Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]
Monday, August 30, 2004
I had a pretty good Monday. Work was a bit busy but light. Nothing I cannot handle. Played an hour of badminton tonight. Man, it was nice. An hour of sweating. Like expected, I didn't win. Hah. BUT I'm not losing hope. I'll beat whoever I'm playing against with one time. Eventually. SisterM beat me by a point. It was a close game. We'll play again on Wednesday. Gotta try and lose some excess baggage. If you know what I mean. I've been thinking of cutting my hair short. NOT short short. Just shorter than my usual do. I don't really fuss about my hair. I'm not that gutsy when it comes to having my hair cut. I just have the usual trim. Hmmm. We'll see. The US Open started tonight. Wee. Something to watch during the wee hours of the night/day. Though, I don't think Mark Phillippoussis is in the tourney this year. I have to check the players list.I'm sleepy. Hah. It's just a past midnight. Thank you badminton. Ohkay kids, I think I'm gonna call it a day. Godbless.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Unconscious Mutterings and a little talking on the side...
I've been taping Coupling for the past two months now. I think, I have around 8 episodes already. I've only seen 3 episodes so far. Sheesh. This happens to me all the time. I'd tape shows then it'll take me a while to watch them. I don't know why. I guess, it's knowing that they'll still be there when I want to watch them. Sheesh. My plan was to tape them then watch them a day after. Never accomplished that plan. I still even have the movie The Pilot's Wife taped from a few months ago. I promised to finish the book first BUT I still haven't done that. Darn. I did finish reading A Walk To Remember last week. Now, it's another Nic Sparks book, The Rescue, I'm halfway through. I guess, I just need to read some good-old-romantic-type stories. I need to feel or think about some mushy stuff. I'm only human. I do have feelings that resembles that of a romantic-nature. Even just a bit. Hmmm, am I really "releasing" it here. I CAN'T talk about it for the life of me. I've a hard time talking for some reason. It's my flaw. Just how I am. I can talk about it BUT the actual "talking" is just hard for me. Bear with me. Don't give up on me for not talking. There are times, I really wanted to "talk" but for some reason, I fold. Even to my closest friends, I'm known to be the quiet one. So, half the time, they don't know what's on my mind BECAUSE I don't talk about stuff about me. Even now, I'm actually cringing. Getting a bit uncomfortable reading what I just typed. Sheesh. Maybe, I ought to do this, I mean, write my thoughts then just read them when I'm with my friends? Nah. That would seem to be too formal? That will even make me conscious. Oh man. The thing is, I can't really deal with serious talks. I mean, I can understand them but the more I talk about it, the more I feel down. So, what I do, is just not think about them that much. I'm not totally running away from it. I'm just not paying them any attention. Because, most often than not they just go away. Praying about it HELPS the most. Every single opportunity I can get. I always pray about the serious stuff that is happening in my life. And after hearing/reading some other people's dilemmas, mine is just a dot compared to what they're going through. It's just having perspective on things right? I mean, I KNOW, I'm one blessed human being. I've never been hospitalized except the day that I was born . I don't have a lot of money but I can buy some of the stuff that I need and sometimes, the things that I just want. I may not be pretty but I have beautiful friends. [both inside and out] I may not be good at sports but at least I try to play badminton. I may not be as smart as Bill Gates but I'm not stupid either. [I know a lot about "useless" knowledge...hehe] Wasn't I "talking" about romance awhile ago? Darn. This is another thing I don't particularly like whenever I talk, I tend to jump from one subject to the next. And I actually expect the person I'm talking to, to get it. Crazy me. I know. Like I while ago, I was telling my sister and cousin about the Gilmore Girls DVD [I was flipping on a magazine and saw the ad for it]. Told her, I still haven't seen the Gilmores' DVD around. Then all of a sudden, I said, May Season7 na rin nga... [I was already thinking about the FRIENDS dvds that I actually saw on Tower...] Both my sister and cousins said, May season7 na ang Gilmore?, I replied, FRIENDS then, they both said, ang gulo mo talaga... Oh man, I realized that my way of telling things always end up like that. Sheesh. Wouldn't it be grand if they can just read my thoughts instead? That would be much easier on my part. Though I have to shut off my not so nice way of thinking right? [hehehe] This is actually getting long. Hah. And I haven't even talked about love or romance. I WAS actually in love late last year to earlier this year. I think I was in love. I felt that way before so, I kinda concluded that it was around that part of the brain. BUT the ending wasn't what I was expecting. The world will be a better place if there are not liars in the world. Sheesh. I'll "talk" about it next time. That's a promise. Ahhhh. I feel good now. Just by "talking" about some of the stuff on my so-called mind. Hah. It's 2:22am on my clock. I've to call it a day/night. Whatever. It's a brand new work week. May we all have a fine, stress-free week. A brand new month in a couple of days. The start of the BER months. Christ's Day is coming once again. Yeeha. Godbless.
