Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Thursday, December 30, 2004

My 2005 To-Do List...

  • Play badminton.
  • Send birthday greets to my friends/relatives.
  • Learn how to sign-language. [I've been fascinated with this since I was in gradeschool. Anyone know where I could enroll or something?]
  • Learn how to drive...hmmm...maybe. [I'm a backseat driver. I always feel like the cars are too close to the one I'm in. Yikes.]
  • Save money for my 30th. [I have a full year for that]
  • Read the following books : Harry Potter 5, LOTR trilogy, and the Bible.
  • Buy less dibidis.
  • Pay off a debt.
  • Count my blessings. [I am so blessed in more ways than I care to imagine...]
  • Grab more spoons.
  • Talk least, try to.
  • Update my Utopia site, Jomari Connection and finish the EBC Hummina Site.
  • Surprise my friends by sending snail mails. I miss doing this.
  • Have faith and trust and obey God above everything else.
  • 2004...

    Favorite Concert of '04: Alicia Keys

    ... Band/Artist of '04: Maroon5 and Usher

    ... Local Artist of '04: Kitchie Nadal

    ... Song of '04: If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys feat. Usher

    ... Movie of '04: Bridget Jones's Diary : Edge of Reason

    ... CD of '04: Songs About Jane - Maroon 5

    ... Punk'd-ster of '04: I can't think of anyone right now.

    ... TV Show of '04: The O.C.

    ... Guilty Pleasure of '04: Watching The Simple Life

    ... Website of '04: Gmail

    ... Activity of '04: Playing badminton whenever possible.

    ... Blog of '04: Words To Live By

    ... Quote of '04: "No matter where I go, no matter what I see, we'll all still be doing the same thing....we will try to get a way through this life" --- Alicia Keys [October 2004]

    Tuesday, December 28, 2004

    My Wednesday, so far...

  • Been reading the updates on the Tsunami tragedy. Sad. Sad. Sad. Times like this, we realize how blessed we are. Prayers check for the victims and their families.
  • Today is the last day of work. More time to sleep in or stay up.
  • Dinner tonight with a few Litemailers/EBC.
  • Lunch with my highschool friends tomorrow. I don't like the fact that some of them are pasaway, we are not in highschool anymore. We'll be 30 in a few years time. Oh well. I'm used to it by now. Having the lunch here at home is not easy. I mean, texting and emailing them can get tiring pag walang sagot diba? Good thing, there's free chikka for the texts.
  • Got 6 [my fave number] emails from NG, he loves emailing. Took me about 3 hours, one mug of coffee, 2 glasses of water, 2 slices of fruitcake, 5 CDs [10,000 Maniacs MTV Unplugged, Serendipity Soundtrack, Dawson's Creek Volumes 1 & 2 Soundtracks, My 2002 Birthday CD] and a partridge in a pear tree [hehehe] to reply to his emails. Fun time.
  • Btw, the other day, the owner of this house that we're renting paid us a visit. She told us that she's selling the house and we have until March to find another place to live. Haaay. I don't like moving but that's just how things are sometimes. We've been here since 2001 me thinks. I really like this house. Good vibes. If only we have 1.5 million. Oh well. I'm sure, we'll find another place to live in. We're blessed that we get to have a place to live in. Unlike some people who are forced to squat in properties that doesn't belong to them. Blessed indeed.
  • Ohkay, shower time. Have a good one. God Bless.
  • Monday, December 27, 2004

    Prayers for you, me and everyone else in the world...

