Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Thursday, May 25, 2006

8th Day...
  • Today marks the 8th day that I haven't had work. Damn. Our client's shipments are expected to arrive next week. One shipment actually arrived last Wednesday but the documents are still not complete. Sigh. I know I like having breaks from work but I don't like it if it's not my choice. Oh well. I feel bad being at home, especially when I witness my parents gambling EVERY day. Sad but true. They opt gambling for food. Damn. I wish work will pick up next week. And I have to at least, get to go out of the house. What's more frustrating is, we're experiencing money issues and my parents don't seem to worry about it. I don't care if it's barya barya that they gamble on, add it up together and I'm sure it's not a small amount. Money is money. Big or small. SIGH.
  • On a much happier note, SisterM will be here next month. Can't wait.
  • Anyhoo, have a fine Friday and the week to come. Thanks for visiting again. Keep the faith. I am keeping mine eventhough it's tough from time to time. God Bless.
  • Friday, May 19, 2006

    I Am A Blogger...
  • Laney introduced me to blogging around 2002, I started my own in May 17 of that same year. It's been 4 years since that day. A lot has happened since that time. Both good and bad. The goodest [hee] is, I have to say, is me learning about God's words. I have a long ways to go. I take it one day at a time. I don't know if I will ever get to read the entire bible since I'm quite a slow reader and I tend to get stuck in a phrase or words whenever I am reading. The thing is, no one is forcing me to read the bible, I don't feel pressured, I am doing it on my own pace. That's the best way to go about it me feels. I pray each time I start reading a passage, that I get to understand it. I have a lot of questions regarding a lot of things. I hope and pray, in time, I get the enlightenment that I need with it comes to that. I'd appreciate if you could include me in your daily prayers.
  • Also, I turned 30 last February, I was thinking of making a post all about it but I never got to do it. Heee. I didn't get 30 cards but I got more than 30 greetings. I should have asked for 30 gifts no? Heee. Nah, the cards were more than enough for me. I love having to read something whenever I feel a bit down, it cheers me up knowing that people took time to write the messages on the cards. If you want to make me happy in an instant, give me a card. Maybe, for my 31st...I'd make it mandatory to all my friends and family no? Hee. I'm pretty sure I'd get more than 31. Sheesh, I still sometimes can't believe that I'm 30. Turning 30, suddenly made me realize a lot of things. I want to change my line of work. I want to do something new. I want to do something good that some people would benifit from. I've always been the girl who played it safe. I liked it that way. I never hurt anyone in the process. It's okay if I get hurt as long as I didn't hurt nobody. Never complain, never explain!, I lived with that phrase for a long time. I just don't like explaining myself. So, better to just shut up and move on, I thought. It's safer that way. There are times, I wondered, what if I handled some things in my life differently. Where in, I only thought of myself and no one else. They will only be what-ifs now. I can't go back and redo them. What's important now is, to not have a lot of those what-ifs...I'm old enough now, to take charge and stand for myself, no one else would do it for me but myself.
  • Been thinking of going somewhere for work, for experience and all that. Though, since NG and I have plans to be together...I'm not so sure I can do that right now. It's like, why didn't I decide on going to another country before I met him? Makes it more harder to decide when you have to think of someone no? I'm not complaining though, I mean, I like having NG in my life. It's a good feeling having to think of someone. I do believe that if two people will be together, time and distance will not break them apart unless they both give up on it. Or I could be wrong on that too. Heee. I'm no expert when it comes to relationships. I take it one day at a time. It's hard enough that we're far from eachother so...just have to take it one day at a time.

  • Enough about me, don't wanna bore you further...heee, I started watching Grey's Anatomy last night. Watched the first two episodes from my first season dibidi. The audio and the character's mouths are not insynh. There's a second or two delay. It's bearable, can't complain much since it's a bootleg copy I have. Heee. I watch with the subtitles anyway. I LOVE watching with subs. I just do. I like the show so far. Patrick Dempsey is really aging well. He turned 40 last January according to his IMDB profile. I remember him from Happy Together & Can't Buy Me Love from the 80s, he wasn't as good looking as he is now. Hee. YES, I watch TV for the hummina hummina guys. I don't care for the plot just show me some hot men. Hee.