- GAME BOY:: Nintendo
- Biopsy:: Cyst
- Attack:: in Iraq
- Convention:: Comic Book
- Jewels:: Precious
- Genetics:: Genealogy
- Impostor:: Fake
- Doug:: King of Queens
- Arbitrary:: randomness
- Oscillate:: Round and round it goes
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Blog Hoppers Unite...
Ok, I said, I was gonna do my once-in-a-month [I just declared it now...heheh] blog hopping and I just did. Wow, I spent hours in hopping from one blog to the next. Though, this time, I only checked Pinoy blogs. Surprisingly, we have a Philippine Blog Awards site. And more surprisingly, there are "famous" people who do the blog thing as well. Hmmmm. I'm not sure if it's really them but reading blogs from "famous" people made me think that they are normal people like us. They just happen to have glamorous jobs and much higher paychecks. All good. Here are some of them. Go ahead and check them out if you want to. Here are the winners/finalists from last year's Philippine Blog Awards:
- Lucky Me... - who knew he could be poetic....
The Insane Adventures of D - An honest, irreverent, and sassy take on my own life in the crazy world of Manila fashion and beyond.
The Radical Chef - A Filipino food, cooking & recipes journal.
- Most Informative Blog for 2003
The Radical Chef
Filipino Blogger of the Year
StarbucksCoffeeForFree, that address is no longer active but you can check him out here.
Top 3 Entries for Filipino Blog Site of the Year
Green Capsule
The Radical Chef
Starbucks Coffee For Free
Top 3 Entries for Most Informative Blog for 2003
The Radical Chef [Mabuhay ka Ederic.]
Ang Munting Bukayo
Top 3 Entries for Filipino Blogger of the Year
Starbucks Coffee For Free
He Says, She Says
Sat-urr-day Night...
It's another Saturday night. And like most of my weekends, I'm stuck at home. Hehee. More like, I'm too lazy or just no scheduled dinner with my friends. Badminton weekend hasn't been happening for the past two weeks. I'm not complaining. It's nice to be at home during the weekends. Just me and myself and I. [well, my parentals are here but they are both in dreamland already] My sisters are out, they have a more "active" social life than I do. That's no biggie news. Just how it is. Wanted to go and see The Princess Diaries 2 earlier but fell asleep at around 4pm til about 8pm-ish. Getting some shut eyes during the afternoon is a weekend thing for me whenever I'm home. It recharges me in a way. I'm bored. I'm gonna do my blog hopping for now and then post some of the links that I will find. I think I'm gonna eat ice cream as Tatay's fave. It's an ok flavor, I prefer Double Dutch but since he bought it I'm ok with Coffee Crumble for now. Hehehe.
Monday, August 23, 2004
I. Love. This. Movie...
Say Anything is showing right now on Star Movies. John Cusack.
She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. --- Lloyd Dobler

Say Anything is showing right now on Star Movies. John Cusack.
She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. --- Lloyd Dobler

Sunday, August 22, 2004
Unconscious Mutterings, men in briefs and then some...