  • Prayers going out to the victims of the killer Tsunami that hit Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Somalia last Sunday. Prayers check check check.
  • On a lighter side, my lunch with three of my Grade school friends turned out good. It's a good feeling to see people from your childhood. Inspite of the hardships in life, we are doing good. That's another blessing if you ask me.
  • Dinner with Litemail & EBC scheduled on Wednesday night.
  • Miss M and Doctora liked their gifts. I'm so glad that I could make them smile with that simple gesture.
  • Only 2 working days for me this week, today and tomorrow. Quite glad coz I'll get to stay home and go online more.
  • Next week, is a brand new year. 2005. The year I'll turn 29. Darn. Have I really lived that long already?
  • Listening to Norah Jones' Feels Like Home CD right now. Jamie Walters' Ride, The Diary of Alicia Keys and a bootleg Switchfoot CD before that.
  • NG is getting in my head and I have to admit slowly in my heart, so help and guide me God. He used the word smitten. I'm getting smitten myself. Shaving cream.
  • One good day at a time.
  • I really think this is God's way of letting the two of us know it's a good thing, otherwise why would we both be so rattled? that tells me the feelings are genuine :) [I'm not gonna question God...]
  • May we all have a good week. The last week of 2004. Hope we make the most of it. God Bless.
  • PRAYERS check check check.
  • Sunday, December 26, 2004

    Sunday after Christmas...

  • I'm bored. Hah. Not really. Just don't know what else to do online.
  • I'm random blog-hopping and wishing those random bloggers a Happy Christmas.
  • Drinking session is scheduled tonight with cousins and sisters. SisterM bought two 750ML Absolut Blue and Citron. One bottle has a special design by an artist, to SisterJ's delight. I'm pretty sure who'll get drunk tonight. It won't be me though.
  • Lunch with my gradeschool friends is tomorrow.
  • Lunch with my highschool friends is on the 30th.
  • VS or dinner or lunch with EBC, to be announced. Hehehe. Everyall is quite busy.
  • January 1 or 2, Disney Princess on Ice, hopefully we get to buy tix for that already. Nadine so wants to be there. I actually, wanna be there.
  • NG, the guy I've been chatting with [for two weeks now] who lives somewhere in the US is still turning out overwhelmingly good. Confusing my mind as it is. I've known this guy for years and it's ONLY NOW that I'm discovering things about him that I quite like. He loves FRIENDS! [and that's something already!] Also, he loves emailing. [which is like, OHKAY!] I'm just taking it as it comes. Prayers check check check.
  • Have a good one. God Bless.
  • Saturday, December 25, 2004

    And the reason is YOU...

    Happy Birthday to YOU. I've been really happy that I know someone like YOU. I knew YOU'll not give up on me. I'm so grateful that I have YOU in my life. Thanks for giving me my friends, family and even people whom I don't like. Aside from YOU, they keep me wanting to wake up each day. I'll try my bestest to be a good person in YOUR eyes. Happy Birthday again and I want more of YOU in the coming days and 'til the day I passed on to the next life. I may not say it all the time but I can proudly say that I LOVE YOU.

    Thursday, December 23, 2004

    What I Love About Christmas...

  • Fruitcake.
  • People are nicer to one another.
  • Signing Holiday cards.
  • Sending and receiving Holiday cards. [hint hint hint!]
  • Getting together with friends and relatives.
  • Nadine's excitement 'til opening of Christmas gifts is contagious.
  • Making people happy with your simple gift. That's priceless.
  • More time to sleep in or just stay awake.
  • The coolness in the air.
  • God Bless every all. Happy Christmas.
  • Wednesday, December 22, 2004

    Once in a while...

    It doesn't hurt to read one's horoscope once in a while...

    There are some things that are simply out of your control. The sooner you accept that fact, the better off you'll be. Don't be surprised if an administrative glitch or a hardware failure throws a stumbling block into your path. Make good use of the downtime you may suddenly experience. As the saying goes, 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.'

    I'd say, easier said dalandan.
    I'm back online...

  • As if you'd notice. Hah. Our phone got disconnected last Monday, so, no internet at home for two days. I had to check mails from an internet cafe. Anyhoo, I'm back. So, there.
  • A High School friend told me a few days ago to answer my query re: online relationship, that she was in an online relationship that ended in a disaster years ago. Hah. I'd say, after telling me the gist of it, I'm glad it was all in her past.
  • I still don't know someone whose "online relationship" turned ok.
  • There ought to be someone out there.
  • You've Got Mail could happen right?
  • I'm entertaining the thought of online relationships, does it count as a relationship?
  • I just might go crazy thinking about it.
  • I've been online for years and something nice happens when I least expected it.
  • And from someone I've known since 2000 or 2001.
  • I say, one good day at a time.
  • Bahala na si Batman or si Robin.
  • Sunday, December 19, 2004

    Daily Dirt...

