Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. [Proverbs 3:5]
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. [Hebrews 11:1]

Friday, April 30, 2004

Labor Day Weekend ...

  • It's the first day of yet another new month. Labor Day as well. Happy Labor Day to all laborers.
  • It's 8:34AM on my computer clock, woke up a few minutes ago. I don't usually get up during the weekend this early.
  • I already had my taho.
  • Laundry is spinning away.
  • I want to go back to bed. I need someone to do laundry for me.
  • Last night, or earlier today around 1AM-ish, I forgot to log off on my messenger thingy, good thing, I logged in to I-Mesh for my song downloads.
  • What really happened was, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, then went inside the room, lied down on my bed. And the next thing I know, the sun was up at around 6AM-ish. Hah. I was that sleepy.
  • I guess, I needed that sleep badly. I had a busy work week.
  • I met this person from a FRIENDS yahoogroup, we get to chat every now and then. He lives in the US. We both love FRIENDS. AND, he'll send me the FINALE of the show as soon as possible. Well, I told him to send it to my Uncle in Jersey first, then my Uncle will just send it to us. [My Uncle have a friend working for FedEx, they get discounts.] Yay. I'm so happy. Excited to see where and how it all ended. [I read from E!Online, someone's proposing to someone...]
  • It's cool to meet people with common interests, last year, I also met someone from another yahoogroup, we both like Jessica Zafra and FRIENDS. She sent me FRIENDS and SCRUBS tapes. I sent her JZ's short-lived [awww] magazine FLIP.
  • Sharing is good. Always good. Great.
  • Oh yeah, I skinned my left knee and bruised my thigh last Thursday afternoon. Thank God I was wearing jeans and no one saw my fall, well, unless the blind can see. I tried to steer away from the blind man's walking stick but when I stepped forward, his walking stick got in the way. Aarrgghh. It's like I was the blind person. Darn. I'm such an idiot. It's actually quite a funny story but when you're the one involved, it's really not. Plus, I got a little hurt. Wobbled all day. When I told it to my sisters and cousins, they laughed. Yeah, it was actually funny. I just got bruised in the process.
  • Buffy returns May 6 on Star World. The final season. Bound to be good.
  • Happy weekend to all of you.
  • God Bless.
  • Sunday, April 25, 2004

    Fun read...

    Nick & Jessica : Q & A
    Check out the full Q&A from the Entertainment Tonight website.

    Nick: Is there anything our show caught on tape that you wish you could have erased?

    Jessica: I don't know, cuz I'm making a lot of money from all the stuff I did wrong. Look at his face! [pointing and laughing]

    Nick: What is the biggest misconception about you that you would like to clear up?

    Jessica: That I'm not a good cook. I'm a great cook! They just try to make me look bad over there at MTV.

    Nick: I back you up on that one. What should we name our kids?
    Jessica: Well, we know we want to name our little girl Samantha, cuz we wanna call her "Sam."

    Nick: But we're not having girls, we're having boys.

    Jessica: [Ignoring that.] I don't know yet. We have to have a naming party. You know how you have those? Couples --- you have all your friends come over and have a naming party.

    Nick: You wanna let our friends name our kids?

    Jessica: No, but they give you ideas.

    Nick: What actor or actress would you be jealous about me working with?

    Jessica: GEORGE CLOONEY. Becaus I would want to be with him every day.

    Nick: That's an interesting angle to your answer. [off-camera] Judges? George Clooney!? What a way to interpret the question.

    Nick: What's the best gift I've given you?

    Jessica: Your heart.

    Nick: My heart?!

    Jessica: Well, you got mad at me last night when I said my ring! You're like, "What about me?" I'm just trying to be a good wife!

    p.s. Jessica Simpson may not be a good singer in my own preference but she sure is funny. She cracks me up.
    Weekend wrap-up and then some ...