It's a brand new week. Been looking for some pix of Jomari from last Wednesday's UNDERSTATEMENT show. No luck yet. Something is bound to come up real soon, I'm sure. Though, I did find a few images taken from ONE NIGHT ONLY [the Bench underwear/denim show from 2 years back] and a few other pix. I am thinking of updating the Jomari Connection site soon. I'm just too lazy nowadays. You're still welcome to check it if you want too. Hehe. I enjoyed the show, it was a first for me. My friend Laney watched the show thru the lenses of her binoculars. Mine wasn't that clear so, I just watched it with my regular eyes. [heheh] Jomari wore this RED briefs, very nice indeed. It took a while before he came out of the runway. I even thought he'll be a no-show considering it was his birthday and all. I heart him. I'm not obssessed. I'm just fascinated with him. [since highschool days...heheh] I slept all day Saturday. Got out of bed around 3pm-ish. Haaay. Sleeping is sooo good for the soul. Get it whenever you can. I've been reading A Walk To Remember for a few days now. The movie is in rotation on HBO for the past few weeks now. I liked the movie. The book, I'm liking more. Nicholas Sparks know how to please his readers. My favorite would have to be The Notebook, can't wait for the movie to come out here soon. Watched the Night of the Champions on TV, man, they are a bunch of great singers. I like Sarah Geronimo's voice and personality the most. Charming girl she is. My parentals are in a bind right now, I could say, I told you so, pero, I don't wanna rub it in. I'm keeping my mouth shut about it. The thing is, I know it will happen sooner than soon. Sheesh. It's one if not the most shameful thing ever. I won't elaborate coz I'm not proud of it. But the idea of my relatives finding out about it makes me real uncomfortable. Sheesh. Parents. I'm praying for them. Please pray that God shed a light on them too. What's done is done.
- Olympics:: Medals
- Wicked:: Witch
- Intoxicating:: Perfume
- Radical:: Fantastic
- Misinformed:: False Info
- Triplets:: Musketeers
- Coronation:: Beauty Pageant
- Asimov:: The Name Sounds Familiar
- Contemporary:: Music
- 1:: Only
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Gotta Love Chucks...
SisterM recently bought 2 pairs of Chucks [see shoe#5 design but in purple and plum colors], was browsing through the Converse website and found these shoes that I want to have when I have extra cash. Puma dropped down to my #2 sneaker brand preference. Aren't they just the coolest? Sheesh. I. WANT. THEM. ALL.
SisterM recently bought 2 pairs of Chucks [see shoe#5 design but in purple and plum colors], was browsing through the Converse website and found these shoes that I want to have when I have extra cash. Puma dropped down to my #2 sneaker brand preference. Aren't they just the coolest? Sheesh. I. WANT. THEM. ALL.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Monday, August 16, 2004
Unconscious Mutterings...
Yet another week has begun...time is so amazing. I want more of it. Sleepy all day Monday for me. Saw A Cinderally Story last Sunday night with SisterM, I don't really fancy Hilary Duff but the movie was ok. Things I liked about the movie: 1. Jennifer Coolidge as the evil step mom. I like her. She's funny without even trying. You gotta watch the episode of FRIENDS where she played Monica & Phoebe's friend Amanda. [with a British accent to have to watch it to know what I'm rambling about....]; 2. The classic I'll Be, intro guitars and violin then came Edwin McCain's voice on the chorus...such an immortal song. I love it needless to say; 3. Chad Michael Murray's eyes, voice and the way he arches his brow. Coolness. Tuesday-TV marathon later tonight. Sex and the City preems its sixth and final season. God, I know you'll be there for him. Been reading the recaps of the Korean soap The Loveletter, I've been enjoying it. All thanks to Laney. A good day it'll be.
- Server:: Computer-related stuff
- Charlotte:: Sex and the City
- Jackson:: Some like him, some don't,
- Resentment:: Dislike
- Controlling:: Manipulative
- Intense:: Serious
- November:: My sister's birthday month
- Donkey:: Kong
- Weave:: Cross Stitching
- Satisfies:: Pleases
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Bench warmer...
Will be watching this event on the 18th. Jomari will be there. Incidentally, that day happens to be his birthday too. Hah.