  • Speaking of hummina hummina men, Tom Cavanagh most popularly known as bowling alley lawyer Ed Stevens of Stuckeyville [that's where I got my blog name and I want to be a stuckeyvillian...hee, taking my TV too serious...] is back on TV with the show Love Monkey, I hope the show stays on the air for a while and reach our local TV stations. I still am waiting for ED to be released on DVD. Someday, somehow.

  • SisterM will be coming home next month...yay. She called me early Monday at 3am-ish, waking me up in the process, to tell me that she'd be going home next month instead of in August. She wanted to keep it a secret from my parents and other relatives aside from me and my cousins. But one cousin didn't realized she wanted it a secret and told her Mom and Nadoinks, who then told my parents. Heee. Either way, she will be here next month. Yay.

  • I've downloaded [took an hour or so] a new game called Mystery Case Files : Huntsville, the object of the game is to find enough clues in the crime scene which then will lead you to solve a puzzle, in a given time. I like it. There's a sequel, MSF : Prime Suspects, I'm thinking of downloading it but I couldn't find the codes to play it unlimited so, will just wait for now and enjoy Huntsville. Hee.
  • My cousin Frank is recovering good from his heart bypass last Tuesday. He's now in a regular room. Thank you for your prayers. Appreciated.
  • Elliot Yamin didn't make it to the American Idol Finals. Sigh. I cried watching the results show last Thursday night. I'm such a cry-baby, I know.
  • Okay, me thinks will go for now and play Huntsville until my eyes can't take it anymore. It's another weekend. Another month is about to be over in a few weeks. Time is one amazing thing yes? Indeed. Have a fine weekend. Keep the faith. Thanks again for visiting. God Bless.
  • Saturday, May 13, 2006

  • Last Monday night, Nadine insisted on sleeping here at our house. She asked permission from her Mom, she didn't allow Nadine. They already have an agreement on that, she can only sleep at our house if her Mom is out of town. She threw a tantrum and stopped me from going home. Once I was able to break free from Nadine as AJ [her sister] tries to hold her, I went my way home. I was near our house when I heard Nadine crying from the distance and she was running towards our house, she crossed the street not looking if there was a car coming, I called her name but she ran past by me, she just kept running towards our house. Once I got there myself, she was crying so much. She said she don't want to go back to their house anymore. Her Mom called and told me that we were spoiling her that's why she doesn't obey anyone anymore. I got a bit angry for being blamed about it. I told my parents to take her back to their house but they didn't coz Nadine won't go back. How can a 7 year-old manipulate grown-ups like my parents? Oh well. I didn't speak to Nadine since Monday night. She spent a few nights at our house. She finally went back home Friday morning, she made sure that her Mom wasn't angry at her anymore. And when they picked me up around 1pm to go to the hospital, Nadine and I were on speaking terms again. It wasn't like me to not talk to her. I mean, I don't know, I guess, I was just angry that she didn't listen to her Mom or to her sister or to me when we told her she can't sleep in our house. Oh well. That was just something new that Nadine did. She's growing up indeed. I just hope she won't run away from their house like that again. Thank God she didn't get hurt as she run towards our house not caring if there were cars or something else. Sigh.
  • I donated blood yesterday. My second donation. First time was back in 2003 for my Tatay's surgery. This time, it's for my cousin who will undergo heart surgery this weekend or next week. I'm thinking of doing this on a more regular basis. The nurses at the bloodbank said that I can donate every three months. Hmmm. Giving this much thought. I don't have much problems with needles, I just don't have to see them as they get in contact with my skin and I'll be just fine. Actually been thinking of being an organ donor too, eversince I saw that Denzel Washington movie, John Q. Thinking about it.
  • 17 months with NG today. 16000++ mails between us. Hours and hours on YM chat. Webcam chats every weekend. SMS chats on weekdays. Phone calls at least twice or thrice a week. So far, so good between the two of us. It works for us. The distance can get frustrating at times but we just have to keep our faiths if we really want this to happen right? Right. Plans are made, just have to make them happen, one at a time. Taking it from Oprah: "You can have it all. You just can't have it all at one time."
  • Must call it a night now. Bed time. The weather is good for sleeping. Yay. Keep our faiths in everything we do, most importantly, keep our faiths in God. May His blessings be with you.
  • Thursday, May 11, 2006