    1. Are you what is mostly called a "Layout Whore"?
    Not really.

    2. If you are, how often do you change your layouts?
    My current layout has been the same for over a year, I just tweak it to my preference from time to time. I do change the background image at least, once a month or whenever I feel the urge to it.

    3. Do you mostly use celebrities on your layouts?

    4. If you don't, what do you mostly use on your layouts?

    5. Do you have fun making layouts?
    Yes, I actually do.

    Saturday, December 18, 2004

    Online Relationships...

    Anyone out there who know someone who is or who was in an online relationship? How'd it go? Did it end up on a positive note? Or a waste of time? I need some enlightenment on this matter. God Bless you.

    Friday, December 17, 2004

    Daily Dirt...

    Celebrity Hotties...
    1. Which celeb is the hottest in your mind?
    Jomari Yllana.

    2. Which celeb is the least hottest?
    Hmmm...for me? I don't see what other people see in Colin Farrell. [Sorry Colin fans...]

    3. Which celeb would you marry if you could?
    Tom Cavanagh as Edward Jeremy Stevens.

    4. Which celeb hottie is farthest from your age?
    That Alexander Petrovsky guy in SATC.

    5. If you could magically make one of your celeb hotties younger, who would it be?
    Most of the celeb hotties on my list are not that old so, no one really.

    Wednesday, December 15, 2004

    From Bernadine with Love...

    Bernadine is 5 years old. She wants a Barbie Doll [yet again, hehe] this Christmas. Isn't her handwriting neat for a 5 year-old? Santa, if you're reading this, there's one girl who wants a Barbie doll. Nadine makes me smile all the time. She gave me a back rub last night. She was pretty ok although I think she put too much lotion on my back. Oh well. At least, she enjoyed giving me a massage.

    Tuesday, December 14, 2004

    Daily Dirt...

    1. Are you addicted to the net?
    I could go a day without it.

    2. How many hours/minutes do you stay online?
    2 to 3 hours. Depends. I can go for more than 5 hours on weekends.

    3. Do you have many friends online or offline?
    My friends online are offline friends too. If we're counting the yahoogroups people that I know, yes, I have more online friends then.

    4. What site would you recommend and why?
    Beliefnet - Source of inspiration.
    Daily Bread - Inspiring us on a daily basis.

    5. What's the best site ever?
    For best layout and content it would have to be Alicia Keys Online, this is the best fansite I've come across with so far. I envy the person who maintains the site. I wish I'm that visually good at making websites.
    Best Undressed...

    These ladies are included in the year-ender poll on E!online Best Undressed category. 12 or so ladies are up for the title. Some are undressed that went on their favor [just like the two ladies shown here] and some are just plain what-was-she-thinking-she-must-hire-a-wardrobe-consultant type. Lil' Kim is in there too. She MUST get a wardrobe consultant. Anyhoo, I voted for Kate's dress. Nice right? How many women can carry her dress that well? E-N-V-Y. Too bad there were no category for Best Undressed Men. Awwww. That would have been sweeter. Hahaha.

    Monday, December 13, 2004

    Daily Dirt...

    Christmas Cheer
    1. So, are you mostly cheerful or sour when the Christmas celebrations start?

    2. Anything you want for Christmas that you would die for?
    I want Jomari but wouldn't die for him.

    3. Do you mostly go with family or go with friends on Christmas?

    4. Do you have any favorite Christmas meal that you eat almost every single Christmas?
    Spaghetti/Carbonara. It's always present in our Noche Buena.

    5. Put quite frankly, do you like Christmas at all?
    Yes, because people are nicer this time of year and also, it is Jesus' birthday, which we tend to forget. I'm guilty of that too.

    Sunday, December 12, 2004

    I just grabbed the spoon...

