Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I am V...

Tagged by Jax.

This is simple. Just:
1. Emphasize all lines that apply to you.
2. Tag five more people after you finish, complete with links to their sites.
3. Let the person you've tagged KNOW that they've been tagged, for Pete's sake.

I wish I was a different ethnicity.
I have an eating disorder.
I'm short.
I'm tall.
I think I'm really attractive. [hah! In my wildest dreams...]
I prefer winter over summer.
I'm a geek.
I'm a shopaholic.
I'm reasonably intelligent. [Hmmm...I don't think I'm dumb...hehee..]
I'm attracted to girls.
I'm attracted to boys.
I like British accents.
I smoke regularly.
I drink regularly.
I smoke socially.
I drink socially.
I get drunk easily.
I do drugs.
I will never date a bad kisser. [is there really such a thing?]
I brush my hair at least 50 times a night. [I use a comb though...]
I'm religious.
I'm not religious but have morals.
I lie frequently.
I'm impulsive. [with buying dibidi's yeah..hehehe]
I'm hardworking. [I work hard coz I don't have much choice...]
I liked "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind". [I have yet to watch this movie, heard good reviews about it...]
"She's All That" is one of my favourite movies.
I'm good at History.
I speak more than two languages.
I enjoy taking pictures.
I like spending money on myself. [IF I have the money, why not...though, it's more fulfilling spending on other people it seems...]
I like spending money on others. [Again, if I have the money...YES!!!]
I have a regular income. [better than nothing...]
I earn money on a job-by-job basis.
I pay my own bills. [Just the phone and something else...]
I rely on my parents for money.
I can cook. [I wish...]
I enjoy cleaning. [when the mood strikes...]
Tidyness is a must in my life. [I like to keep things in order as much as possible...I'm not like Monica Geller...heee]
I like clutter.
I'm fashion-conscious.
I have good taste. [in what?]
People tell me I have good taste. [again, in what?...heee]
I excel academically.
I'm told I have yet to fulfill my potential.
I'm good at sports.
I'm good at certain sports. [in badminton...I try...hehe..this is the only sport that I play and I actually enjoy...]
I couldn't do sports to save my life.
I'm creative. [from time to time...]
I'm artistically inclined.
I wanna be an artist when I grow up.
I wanna be an engineer when I grow up.
I eat when I'm upset. [comfort food...sigh...guilty guilty guilty...]
I cannot adapt to change.
I'm interested in politics.
I have shoplifted.
I download MP3s. [not as much these days...]
I've done underage drinking.
I've gone underage clubbing.
I can dance reasonably well.
I can dance extremely well.
I dance like a cardboard gorilla. [heee...]
I can sing.
I sing like someone stepped on my foot.
I can swim.
I enjoy surveys.
I enjoy surveys when I'm bored.
I keep a journal.
I enjoy controversy.
I can be a bitch/bastard.
I have a thing for bad boys/girls.
I have tattoos.
I've been in a nudist colony.
I'm not sure if I want to have children.
I'm not sure if I'll get married. [I'm not sure IF I want a wedding...wanna get married but the wedding, hmmm...I'm thinking about it...]
I know who I will marry. [yes...can you say, Mrs. Y? hehehe...I'm disillusioned...]
I'm interesting.
I'm a good liar.
People enjoy talking to me. [I like to think so, even if I don't talk back much...heee...]
I annoy people from time to time. [I think so...we can all be annoying at times...]
I'm a born leader.
I'm a born leader but shouldn't lead.
I enjoy felching. [what is felching? is this a typo?]
I have a foot fetish.
I have a shoe fetish.
I watch "Sex and the City". [have and still from time to time...]
I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker is pretty.
I wanna be J.Lo.
I cut myself.
I've cut myself.
I hate people who pretend to be suicidal.
I hate popular people.
I think cheerleading is a sport.
I'm photogenic.
I live in Chucks. [I have a red pair, I want a purple pair...]
I think graffiti is art.
I have dated a criminal.
I have been cheated on.
I have cheated on someone.
I have a temper.
I like playgrounds.
I dance in the rain.
I'm obsessed with Shakespeare.
I have tanlines.
My favourite color is pink.
My favourite color is black. [one of my faves...]
I would classify myself as emo. [is being a cry-baby same as being emo?]
I'm musically inclined.
I like listening to music.
I like music-blasting cars.
Thongs are comfortable.
I like flip-flops.
I know what monogamy is... and I believe in it.
I wanna be a social worker when I grow up. [would be nice to help out people...]
I have sibling/s.
My sibling/s annoy me. (Sometimes) [as I'm sure I annoy them at times...]
I think "South Park" is funny.
I believe in LOVE.

