Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Monday, January 31, 2005

Happy February ...

Since it's a brand new month. One of my faves months. I'm posting this pic. It makes me smile. It was taken in 2002. Happy lite moments. WE were all haffee, can't you tell? I feel like cussing/cursing some people for ending that happiness BUT don't wanna waste my energy to underserving peeps. God will take care of them. I'm sure of that. Hell is filled...with people like you... so true. Karma baby.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Take My Breath Away...

  • He's still the one...can you see why I am into this guy? I know he's not known to be a faithful guy and all but he just makes me sigh. [Haaaay...] LD thanks for this pic.
  • Lunch to sawa at Tita Tess's house yesterday/last night was ALWAYS fun. Food...good. Ambience ... good. Companions ... good. Also, Tita Tess is big on pictures, she showed us our past get-together pix. Those were the days. First time I met most of the people who were there yesterday was back 2000. Wow. I have been blessed enough to be able to get to know them thru the years. Good people indeed. Tita Tess even gave us some "nice" parting gifts last night. This woman never fails to amaze me. She always do something that surprises us all. Just Wow. She's God sent indeed. Thank you and I lovelike you Tita Tess.
  • Things with NG is doing ok. January is about to be over. One month down, 7 more to go 'til I get to meet the guy. It will come. Just a matter of time. 585 emails since 12.13.04, I wonder how many emails 'til September, 20++ emails everyday. I don't wanna do the Math. Snail mails are coming too. Oh man. I'm SO loving this. This bus ride is running smoothly. Sometimes, it makes me wonder, is there a catch to all of this haffeeness? Miss M said could be fate...more like faith to me. Faith and Fate is goody too.
  • Prayers check for everyall. God Bless us all.
  • Monday, January 24, 2005

    Out and About ...

  • Missed me? Hehehe. It's a Monday afternoon and I'm at home. I took the day off. Actually, just the half-day off. Work was light. Was in Megamall earlier. I'm just checking mails. 24 from NG today. Whew. Can I BE anymore kilig? ... Speaking of NG, he outed us on the Jamie Group. He asked me first if it would be ok, I said yes. Anyhoo, this is a portion of his email to the group......things just happened one night online, and I have not looked back since! We have great plans for the future, and I thank this group, each and everyone (Jamie's music brought me and V together!) on a daily basis! Music and good friends have a way of bringing people together don't they??...
  • I grabbed the spoon. I'm SO riding the bus.
  • Prayers check for everyone.
  • God Bless us all.
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2005

    *What really counts...

    The most destructive habit......................Worry

    The greatest Joy...............................Giving

    The greatest loss................Loss of self-respect

    The most satisfying work...............Helping others

    The ugliest personality trait.............Selfishness

    The most endangered species.........Dedicated leaders

    Our greatest natural resource...............Our youth

    The greatest "shot in the arm"..........Encouragement

    The greatest problem to overcome.................Fear

    The most effective sleeping pill........Peace of mind

    The most crippling failure disease............Excuses

    The most powerful force in life..................Love

    The most dangerous pariah..................A gossiper

    The world's most incredible computer........The brain

    The worst thing to be without...................Hope

    The deadliest weapon.......................The tongue

    The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"

    The greatest asset..............................Faith

    The most worthless emotion..................Self-pity

    The most beautiful attire......................SMILE!

    The most prized possession................Integrity

    The most contagious spirit.................Enthusiasm

    The most important thing in life..................GOD

    * Mark [my HS batchmate] sent this to our Damers93 yahoo group. Thanks. God Bless us all.

    Sunday, January 16, 2005

    Could I BE any happier? ...

  • Ohkay, sorry for the lack of updates. It's quite hard to post nowadays without me talking about NG [case in point...]
  • He's been making me happy. Yep, pretty much everyday since last month.
  • One month, but it seems longer. I guess, maybe because we've known each other since 2000-01.
  • I am in an online relationship. I never thought I would be in one nor I would actually be happy about it.
  • To quote Mr. Gump, Love is like a box of chocolates...[I bet you know the rest....]
  • I am happy. Period.
  • Prayers check for everyall. [yes even for short-necked guy and moron...hell is filled with people like you... (that line is from FRIENDS btw)] Check. Check. Check.
  • Wednesday, January 12, 2005

    One month...