  • I love the guy on the right. His name is Zach Braff. He's a doctor. Well, at least on TV. Doctor JD.
  • Passed by Dapitan Arcade last Saturday afternoon. Saw a few stuff that interested me but didn't really have enough money for it. I bought scented candles instead.
  • I had an intense chat with a friend last Friday/Saturday. I felt relieved afterwards. So relieved I cried [during and after] but it was all good. I was Miss Sniffles in bed. Cry-baby in the house. Thank YOU for that chat. I've never been THAT open to anybody about that particular subject. It made me feel good that I was able to tell it to someone else. Even ONLY via YM chat. I don't think I'd be able to talk to someone about it face to face. Someday maybe. But not yet. I guess, I'll just know when I'm ready. Again, thank you for that chat. It means so MUCH to me. Also, thanks for that prayer. REALLY appreciated.
  • Someone I've known for years via the Jamie Walters group kinda-sorta flirted [I could be dense when it comes to reading between the lines, but not that dense...and besides he admitted that he was in a flirty mood...] during one of our chats. Hmmmm. We seldom chat. So, it was something new. Maybe, he was just feeling flirty. As I type this, we're still chatting. I'm about to call it a night though. Have to get a few zzzzz. Work is bound to be light. Just have to be somewhere at 9:30am.
  • Have a fine week to all you faithful visitors. Always a pleasure. Next week is Christmas week. God Bless.
  • Wednesday, December 08, 2004

    Peace be with you...

    Bird of peace : A Thai-muslim student smiles as she displays a origami bird she collected after an air drop during a peace campaign at muslim school in Pattani province, south of Thailand.

    Monday, December 06, 2004

    Heart & Mind...

  • Faith in God becomes the antidote to fear.
  • "I believe in the sun even whe it is not shining. I believe in love even when I do not feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent."
  • When you feel forsaken, cry out, "My God, My God" as an affirmation of faith -- even in the silence.
  • Suffering is an inevitable part of life. Misfortune never leaves us where it finds us. The pain will one day cease. But what we learn in these dark experiences is our treasure forever.
  • In the middle of your trial or suffering when your life is not fair, turn to God and ask for His peace and comfort.
  • The Bible provides the needed survival strategies and tells us of the One who remains unchanging in our changing world.
  • If we allow Him, God can use the "waves" of life that beat against us to polish and beautify our souls.
  • When a crisis strikes, we need to find some quiet moments, an interval away from the confusion and noises about us. Then we can hear the still, small voice of God calling us to restoration and wholeness.
  • Today make a conscious effort to reach out and pray for a neighbor or help a friend with something --- maybe a listening ear. You can represent God to others.
  • His love has no limits, his grace has no measure,
    His power no boundary known unto men;
    For out of his infinite riches in Jesus
    He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
  • Earthly life is but the preface to our unending eternal life with God.
  • Whatever the future holds, I'm in His hands.
  • What e'er the future holds, I'm in his hands,
    The days I cannot see, have all been planned for me;
    His way is best, you see; I'm in his hands.
  • God will lift us up from being a victim to being a victor in life's struggles.
  • YOU are precious in God's eyes.
  • The Lord comes to us in the midst of our failures, fears, sorrows, and tragedies and speaks again His assuring promise, "Peace be with you."
  • Your faith in God can turn your tragedy into triumph.
  • A person who has suffered has the most to give to others. One of the best therapies in life comes from helping and encouraging someone else. This act of kindness to others lifts us out of ourselves and gives us encouragement from our comfort to others.
  • He will bring us through our difficulties. No wave is too high, no crashing breaker is too strong, and no undertow is too formidable. as we trust in God's strength, we will not go down, but through. He has brought us through, and now He will lead us on.
  • "Lord, help me to remember that nothing can happen today that You and I cannot handle together!"
  • I hope this warms your heart and mind. The following lines were the ones that got my attention while reading When Life Gets Tough by Henry Gariepy. Thanks to Miss M for giving me this particular book.
  • Have a good Tuesday. God Bless.
  • Sunday, December 05, 2004

    Will you please distract me? ...

