Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31] Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5] Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Yes, that's what I thought...
It's almost 7am on a Friday. Work is light today. Yay. I finished my work 'til about 6pm-ish last night, so, I'd have my Friday free. Late lunch with the gurls is scheduled today. I'm excited.
I'm coughing here and there. Crap. I'm taking Robittusin, I'm such a big baby when it comes to taking meds. I don't like taking them pills and tablets and capsules of any kind. So, I stick with the liquid form. Heee.
My HS friend's Mom passed away last Sunday night. Went to the wake for two nights. I'm not really into looking at dead people [I just wanna remember them as though they were still living] but I'm ok going to wakes. It's the least I could do for my friend right? Coz how can you comfort someone who just lost her parent? My friend grew up with just her Mama, now, she's alone alone. Sigh. Times like this, I wish I could do more for someone who's mourning for a loved one no? Prayers for my friend and for Tita Linda, I pray that you're in a more peaceful place right now.
Also, prayers check for the victims of the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Sigh. When nature strikes, you just can't do anything about that but keep your faith stronger.
It's the weekend. Yay. I love the weekends. Catch up on my zzzz and chats with NG. A long weekend at NG's end. Labor Day weekend then he's taking Tuesday off, that's 4 days of long chats. All good. It's getting closer. Yes. We were just talking about this month back in December. Now, it's here. Time does fly fast. I'm not complaining.
Speaking of fast times, at the wake last Monday night, my HS friends and I got to thinking that we are turning 30 next year. Man. We can't believe that we're turning Three-Oh, but we are. Actually, one is turning 30 already this month. Then I'm next in February. Wow. I had a plan before on how I'd celebrate my 30th. I scratched that plan since I met NG. It was just a plan. No biggie. I don't think I'd even go thru with it even if I didn't meet NG. It was a spur of the moment thing I thought of some years back. Nowadays, my plan is just to have a fine time on my 30th. Will I be alone? Who knows. I've been celebrating my day alone for years now. I think, I will do the same. Maybe, the first half of the day. I don't really know. I will cross the bridge when I get there.
On Oprah last Monday, it was about people who were sexually abused as a young person. Carrying the shame of it all after 20 plus years. Sigh. Some even confronted the person who took advantage of them. That was really painful to watch but I was able to. I don't think, I would ever have the courage to confront someone like that. A lot of people will get hurt. It's enough me thinks, that one person got hurt. Sigh. It's not about sex really, it's about control. Knowing that they can manipulate someone like that. When you're 12 or don't have much confidence in yourself. But why, does it always have to be the victims who are ashamed of it all? It's not their fault that they were abused. The shame. The fear of someone finding out. The feeling that you don't want to do anything where sex is concerned. A hug or a touch from someone reminds you of what happened to you back then. How can you go on with life as an adult? By having faith in God I say.
On a more lighter note, this guy is rocking my world nowadays:
Have a fine day ya'll. Keep the faith. God Bless us always.
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