    It's been one month since NG and I had that 'chat'...187 emails and counting later...and I lost count on the hours we spent chatting. [we call it our weekend chat marathon...] Sheesh. Everything is happening so fast. You just CANNOT control your feelings. Well, if you can, good for you, in my case, I can't. I'm just taking it in stride. Oh well. Prayers check for everybody. I must to go zzzzland now. I'm sleepy. An hour of badminton with my cousin was good. I lost [yet again] but it's all good. God Bless us all.

    Sunday, January 09, 2005

    Get on the bus already...

    *The Bus

    You know, love is just like someone waiting for a bus. When the bus comes, you look at it and you say to yourself " full....cannot sit down. I'll wait for the next one".

    So you let the bus go and waited for the second bus. Then the second bus came, you looked at it you say,"eeee...this bus is so shabby!"

    So you let thebus go and again, decided to wait for the next bus. After a while another bus came, it's notcrowded, not old but yousaid, "eeee... not air-conditioned ...better waitforthe next one".

    So again you let the bus go and decided to wait for the next bus. Then the sky started to get dark as it is getting late. You panicked and jumped immediately inside the next bus. It is not until much later that you found out that you had boarded the wrong bus! So you wasted your time and money waiting forwhat you want! Even if an air-conditioned bus comes, you can't ensure that the air-conditioned bus won't break down or whetheror not the air conditioner will be too cold for you.

    Wanting to get what you want is not wrong. But it wouldn't hurt to give other person a chance, right? If you find that the "bus" doesn't suit you just press the red button and get off the bus! (as simple as that!) Hey who said life is fair??? The best thing to do is be observant and open while you scrutinize the bus. If it doesn't suityou, get off. But you must always have an extra something which you could use for the next bus that comes.

    But wait........ I'm sure you have this experience before....

    You saw a bus coming (the bus you want, of course) you flagged it but the driver acted as if he did not see you and zoomed pass you! It just wasn't meant for you! The bottom line is, beingloved is like waiting for a bus you want. Getting on the bus and appreciating the bus by giving it a chance depends totally on you. If you haven't made any choice, WALK! Walking is like being out of love. The good side of it is you can still choose any bus you want... the rest who couldn't afford another ride would just have to be content with the bus they rode on, ugly or not.

    One more thing.... sometimes its better to choose a bus you are already familiar with rather than gamble with a bus that is unfamiliar to you. But then again, life wouldn't be complete without the risks involved.


    You Never Lose By Loving

    You Always Lose By Holding Back

    * got this from Words To Live By. Thanks Sarah for this one. God Bless everybody.

    Saturday, January 08, 2005


    I got this as a belated Christmas gifty from Miss M. Can I BE any more excited??? I can freeze frame Jomari anytime I want. In his briefs. Hehehe. Thanks Miss M. God Bless to all who keep visiting my blog. Thanks. Appreciated.
    How Is This Possible? ...

    I have been blessed in so many ways than I could care to count. When I'm overwhelmed with it, I tend to questions things. I've told myself, I'm gonna stop questioning it. But there are those lil' moments that just creep in and tell me, there ought to be a catch to all this? BUT the positive thinker in me prevails so, I'm just accepting [or trying to] it. Pray about it. And just wait and see. I've been telling a few friends about how NG [120 emails and counting from him since 12-17-04 and they are not spam mails] is making me happy. I'm scared, happy, excited, hopeful all rolled into one. This is crazy. All new territory to me. I thought, since I've been around in the online community for years now, I can take anything. But this is something I wasn't prepared/expecting for at all. I can try to put them into words but I will not be able to explain it in a way that you'd understand. That I would understand. So, for now, I'm just gonna let God be my guide in this. Taking it as it comes. People will change but I know God will never change. Your prayers will be appreciated. Thank You. God Bless us all.

    Wednesday, January 05, 2005

    Randomness for January...