  • 1016 hits [this month] for the Daily Bread as of April 26, 2003 @ midnight. Knowing that a lot of people check the site makes me really happy.
  • Been in sickville [mostly dry, painful coughing] since Thursday. Hate it. I don't like taking meds. The pills doesn't go down my throat smoothly. I finish a bottle of Robitussin. [I'm such a baby when it comes to taking meds] And 3 pills of Solmux. [one at a time of course] That's that. I didn't take anything else. Am I feeling better? Well, compared to last Friday, I would have to say, I'm much better today. I still have the nasty cough. Go away please. I don't have money to buy meds. [hehehe, that will keep the nasty cough away...]
  • Dinner with friends this Saturday, hopefully.
  • Ohkay, my weekend was spent laundrying. YEAH. I wasn't feeling a 100% up to it but it must be done. I was awake Saturday around 2am and I was doing laundry. Yeah, who does laundry at that time? [ME] Surprisingly, at that time there was still water coming out of the faucet, which usually, on a weeknight, water's out around 9pm-ish.
  • The task of hanging the clothes was supposed to be my sisters job. But SisterJ went out of town and SisterM spent most of her time at my cousin's house. So, I had to do it. Washing and Hanging. Yeah.
  • I complained to my SisterM about it, she just said, I'm over reacting. I'm not really a complainer. If I can stand it. I'll take it. Sometimes, I feel like, should I complain? Coz when you complain negative vibes come out. I don't like negative vibes. It gets me down. So much negative stuff happening around the world and adding a personal thing to it is not very appealing to me.
  • I'm mostly calm. Yes, tell me about it. I don't like shouting or yelling. My voice falters whenever I do. [which is hardly ever] I could be quiet as a mouse.
  • It's a brand new week. The last week of April. Time. So Fast.
  • There's this radio station that my cousin listens to in her car, I actually like the songs that they've been playing. I'm not a fan of the station. I only get to listen whenever I am in my cousin's car. I could really like the station for their songs but since they are owned by the people who owns the light station I used to listen to all the time. I'd rather not listen to them. Am I keeping a grudge? Well, I don't know. People like them makes me angry. Power trippers. I sure hope they don't get electricuted by their own power. Yeah, I'm not wishing bad things should happen to them eventhough they deserve it. I learned to be positive about it, in my own way. I'm God-fearing. And I believe, what comes around goes around. What you sow, you reap. Karma, baby. Yeah, take that. You...dirty rat...[I'm inclined to use other foul words but I'll just keep it to myself...hehehe]
  • It's almost 3am, and I have work today. Monday. First day of another work week. Bound to be a busy week. Have a fine-d weekend you all. Godbless.
  • Friday, April 23, 2004

    * Friday Five ...

    1. Where are you right now?
    At home.

    2. What have you lost recently?
    My first two volume DVDs of CSI Season 1 .

    3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?
    I think it was an Alanis Morissette CD. Not embarrassed at all.

    4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?
    Currently, I'm using a Faber Castell ballpoint pen.

    5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
    Double Dutch.

    * a past Fiver dated July 5, 2002

    Thursday, April 22, 2004

    I'm So Tired...

  • I definitely feel under the weather today but I still had to work.
  • The heat added to my feeling lousy as well.
  • Darn. I was SLEEPY all day.
  • I feel that way whenever I am in sickville.
  • Cough. Cough. Cough. Cough. Cough.
  • Phlegm. Phlegm. Phlegm. Phlegm. Phlegm. [pardon me...did I even spell that correctly?]
  • I have work tomorrow. AND have to be early. Thank God my cousin will come with me, I have a ride.
  • Just checked out the American Idol site, and I must SAY, the votes will keep you or get you out of the running. Darn. Double Darn. I still can't believe Amy Adams got ousted during the 3rd round. Oh well.
  • I guess, I'm staying home this weekend. Laundry is piled up. Hah. BUT I'm sick? Should I just wash my own clothes? [I'm such a meanie...] I don't think I can do that. But when I get uber lazy, I just might.
  • Head-ache alert. I'm out.
  • Tuesday, April 20, 2004

    Que Sera Sera ...