  • Tagging anyone who wants to do this...time filler anyone?
  • Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Pix To Blogger...
    This brings back HS memories...Luke Perry...I think, I still have a folder of pin-ups from various teen magazines of the gang..I stopped watching when Luke Perry left the show, then watched some of it when Jamie life was simpler back when we were in HS no?... in a skirt...'nuff said...heee...

    Nadine's toys...I had lunch for four consecutive days at McDonald's to get those toys. It was all worth it, seeing Nadine happy. I remember back when SisterM was in college and a new Happy Meal is out, she'd ask me to have my lunch at McDonald's just so, she can have the toy included in the meal. Hee. She were able to collect some. They are kept away for now until she can buy her glass shelves where she can display them.

    Laney and me, one Sunday afternoon at Sbarro's SM North Edsa.

    And...finally...a belated birthday post for my virtual SO [heee]...he turned 30 last August 18th...I still &hearts him.

    Heee....You can see more of those at Vimrod.

  • Some quotes from Beliefnet.
      Worrying is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. -Unknown
      Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it. -Lou Holtz
      I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them. -John Stuart Mill
      Faith and doubt both are needed, not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve. -Lillian Smith
  • Have a fine day. Keep the faith. God Bless.
  • Monday, August 21, 2006

    Got Inspired...
  • NurseA and Doctora told me that they can't seem to post pix via blogger...I asked Laney about it and she said could it be that their pix are too big? We [Laney and I always resize our pix for easier uploads on sites and what not...], so, since I'm quite bothered [heee] about them not being able to post pix via Blogger..I got inspired and tried to make a step-by-step guide on how I post my pix via was fun doing this...I don't know if it would be helpful to anyone else but it sure was fun doing this...

  • Once, on the CREATE page, this is how it looks like on EDIT HTML view... [notice the red oval shaped around the words EDIT HTML? If you're familiar with the basic HTML, you can go with that view...if not...on to the next step...]

    This is the COMPOSE view, notice there are more icons to choose from unlike in the EDIT HTML view?

    After choosing which view you prefer, just click on the blue mountain top icon [once your mouse hovers on that icon, the word ADD IMAGE will appear...].

    Browse the image that you want to post, choose a layout, the size and click on UPLOAD IMAGE.

    Depending on your internet speed, the loading time varies. Since, I'm on a dial-up connection, it takes me a minute or two whenever I upload a pic.

    Once, your image has been uploaded. Click on DONE.

    In EDIT HTML view, this is how your image HTML code will look like...

    In COMPOSE view, you will see the uploaded image...

    If you want to preview how your image will appear on your blog page, just click on PREVIEW...

    A preview of your image...just click the HIDE PREVIEW button to go back to either the EDIT HTML or COMPOSE view.

    Adding text in EDIT HTML view, just type anything after the last character of the entire code...I encircled the text that I added that says: This is Grimace, my purple friend...

    You can do the same in COMPOSE view, just type the text that you want to after the after the image...use the icons above if you want to edit your font size and colors to your preference.

    Preview it if you want to...then just click on PUBLISH POST to post the image on your blog.

    Once your blog has been published, it usually doesn't appear right away when you click on VIEW BLOG. If you really want to see your recent post right away, click on EDIT POSTS...

    Then just click on VIEW on your recent post...You can also EDIT or DELETE your post, or any post for that matter.

    Finally..your recent post...

  •'s almost 4am-ish...see...told you I got inspired...need to get a few hours of zzzz before tell me if my way of uploading pix via blogger will work for you as well. I hope it does. If it still doesn't work, I'm sure you can find something from the HELP section of Blogger. Heee. Have a fine week. Keep the faith, I am keeping mind. God Bless.
  • Sunday, August 20, 2006

    LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN A THEATER:The Pirates of the Caribbean [2004]
    FAVORITE BOARD GAME:Scrabble [but I'm not good at it]
    FAVORITE MAGAZINE: Entertainment Weekly
    FAVORITE SMELLS: San Mig Coffee, Mango Shower Gel...
    COMFORT FOOD: chicken, polvoron...
    FAVORITE SOUNDS: my phone ringing to a particular tone...
    WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD:a loved one's death...and THAT other worst feeling...
    DO YOU DRIVE FAST:I don't know how to drive but I was told once I am a "backseat driver."
    FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK:punch with something alcoholic in it.
    FINISH THIS STATEMENT,'IF I HAD THE TIME, I WOULD LOVE TO': sleep more and volunteer for a cause...
    GLASS HALF-EMPTY OR FULL:err, I never get this question...hee...
    FAVORITE PLACE TO RELAX: my room...if money ain't an issue it would be Boracay bay-bee...
    WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED: a small box-full of my sister's treasured junk...