    100 Years by Five for Fighting

    "Every day's a new day...
    15 there's still time for you
    Time to buy and time to choose
    Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
    When you only got 100 years to live"

    2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year?

    You Are a Golden Retriever Puppy

    Tolerant, fun-loving, and patient.
    You are eager to please - and attached to your frisbee.

    Saturday, January 01, 2005

    Christmas Eve 2004...

    This was taken Christmas Eve from SisterM's camera phone. The shirt, I love, I also have it in blue. I have a thing with shirts. I'm most comfy in them. If I like it so much, I'd even buy two, so, I have a spare. I have a few shirts that I have two of each. My mother doesn't like it. Hehehe. Also, I'm partial to buying blue, red and gray colored shirts. SisterJ sometimes gets in my case that I wear same colored shirts consecutively. She'd say that people might think I'm wearing the same shirt. For me, I don't really care. I could wear the same shirt every other day after they've been washed. It's just a shirt. It's not like I'm wearing some outrageous outfit right? I don't have the guts for that.
    A New Year...

  • It's 13 hours ++ into the year 2005.
  • So far, I've spent 2 hours for the New Year's Eve dinner with my family.
  • 5 hours ++ online with NG. [I'll blog about him next time, I'm overwhelmed as it is. Spooked on how he's like me in so many ways. Peas in a pod, he said.]
  • 5 hours ++ sleeping peacefully.
  • Less than 30 minutes talking to an uber-hyper-not-drunk-no-sleep-yet Eee! on the phone. [She's so funny when she gets drunk, well she said she wasn't drunk. She went to Miss M's house around 2am-ish and stayed and drank her Kurant 'til lunchtime or so. She doesn't like my Vanilia. Told her, if we ever have another VS, we each have our fave flavor. Bring your own Absolut of choice. Hehehe.]
  • Now I'm back online, I've updated the Daily Bread, checked my mails from the various yahoogroups I belong to. Not so much there since it's the Holidays.
  • I'm just taking the new year in. I'm so grabbing the spoon this year. Watch me. [well, no, don't watch me...hehehe]
  • I'll try and read the bible everyday. It's the least I can do to show God how grateful I am for all the blessings that he has given me and still giving me.
  • Pray more for all the people in the world.
  • Dwell on the positive aspects on things. I know there are soooo many negatives things but there's always the flipside of it. Like, if I don't have the cash, stop the need to buy things.
  • I often tell myself, you only need food, clothing and shelter. [ok, throw in the occasional magazines and books there...and oh, CDs...hmmm...dibidis?] See? If I could just simplify my life, I'd be able to save. BUT it's so hard to change the habit of having things. I mean, these are not even expensive things. I only live up to my means. Heck, I can't even afford a DVD player.
  • If other people can live without magazines, CDs and DVDs...I think, I can live without them right? Hmmmm...or maybe, I can just choose ONE magazine to buy : JANE maybe or the special Entertainment Weekly or People Weekly editions but Vanity Fair got lots of nice images. Details, oh my hummina men. It's the new year, and I'm having a hard time choosing which magazine to buy. Hahaha.
  • For the CDs, I don't really buy often so, I think, I have that covered. Sheesh, let's not go to the concerts that are coming this year.
  • For my dibidis, I have the solution to that, since, we don't have a DVD player, I won't buy dibidis 'til we get a player. I won't pass by the dibidi place I go to on my way home from work. Hah! Well, let's see how that goes. If I see Ed, Gilmore Girls or W&G or my other fave shows in there...I'm so gonna get those if I have the extra moolah. Bad bad bad. I should stop the Q-tip when there's resistance...
  • Temptation. You. Suck. Big time. Here's something from Bible Clues for the Clueless that I think would help...if you're tempted : Daniel 1; 1 Corinthians 10; James 1.
  • Yes, God will help us. I'm sure of it. It's just a matter of helping ourselves right? I'm so gonna stop blogging now.
  • Here's to an exciting 2005. Less temptation of any kind. More Vanilia. More spoons to grab. More family and friends time. More NG time. More time with God. [above everything else.] God Bless us all.