  • It's the mid-week. Sheesh, Wednesdays used to be my favorite day/night because of 3 reasons: FRIENDS, CSI and Nitelite. Nowadays, FRIENDS are on every Monday, CSI still on the same day, and Nitelite is but a memory. [I feel like cursing someone...but I won't.]
  • I have a cough, the dry, painful kind. Whenever I cough, I feel like my chest will explode. I'm taking Robitussin and drinking lotsa water. I blame the weather.
  • On American Idol last night, Finals 3rd Round results show, darn it, why Amy Adams? It should have been John Stevens [sorry to JS fans out there], even John couldn't believe that he was "safe" that night. Lucky guy. I don't hate him or anything but I thought Amy performed better than him. I liked what Simon said when asked what can he say about the bottom three: "You let America vote, you live with the decision..." Fourth round on Thursday, the Elton John week, the week where a Filipina was ousted. Darn it. I told myself I won't check the official Idol site but I just can't help it. My faves are saying byebyebye one at a time. Not good. But I still have two more in the running. Go Jasmine. Go Diana. Fantasia is a silent fave coz I mean, have you heard her sing? Enough said.
  • I feel like doing something this weekend. Dinner with some friends maybe. But the skeds are not jiving so far. Maybe next week. I just want to go out. Maybe go to the mall and find back issues of magazines. Maybe watch Masikip Sa Dibdib [I find Rufa Mae funny]. Maybe just stay home?
  • Whatever will be, will be.
  • Sunday, April 18, 2004

    Hot and Lazeee Sunday...

  • Laundry was done done done before 9AM of Saturday. I actually started Friday afternoon, got home early, might as well do laundry right? [yeah, whatever.]
  • My Saturday was spent sleeping. Yeah.
  • No cramps, yay, red blood flowing, I'm thankful.
  • Been downloading songs from Sarah Harmer, Ben Jelen [hummina hummina...hehe], Keahiwai, Jasmine Trias
  • I really have to update my Jomari Connection, searched for new pix, got only one from the Te Amo page. Turns out, I have the most Jomari pix online. Hmmm...I still have more images to scan. For my eyes only? NOT. In spite of his infidelity, I still lovelike the guy. Yeah. I don't take it personal. [Now, I'm really not making sense...]
  • Spent my Sunday afternoon browsing thru the Easy Journal directory [found some interesting journals, added them to my Daily Bread network] and listening to Jack Johnson and Maroon 5
  • I'm hungry.
  • I have to log-off now and get ready for church.
  • I'm out...[Miss M, yes, Seacrest out...what's up with that? I guess, that's his trademark? Don't care. Don't like him that much. Hehehe.]
  • Friday, April 16, 2004

    *Friday Five ...

    1. How often do you do laundry?
    Once or twice [If I get home early] a week.

    2. What's in a typical wash load?
    I separate work clothes from house clothes. Jeans from shirts. Whites go with light-colored undergarments. Same colored shirts/pants go together.

    3. Powder or liquid detergent?
    Tide powder, the nature fresh kind

    4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle?

    5. Dryer or clothesline?

    * Past Five dated June 14, 2002

    Wednesday, April 14, 2004

    Today is a Thursday...

  • 805 hits on the Daily Bread journal as of 12:55AM, 15th April 2004.
  • For the dawg lovers out there, you must check out Dogster, I'm not into dogs that much but the site makes me wanna have a dog. Well, not really but the site is a good starting point. [hehehe] Meet Rico, my friend's Golden Retriever, click on his image to see the larger pic. His picture doesn't do justice on how big and harmless he really is. I think, he's the most harmless dog I've met so far. [not that I meet a lot of them...kinda scared of them actually, just a bit, bad experience back when I was a kid...]
  • It's already Thursday, man, it's almost the weekend...sheesh. I love it.
  • As expected, busy on the workfront.
  • HOT HOT HOT. Someone please turn off the sun.
  • The presidential elections is in a few weeks time, I've been asked by my cousin Nadine [who's 5 years old] as to whom I'm gonna vote for prez? I told her, I still don't know. She in turn will vote for FPJ, I asked her why FPJ, she replied, "favorite ko kze si Fornando Poe" I love my cousin, she always make me smile. Just the thought of her makes me smile. But I don't think, I'll vote for someone just cause they are my fave. Or will I? If say, Jomari run for anything, will I vote for him? Hmmm...I'm not taking this seriously am I? I'm praying about it. I hope everybody is doing the same thing too.
  • My DearBrother has a new job. Thank you God. Please guide him with his new job. May he be a good employee. May he not be swayed by the not-so-good forces around him.
  • We are thinking of moving to another place coz if all work as planned, it's just gonna be me and my sisters living together. My father will stay at an Uncle's place somewhere in Bulacan and mind the place and the fighting roosters. Currently, my mother is still in the province, minding another family-related matter, and when she comes back, I think, she would want to stay where my father will be. Nothing is definite but it's been discussed. Moving from one place to another is not fun. NOT AT ALL.
  • American Idol tonight. Go Jasmine. Go Diana.
  • Check check check out Ben Jelen a new hummina hummina guy. Oh yeah, he's a singer too. [hehehe]
  • Found and bought Trainspotting and The Cutting Edge on DVD. And yes, we still don't have a working DVD player.
  • Friday, April 09, 2004

    Bloggingly yours ...

