Tag, I'm it...Tagged by
Miss M.Four Jobs I've Had In My Life:
1. A clerk type job for 6 months for SMC.
2. A data encoder for Infocom. [I started learning HTML on the side here...heee]
3. A message handler for Infocom.
4. Customs Representative [still at it...should have been a temp job...]
Four Films I Can Watch Over And Over:
1. Serendipity
2. The Big Hit
3. Pretty Woman
4. Somekind of Wonderful
Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Kaloocan City [from birth til around 1996...]
2. Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City [a few months]
3. Makati City [a few months]
4. Novaliches, Quezon City [1996 - present]
Four TV Programs I Love To Watch:
1. F*R*I*E*N*D*S!
2. ED
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Lost
Four Places I Would Love To Visit, If I Had The Moolah:
1. Bohol [saw a bit of this on Lakbay TV...chocolate hills...looks gorgeous]
2. Vienna [where Before Sunrise was filmed]
3. Nebraska [I wonder why...heee...]
4. Disneyland
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. Ymail
2. Gmail
3. My Yahoogroups
4. My Friend's Blogs
Four Of My Favorite Food:
1. Chicken. [KFC is a fave...]
2. Pizza. [We like pizza!]
3. Lumpiang shanghai
4. Pancit Malabon
Four Places I Would Rather Be:
1. Boracay [waiting for the sun to rise was fun...]
2. Nebraska
3. Stuckeyville [I KNOW it's fictional...]
4. Hawaii
Four Bloggers I Am Tagging:
1. you
2. you
3. and you
4. and you too...
It's an early Sunday and I'm still awakey. Was sleepy earlier but not so much now. Just updating the usuals. Lazeee weekend again.Had dinner with the gurls Friday night. Yummy food at Colasa's. Grilled pusit anytime. Yummy food and good company ALWAYS a good combination. Got there late but it was all worth it. Why I was late was beyond my control. Work related. Don't wanna bore you with the details BUT it was frustrating. Was supposed to be done by 4pm BUT because of someone's mistake I had to pay the consequences. It was a Friday so, most of the people were rush-rushing. Grrrrr. Thank God I kept my cool. I wanted to cry. I just kept thinking of happy thoughts and prayed a lot. Thank God there was no heavy traffic and that I didn't waited long for a ride home.Here's an excerpt from the March 17 entry of Each Day, A New Beginning [Daily Meditations For Women]:
The wonders of love are many. Love is a healing balm for wounds. And it nurtures, both the one loving and the one loved. Love is an energizer. It spurs us on to successes in work and in play. Love multiplies. If we aren't feeling loved, we can love someone else --- and love will visit us, too.Day 16 of the The Purpose Driven Life talked about LOVE too. God is LOVE. Love means giving up --- yielding my preferences, comfort, goals, security, money, energy, or time for the benefit of someone else. I am praying we all find love in God.I miss my sisters more and more. SIGH. SisterM called earlier. Sigh. She'll be turning 26 on the 29th. Her first birthday away from home.Speaking of birthdays, BrotherDear is 29 today. I hope and pray that he is wiser and less-easily tempted to do things that he used to do when he was younger.Thanks again for visiting. Will be zzzzing for now. It's almost 5am. Chat with NG is around 11am, must be up for that. Heee.Have a fine Sunday. Keep the faith. God Bless you.