And The Emmy Goes To...
Comedy Series
"Everybody Loves Raymond," CBS
Drama Series
"The West Wing," NBC
Lead Actor, Drama Series
James Gandolfini, "The Sopranos," HBO
Lead Actress, Drama Series
Edie Falco, "The Sopranos," HBO
"Steven Spielberg Presents Taken," Sci Fi
Lead Actor, Comedy Series
Tony Shalhoub, "Monk," USA
Bob Hope Humanitarian Award
Bill Cosby
Lead Actress, Comedy Series
Debra Messing, "Will & Grace," NBC
Lead Actress, Miniseries or Movie
Maggie Smith, "My House in Umbria," HBO
Made For Television Movie
"Door to Door," TNT
Reality/Competition Program
"The Amazing Race," CBS [, let's see if they'll still cancel the best reality show on TV...hah!]
Lead Actor, Miniseries or Movie
William H. Macy, "Door to Door," TNT
Writing, Miniseries or Movie
William H. Macy, Steven Schachter, "Door to Door," TNT
Variety, Music or Comedy Special
"Cher: The Farewell Tour," NBC
Variety, Music or Comedy Series
"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," Comedy Central
Supporting Actress, Miniseries or Movie
Gena Rowlands, "Hysterical Blindness," HBO
Supporting Actor, Miniseries or Movie
Ben Gazzara, "Hysterical Blindness," HBO
Directing, Miniseries, Movie or a Dramatic Special
Steven Schachter, "Door to Door," TNT
Directing, Variety, Music or Comedy Program
Glenn Weiss, "The 56th Annual Tony Awards," CBS
Writing, Variety, Music or Comedy Program
"The Daily Show With Jon Stewart," Comedy Central
Supporting Actor, Drama Series
Joe Pantoliano, "The Sopranos," HBO
Outstanding Performance, Variety, Music or Comedy Program
Wayne Brady, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" ABC
Directing, Comedy Series
Robert B. Weide, "Curb Your Enthusiasm (Krazee-Eyez Killa)," HBO
Writing, Comedy Series
Tucker Cawley, "Everybody Loves Raymond (Baggage)," CBS
Writing, Drama Series
David Chase, "The Sopranos (Whitecaps)," HBO
Directing, Drama Series
Christopher Misiano, "The West Wing (25)," NBC
Supporting Actor, Comedy Series
Brad Garrett, "Everybody Loves Raymond," CBS
Supporting Actress, Drama Series
Tyne Daly, "Judging Amy,"CBS
Supporting Actress, Miniseries or Movie
Doris Roberts, "Everybody Loves Raymond," CBS
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