  • "I believe in a higher power, a creator, and I think that we are all here to give and receive love. We're here for a specific purpose, and our life is about discovering what that purpose is. The only way in which we do that is to try and stay more and more connected to the creator. And that's through the way we live our life --- what we learn while we're here, what we give back. But, as far as following a specific religion, I believe that everybody has their own way of worshiping and going on the spiritual journey. And whatever way they choose is the exact right way for them." - Halle Berry on being spiritual [JANE December2003]

  • I think I'm gonna be bulleting my posts from here on...hehe
  • 588 HITS for the DailyBread journal.
  • I haven't done anything constructive since the start of my Holyweek break. Lazzzeeeee times.
  • I chatted with a fwend of mine a while ago, his highness is getting married on the 14th in Finland. His words: "I have a husband, a boyfriend and I'm having an affair." He's got 3 and I don't even have one. [I do have one in my dreams though...does that count? YES!] I told him, he's the epitome of the very guy [if he was straight] that we despise the most. He just laughed. I still wish him the best. If he's happy, I'm happy. Also told him to ALWAYS be careful. [in every sense of the word.]
  • I'll be doing laundry today by my lonesome. SisterM still in Zambales. SisterJ will go to Tagaytay today. I've never been away during the HolyWeek break. My time to rest rest rest.
  • I started to organize my clearbooks/magazines, I have to work on it. I hope to work on it. It's not easy. Need time and attention. I have clearbooks for my FRIENDS [3], Hummina Guys [2 going on 3], Female Power [1], Milk Ads [1], TV Ads [3...I think], Jomari [1, need a new one though], Whatever [1] ... I'll be glad to show them to you if you want. Though not at the same time, I won't be able to carry all of them.
  • 7th Heaven marathon yesterday, caught a few episodes, I used to watch this show faithfully. Good values in that show. There'll be another marathon today, lunchtime til 8pm-ish on Studio23
  • It's 3:33AM on my computer clock, I'm not sleepy but I'll log off for now. I think I'll go back to my clearbooks. How can I do laundry later without sleep? Oh well. It'll be done in my own time. Hehehe. Godbless everybody. I feel happy today.
  • Friday Five ...

    1. What do you do for a living?
    Customs Representative [sounds nice eh?]

    2. What do you like most about your job?
    If you start early, you get off early. [if everything works out fine.]

    3. What do you like least about your job?
    Can you say RED TAPE?

    4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because ...
    My examiner is late or the computer is [always almost] down.

    5. What other career[s] are you interested in?
    Something to do with computers.

    Thursday, April 08, 2004

    23 Questions...

    * Got this from Dear Witho's blog.

    1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
    Before you start reading, ask God for help and understanding.

    2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
    Open Space.

    3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
    American Idol

    4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:
    a little past 11pm...

    5. Now look at the clock; what is the actual time?

    6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
    TV blaring.

    7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
    Around 7pm-ish tonight. Went to my cousin's house and had dinner there.

    8. Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
    My HS batch yahoogroup.

    9. What are you wearing?
    Black tee, jean shorts and blue slippers

    10. Did you dream last night?
    It wasn't last night, it was this afternoon [I've been in bed most of the day]. Something about me [almost] missing a plane ride.

    11. When did you last laugh?
    A while ago, when I was at my cousin's house.

    12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?

    13. Seen anything weird lately?
    A guy's eyes popping out [or almost] from its sockets, from a TV commercial for the show Now See This. Creepy is more like it.

    14. What do yo think of this quiz?
    It's ok.

    15. What is the last film you saw?
    Love Actually

    16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
    An Apple Notebook.

    17. Tell me something about you that I don't know
    I was suspended from college because I was part of the school paper that released a "spoof" issue that the school admin didn't particularly like.

    18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
    World peace.

    19. Do you like to dance?
    Not really. I do like to watch people who can dance.

    20. George Bush: is he a power-crazy nutcase or someone who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
    I don't like innocent people dying. Enough said.