Check out Rico and Bobby's [yes, there were named after the late Rico Yan and his brother Bobby] Dogster's page by clicking on their picture. I'm not a dog person but Rico is one fine Golden.
ED, started last Wednesday night on StarWorld. I heart ED. How can you not?
My three couples so far are Chip & Kim, The Bowling Moms and Brandon & Nicole. I hope I don't jinx them. Hehe.
Will be watching this event on the 18th. Jomari will be there. Incidentally, that day happens to be his birthday too. Hah.
Check out Rico and Bobby's [yes, there were named after the late Rico Yan and his brother Bobby] Dogster's page by clicking on their picture. I'm not a dog person but Rico is one fine Golden.
ED, started last Wednesday night on StarWorld. I heart ED. How can you not?
My three couples so far are Chip & Kim, The Bowling Moms and Brandon & Nicole. I hope I don't jinx them. Hehe.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
I'm Vikkicar and I'm a Blogger...[ain't that original?]
Ohkay, I can never update this blog on a regular basis. Sheesh. I really respect those people who can keep it on a daily basis. Today is technically a Thursday, work has been quite busy [but bearable] the past few days. Nothing that I can't handle. Someone was shot inside the Customs Building last Tuesday afternoon. I wasn't there when the shooting happened but still, it was a scary thought that inspite of THOUSANDS [I exaggerate] of Customs Policemen there, someone still managed to bring a fire-arm. Hah. So yesterday, getting inside the building was a pain. IDs checked. Bags checked. They even had that sensor thing. [I don't know what they are called...] I expect that to happen for a few more days. [give or take...] Then back to being lax again. Nothing new with that. Tuesday afternoon [that lasted 'til evening] had a headache, must be the weather. It was Tuesday TV Marathon started with ED @ 7PM [good thing it was a replay], watched Will & Grace then Knock First on ETC instead. 8PM, One Tree Hill; 9PM, The O.C. [Seth Cohen aka Adam Brody aka Lane's boyfriend on Gilmore Girls is sooo adorable...]; 10PM slot was for Six Feet Under but since the season ended last week, it'll be replaced with Sex and the City's 6th and final season next week. HBO showed 8 episodes back-to-back last Tuesday night though. Wanted to see all of it but since I had a headache I slept at around 10pm-ish while my sister was watching the replay of The Amazing Race. I slept before midnight. Sheesh. One of them days. I felt good when I got up around 7am-ish Wednesday. Sleep is the answer to my headache. Speaking of the season finale of Six Feet Under, it made me think, when someone you care about disappear, what would you think or feel? No word from this person whatsoever. Just like the scenario on SFU, where Nate didn't hear from her wife for more than 48 hours. My take on it is, if your faith in God is strong, whatever happens to that person, you'd be assured that he/she is in a good place rigth? Did that make sense? I know it's just a TV show but death happens every second all over the world. On a lighter note, there's this new "sexy" actress with the screen name of Keanna Reeves [she's not related to Keanu], Monday morning, I couldn't sleep, was watching TV around 3am-ish, channel surfing then got interested in Boy Abunda's KONTOBERSYAL [I think that was the title of the show...] and in that episode, this new sexy actress, Keanna Reeves, revealed to every viewing public that she is an escort [high class prostitutes right?], she was followed by the camera doing her "job," of course, they didn't show the person who hired her for that night. Anyhoo, while watching it, I told myself, this is just another publicity gimmick since she's new in the entertainment biz. But a few days ago, since Keanna revealed that even some politicians hired her the Congress is now after her to reveal those politicians. Hah. What the? I mean, there are thousands of issues/problems of the country to deal with and they want to prioritize Keanna's escort clients? My gulay. It's as if they're not aware that something like this is really happening. Whatever happened to "serve the country first before their personal interests?" Haaaaay. Philippine politics is really something. I will not talkback at my parents. Whatever the case may be, I pray to God that I will not talk back at them. It's moo like my friend pointed at. My friend's situation is much much more deeper than what I am dealing with. Good things prevail over bad things right? RIGHT. I'm not that good to them either. So, I guess, it's moo. Joey Tribianni does make sense. I miss FRIENDS. Whenever we have problems, we always think that it's the biggest prob of all right? Or is it just me? Then we get to hear a friend or just someone's problem and suddenly, ours become not so bad after all. It's all about perspective, I learned to do that. Focus. I mean, some people's problem is about what they will eat for a day and to me that is not a big problem but to some people it's such a big dilemma. You get my not-so-moo point right? "A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they're not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they're not so bad." - Arnold Glasgow [this is so true...I love my friends. I'm blessed to have them in my life.]