    Comforting Words...

    Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
    --- Lucille Ball

    Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
    --- Michael Jordan

    Kindness makes a fellow feel good, whether it’s being done to him or by him.
    --- Frank A. Clark

    Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.
    --- Mary Tyler Moore

    If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
    --- Mother Teresa

    There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day.
    --- Alexander Woollcott

    A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn.
    --- Unknown

    To a friend's house, the road is never long.
    --- Danish proverb

    Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.
    --- Anonymous

    Every new day begins with possibilities. It's up to us to fill it with the things that move us toward progress and peace.
    --- Ronald Reagan

    You can have it all. You just can't have it all at one time.
    --- Oprah Winfrey

    If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe.
    --- Woody Allen

    Learn to pause ... or nothing worthwhile will catch up to you.
    --- Doug King

    Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
    --- Carl Bard

    In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
    --- Robert Frost

    Love and time, those are the only two things in all the world and all of life that cannot be bought, but only spent.
    --- Gary Jennings

    The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduced yourself to had life not done it for you.
    --- Kendall Hailey

    Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius.
    --- Comte de Buffon

    Ask God's blessing on your work, but don't ask him to do it for you.
    --- Dame Flora Robson

    If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.
    --- Moshe Dayan

    We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.
    --- Charles C. West

    Conscience is God's presence in man.
    - Emanuel Swedenborg

    Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.
    --- Elvis Presley

    Prayer is not asking for what you think you want, but asking to be changed in ways you can't imagine.
    --- Kathleen Norris

    There are two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.
    --- Indira Gandhi
  • Got the following quotes from the Daily Inspirations of Beliefnet. Me thinks they are worth sharing...
  • Thanks again for visiting. Have a fine Friday. Keep the faith. God Bless you.
  • Friday, May 05, 2006

    The One Where My Sisters Met The Guy Who Secretly Likes Rachel...

    SisterJ, Gunther & SisterM
  • SisterJ texted me a few minutes ago. I was already in bed but couldn't resist to go online and check the picture she was talking about. My sisters met Gunther at Central Perk Dubai. Coolness. They even called me when they were there. That was a moment for them I'm sure. Man. Wanna go to Central Perk for coffee? Heee. If I have the money, would be nice to have a franchise of Central Perk here no? Well...dreaming and wishing about it is FREE! Who knows...maybe, I'd meet one of the cast of FRIENDS too. Heee.
  • Okay, must go back to bed now. I need to catch a few zzzz before my weekend chat with NG.
  • This is a happy day so far...I'm happy that my sisters got to meet someone we've known for years from watching FRIENDS. I can't stop smiling.
  • Thanks again for visiting. Keep the faith. Have a fine weekend. God Bless.
  • Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    It's Purple...

  • SisterM called me Friday night to inform me that she bought me a belated birthday present in the form of the item pictured above [she just told me the brand and the color...I searched for it and that image came up, that could be my camera]. SWEET. That will be my own camera. Sigh. I think, I did a 100 cartwheels in my head. Heee. She got one for herself too. Sigh. She was excited [as I was] when she was telling me about it.
  • Anyhoo...just wanted to share that happy moment. My bed is calling me. Must go. Thanks again for visiting. You know who you are. All 4 or 5 of you. Heee. Keep the faith. God Bless.