Something To Do...Ten Years Ago: The year was 1995. Hmmm. Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill first came out. I bought a cassette tape of that. My Tita Mel passed away, she was 32. Parents came home from Jersey. We moved to Novaliches.
Five Years Ago: 2000. Much ado about the milennium bug. Made my very first website, Litebuzz Online.
One Year Ago: Hmmm...September 2004, I remember, M&A had a little fallout. Went to my HS Alumni Day/School Fair. Sat next to my crush. [heee]
Yesterday: Slept around 5am-ish. Still in sick bay. I don't like it one bit. Been taking paracetamol. I don't like pills. But I have to. Was in bed all day and plus the early evening. Was nodding on and off while watching the Gilmore Girls.
Five Songs I Know All The Words To:
How Do You Talk To An Angel by The Heights
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
Baby I Love Your Way by Big Mountain
I'll Be There For You by The Rembrandts
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion [yeah..I love that song...Up Close & Personal made me cry too...]
Five Things I Would Do with 100 Million Dollars:
Give to charity
Give to the church
Share it with the people I love [give them things that they want that couldn't afford..there's always that one thing that we always want BUT we can't just afford no? If I can afford it, it's a done deal.]
Set up college funds for Nadine, my nephew Dylan, and my other nephews and nieces
Finish school.
Five Things I Would Never Wear: Stiletto shoes, Corsets, Sleeveless Shirts [in public], Mini-skirts [O dear God!], and those longish-biggie earrings.
Five Favorite TV Shows: FRIENDS, Ed, Gilmore Girls, LOST, CSI
Five Bad Habits: Worrying too much, Not getting enough sleep, Can be negative at times, Worrying too much [ehe]...
Five Biggest Joys: Talking to Nadine, Chocolates, Snail Cards, Magazine or books on sale, Sleeping..
Five Fictional Characters I Would Date:
Lloyd Dobler [John Cusack in Say Anything];
Peter Wright [Robert Downey Jr. in Only You];
Eddie Alden [Hugh Jackman in Someone Like You];
Noah Calhoun [Ryan Gosling in The Notebook];
Christian [Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge]
Tagging: Anyone...don't wanna force anyone to do this...heee...took me a while to finish this one myself. Thanks to Jax for this one. Have a fine Sunday. God Bless us always.