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Badminton was postponed for next week. The beach getaway weekend was moved for another weekend. Sked's not jiving. I feel sick right now. Darn. This. Cough. My week is very routinary. Work. TV. Emails. A few hours of sleep. I always look forward to my weekends coz it's badminton time or the occasional dinner with EBC or I get to sleep all day/night. I LOVE to sleep. Coz whenever I'm asleep I don't get to think about issues that bring me down. I'm at peace. Even for a few hours. Forget everything else for a while. Let me have my peace. Do you ever get the feeling that you wanted to talkback at your parents? Sometimes, I get that feeling. They are hard-headed people. Sheesh. Frustrating. They are my parents so I can't really be THAT frustrated with them. The thing is, they gamble, mostly cards, they even let people play here at home. It's so frustrating to get home and see that they are playing cards. They know we [my sisters and I] don't like it. But they still do it. They even said, barya, barya [loose change] lang naman daw but they do it every day. Or almost. Sheesh. Aside from the cards, my father is a big fan of horse racing...darn those horses. And he's REALLY back to smoking again. He had a triple-heart bypass last March of 2003. He doesn't seem to care if he gets another heart attack. And to think that we still owe some people about Php100,000+ used for his operation. I'm so grateful to my relatives for helping my father out. My father doesn't seem to see it that way. This is like a second chance at life for him but he's just wasting it with cigarettes. Punyetang sigarilyo yan. My father is a good and generous man, he just have a few flaws that could be changed but refused to do so. PARENTS.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Friday Fiver...
1. What was the first concert you ever attended? How old were you? Where was it? The Dawn; I was a freshman in highschool; Notre Dame of Greater Manila.
2. What was the most recent concert you attended? Where and when? Ben Jelen in Manila. Greenbelt Fountain Area, June 2004.
3. Have you ever seen your favorite artist/band in concert? Did the show live up to your expectations or were you disappointed? Yes, saw Alanis back in 95 or 96, that was indeed a great show, needless to say, I'm a fan.
4. Ever been to a concert where you were pleasantly surprised at the performance? Ever been to a concert where you were totally disappointed? Name 'em!
1. What was the first concert you ever attended? How old were you? Where was it? The Dawn; I was a freshman in highschool; Notre Dame of Greater Manila.
2. What was the most recent concert you attended? Where and when? Ben Jelen in Manila. Greenbelt Fountain Area, June 2004.
3. Have you ever seen your favorite artist/band in concert? Did the show live up to your expectations or were you disappointed? Yes, saw Alanis back in 95 or 96, that was indeed a great show, needless to say, I'm a fan.
4. Ever been to a concert where you were pleasantly surprised at the performance? Ever been to a concert where you were totally disappointed? Name 'em!
- Pleasantly Surprised: Hootie and the Blowfish, Stephen Speaks, Moonpools & Caterpillars, Paolo Santos @ the Mega Strip [a free gig at that...], Jason Mraz, The Corrs, Duncan Sheik, Ben Jelen
- Kinda Disappointed: some local bands, I forget their names.
- Bare Naked Ladies
- The Corrs
- Alanis Morissette
- Jason Mraz
- Dave Matthews
Monday, August 02, 2004
Unconscious Mutterings...
- Testicles:: Men
- Ribald:: I have no idea...
- Auction:: Highest bidder
- Inch:: Thumb
- Tony:: Soprano
- Phony:: Pretend
- Stool:: Sample
- Coyote:: Ugly
- Cinderella:: Ever After
- Battery:: Energizer Bunny
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