    1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What does it say?
    "When I'm fishing, I have more time to walk streamside and enjoy the solitude and silence, and to look for places where fish might be lurking." [from the Our Daily Bread]

    2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch?

    3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
    He Is So Cool [a Korean movie]

    4.Without looking, guess what time it is:

    5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
    1:12 pm

    6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
    James Blunt singing Billy...

    7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
    Last night...went out to dinner with friends.

    8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
    A profile of TJ McCloud on My Space...

    9. What are you wearing?
    black top and shorts...

    10. Did you dream last night?
    could be, but I don't remember...

    11. When did you last laugh?
    a few minutes ago, Nadine made me laugh...

    12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
    my youngest sister's paintings and her friend's paintings and pictures...

    13. Seen anything weird lately?
    Hmmm...nothing comes to mind right now.

    14. What do you think of this quiz?
    Just something to do while I wait for my pictures to be uploaded to Yahoo Photos...

    15. What is the last film you saw? In the theatre?
    That was back in thinks, Pirates of the Caribbean...

    16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
    become debt free, share them with my loved ones, buy the house we're renting now, give to charity...

    17. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
    Hmmm...cut off the hands of the killers, cut off the sex organs of those sex abusers...

    18. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?

    19. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
    Hmmm...Miguel or Sebastian...Jose Mari maybe? [hee...]

    20. Would you ever consider living abroad?
    Yes, before just to earn more, nowadays, to be with someone then to earn more.

  • Got the first survey from my friend's blogs and the second survey from My Space bulletin...
  • Saturday, August 12, 2006

    20 months with NG...hasn't been easy since we met back in February...the distance sucks...big time...we have our on and off moments...I don't recommend long-distance's NOT easy...I sometimes think of giving up...but don't want NG to be another "what-if" both promised to stick it out...prayers...lots of it...we are in touch everyday...20++ emails a day, sometimes, I feel it's a bit too much...heee...but it seems working for us...found someone who &hearts emailing as much as I...that's rare...been good so far...if he's the one...then that's that...if he turns out to be not the least, it'll be a good thing that I can always consider a happy moment...prayers...lots and lots of it...God is good...yes, He certainly is...we just have to have faith...I'm working on mine...Amen.

    Friday, August 11, 2006

    Prayers check...
    I think, Nadine was about 3 years old when this pic was taken. Hee. I love her.

    She turned 7 last April...she's growing up...she's been in sick back since last weekend. She missed school this week. Sigh. Please pray that she gets better the soonest. Thanks.
  • Prayers check for the terrorist scare that's going around the world. For the war in Lebanon and elsewhere. For the corrupt government offices and the politicians. For our beloved country. For the conflicts between family and friends. For money issues. For job issues. For peace of mind. Prayers check check check.
  • It's a rainy Friday glad it's the weekend. It was a tiring work week. Bound to be another one this coming week. I'm just glad it's the weekend. Will be having a late lunch with the EBC gurls on Sunday. Yay.
  • Keep the faith. I'm keeping mine. God Bless.
  • Friday, August 04, 2006

    Gotta love having a camera...
    The minute we entered their house, Jenea said HI! to each one of us. [My parents, Tita Loida, Nadine and I]. Those were 5 Hi's from Jenea. Hee. She's sooooo adorable.

    Me and my niece Jenea...

    I showed Jenea how to take pix and she got it right away, and she took this pic of her Mom.

    And this one of her Tito Jeff.

    Also, this one of her bro Jelo and Tita Nadine...

    And this pic of Lola Lou and Lola Loida...

    And finally, her Ate Jannah...

    Sumimangot when I asked for my camera back...heee...

    Miss Smiley again when they started playing... with the bouncy balls...

    bounce, bounce, bounce they go...

    They just love to pose for the camera...I love being behind the


    Way cuter than Mac Culkin....heee...

    These two little gurls were REALLY loud...heee...

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    First Day Of August...
    Yay...Happy happy birthday Doctora. Love you. You're a blessing in my life. God Bless.