005
At home on Halloween...
This site is like a drug. Must see every Sunday. Reading other people's secret is kinda comforting [in a way]. Knowing that some of their secrets mirrored mine.
I've never celebrated Halloween, it's really not a big deal around here anyways, well, at least for me it's not. Heee. Costumes party, you have to spend on that. Halloween gigs, you have to spend on that. I've no extra to spend on unnecessary stuff. Halloween at home = Sleeping, now, you don't have to spend a centavo on that. FREEEEEE. I love sleeping, need I say more?
Played an hour of badminton with MrsF, one of my HS friends, the others didn't show. What's new? Heee. I'm quite used to it. Though, sometimes it gets annoying when they don't even reply to my text messages and say: I can't make it. Grrrr. It annoys me at times, especially when I have my period which I still have. Benchlady texted earlier and gave me a new number, she sprained her arm a few weeks ago, so, she can't play nowadays. Marilyn [not her real name...heeee...but we like calling her that] still hasn't replied. She could be busy and all, though, I know she has two phones. Hee. Back on the game, MrsF won a set, then I got the second [YAY, I'm actually winning now...], the third decided set we didn't get to finish because our time was up. Though, MrsF was leading 12-10. Either way, it was a good hour of badminton. If only I could have someone to play with on a more regular basis.
My HS friends have known me the longest. We've spent lotsa times watching those horror movies at home every quarterly exams. We have shortened classes and we'd spend the rest of the day at home watching those movies. Night of the Living Dead is a fave. They just like to scream. Heee. I've never been fond of watching those kinds of movies. Not for me but since the majority wanted that, then that's what we rented. Majority wins with us. One time in our senior year, we all watched our first [well, at least for most of us] porn. Heee. That was fun. We watched or some covered their eyes [but still peeking thru their fingers] with lotsa ewwwwws and ano ba yan in fast forward motion. Because REALLY, how long can the foreplay or whatever that was last no? I've only seen 2 porn movies so far. One was quite recent. Will leave it at that. Hee. It's like, what is there to see after seeing one or two no? Most men love porn for some reason. I know a couple of guys who enjoy it. Can I say my HS Batchmates? They sometimes forget there are female members on our batch yahoogroup. I wonder if my HS crush loves to watch porn too.
I spent Friday night/early Saturday with EBC at Miss M's place. Watched episodes 3-5 of LOST. Man, that show is GOOOOOOD. I was nodding on and off during episode 5. Heee. Food was great as always. In between eating, we were still eating. Hah!!! We have different alerts in our lives and we all needed that get-together. We draw strength knowing we have eachother.
[this pic was taken during our Sept.30/Oct1 Food Session]
I feel blessed having my friends. I hope they feel the same way about having me too. I don't know, sometimes, our friends can be so comfy with us that they forget that we need to hear something like that once in awhile. I have a few sets of really good friends and I know that I can rely on them if the need arises. That's a comfort knowing no? That, no matter what, one or a few friends will be there for you. Just like Ross, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, Monica and Phoebe will ALWAYS be there for us. [I just had to add that.] thinks that's enough for today. Will go and play Chainz, hopefully, I can get move up to level 5. Level 4 is not easy. Have a fine Halloween to all, if you're into that. Thanks again for visiting. Keep the faith. God Bless us all.
V, we have the same 'addiction'. If that's what you call it. Every sunday, I go to Postsecret to check out the site. I'm even thinking of buying the book! Oh well. The secrets give me comfort knowing that I am not alone.
Nice post. We'll be there for each other, yes? No matter where in the world we end up in. Love ya Ate V!
V, we have the same 'addiction'. If that's what you call it. Every sunday, I go to Postsecret to check out the site. I'm even thinking of buying the book! Oh well. The secrets give me comfort knowing that I am not alone.
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