  • He had me with those lips...errr...that didn't sound right. He goes by the name of Sharif. I don't even know his last name. Forgive me, I need the distraction from my reality. Don't we all need a distraction?
  • My MSN horoscope: Angle yourself away from the problems instead of stepping directly into them, dear Aquarius. You may not be able to directly see the potholes coming, so consider taking another road. Do not waste your time falling into a hole that you can avoid. It may be difficult to deal with your emotions because more than likely, your usual way of dealing with such intensity is to just push it away, ignore it, and operate on strictly a cerebral level. This kind of attitude will not serve you very well on a day like this.
  • Last Wednesday night, someone IMed [instant message] me thru YM. It came via my phone coz I was online via SMS. Sheesh, and here I thought my sister changed the preference to no anonymous people IMing me. Anyhoo, I ignored it at first but the person asked if I was safe. Hmmmm. What's up with that? Safe from what? SisterM was online at that time so I dared not intrude. My computer time is midnight onwards. 3 people share the computer here at home so, we have our own computer time. Moving back to the anynomous IMer. I replied and asked who the person was. No reply. The next day. I got home early. Went online around 4pm-ish. The same person IMed me again. This time asking for my age and location. I replied and asked who the person was. The person said, his name is K and he works in IT, he's 29 and lives in QC. I asked him where he got my name and I might know him and just playing tricks on me. According to him, he was browsing through the online people at that time. He said he was bored. Blah blah blah. And I'm supposed to believe that? I wasn't born yesterday. We got to chat for awhile. Found out about a few things about him and vice versa. We even exchanged mobile numbers. I think that was a mistake. Giving him my mobile number. The last time I gave my number to someone, it didn't really worked out well. [Don't tell anyone...] Anyhoo, last Friday, he asked if I wanted to meet him. I said no. I mean, if you know me. I'm not very good at meeting people. Just not good at it. I think I need to see someone to teach me how to communicate well with people. He sent me a text message last Saturday. He said hi. I replied and said hi back. One liners. I don't like short text messages. Must always reach the text character limit. One peso is still one peso. Might as well take advantage of it. [take advantage of one peso worth of text? hehe] That was it. We could end up friends. Yeah, I think we could be friends. Will I meet him in person? If he resembles like Sharif or Jomari why not. Dream on. If he does look like Jomari, my gulay. He doesn't have to talk. I could just stare at him. Oh well. I thought that was worth sharing. Or just a waste of your time. Either way, this is my blog right? Yes. So, you just have grin and bear what I post in here. Please come back again. Hehe.
  • Have a good week to all those who faithfully read this. You know who you are. God Bless. Hope no typhoons this week. Bless those people who passed away last week. I hope they are in a better place now with our God. Amen.
  • My favorite vampire slayer...

    Nice dress. Sheesh. E-N-V-Y. I miss watching Buffy.

    Saturday, December 04, 2004

    7 hours and a few minutes...

  • I spent that much time tweaking my color blocks. Added images to the white spaces. Seemed to work out fine. Loading time will be slower though. I hope I don't reach my bandwitch limit at Ripway or else the images will not be visible. Oh well, if that happens, I will have to upload half of the images to Photobucket or at Flickr
  • I'm just waiting for the taho vendor and I'm off to dreamland. Have a fine Sunday. God Bless.
  • Sharif...

    One of the last four contestants on Playing It Straight...what do you think? Straight or gay? I already know the answer, I had to check. hehehe. He's a musician too. A guitar-playing guy with a beautiful face. I'm sure he has a flaw. What is it? Hmmmm. I could actually include him on my Hummina List for this year. His eyes smiles when he smiles. My gulay. I'm done salivating. For now.
    Feeling Christmassy...

  • Changed the background image for this month. Just adding a lil' Christmas spirit in here. Isn't she the cutest Santa? Got the image from Image Bank. Thanks to Pia for pointing me in that direction.
  • Whenever I'm away from the computer, I have quite a number of thoughts to blog about BUT when I'm here, everything is blank. Oh well. I've updated my TGIF livejournal.
  • The things I want to blog about are all in my head for now. Will share them when I'm ready. Have a good weekend. God Bless.