    21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
    Jane or Dana.

    22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

    23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
    Yes, given the chance, I won't think twice.

    Wednesday, April 07, 2004

    Just Relaxing...

  • My Horoscope for today: There are so many things you'd make happen in a perfect world. But in case you hadn't noticed, life on this planet is far from perfect. Pure as your heart may be, good intentions don't necessarily equal good strategy. Dreaming of your destination is a lot like torture when you're mired down in traffic or stuck in the mud. There's a better way if you look directly in front of you. Your mood improves dramatically once you lower your short-term expectations. If step by step feels redundant, remember that this is how everyone learns to walk.
  • 503 HITS for the Dailybread journal.
  • Spent my afternoon at the mall with my 5-year old cousin. Bought her a belated birthday gift. For myself, I got 3 books from NBS. [Purpose Driven Life and two hardbound fiction books that were on sale for Php89/each...good deal if you ask me]; JANE December 2003 ish & an EW back-ish with Nick and Jessica on the cover; Three pairs of socks; A shirt; two atomizers and a cologne.
  • Just for FUN: My US name is June Meyer; My Wu name is Bitter Mastermind. [What did you get?]
  • Monday, April 05, 2004

    Yay and not-so yay.

    Yay Moments:
  • Had dinner with the EBC Ladies last Saturday. Followed by the weekly Absolut Vodka sessions of them Absolut Ladies. I was part of the session for that week. I had 4 glasses of Absolut juice. [just a bit of vodka]. Didn't get drunk. Felt really sleepy and warn inside though. I don't think I can hack it on a weekly basis. But I could join them and just be the sober one. I think.
  • 278 HITS as of April 6, midnight, for the DailyBread journal. Yay.
  • New FRIENDS background. I'll keep it for a while in honor of my all-time fave show.
  • Work was light yesterday.
  • Had my hair cut, more like, had it trimmed. I'm not that brave when it comes to my hair.
  • No work starting Wednesday.

  • Not-So-Yay Moments:
  • Two of my friends are having a hard time deciding what they want concerning their respective SOs. I pray to God he guide my friends to whatever decisions they may come up with. Like ALWAYS, I didn't say much. We all have respective problems, be it with a family member or a significant other. The things they've said about life in general, I take it to heart. I too, am not getting any younger. I ALWAYS keep in mind that, God will not give us something that we can't bear. I pray to God that this will all be phases in our lives that we can learn from. Faith in HIM will get us through these dark times.
  • My Mother texted me last night and put me in a bad mood, she knows our situation in here and still she sends this guilt-ful [is that even a word?] messages. It's not like we're not trying to come up with some extra cash. Just frustrating. I didn't bother to reply to her message coz I might send something that I just might regret later. God help me be more patient and be more calm regarding this matter. I know you will not leave me in the dark.
  • Friday, April 02, 2004


  • It's a brand new month. Hope you weren't fooled last April 1st. Second quarter of the year begins. So fast.
  • My cousin Nadine turned 5 yesterday. Five. Man. She grew up so fast. I remember when she came into our lives, she was this very fragile and dehydrated 2-week old baby. She's healthy nowadays [thank God]. She just graduated from Nursery school. She likes to sing. She's makulit at times. She loves popcorn and cotton candy. She knows how to ride a bike. She likes playing badminton. She's VERY [very] inquisitive. She puts a smile on our faces, just the thought of her makes me smile.
  • 1800 hits on the Daily Bread for the month of March. Whew. Who are these people? It feels great knowing a lot of people check the site. Yay.
  • Why is it that one of the people that can truly hurt me is related to me? Darn. It's my Mother. She knows our financial situation right now. And yet, it seems like she doesn't understand our situation. It's just frustrating sometimes. I want to tell her how I feel about it but I know she's got a lot on her mind right now. [Her greedy relatives who want to get my Lola's property in the province, my Lola's passing, my hard-headed Father's smoking ... I just don't wanna add up to it. Oh well...] I'll just continue being the old silent me. That's not hard to do. When you complain you have to explain. I'm not good at explaining.
  • Love Actually, I like. Go and see it when you can.
  • I so wanna see The Passion Of The Christ, I know I'm gonna cry when I watch it. Knowing [from various movies and stories] how HE died for us is one thing but seeing it is another.
  • I only noticed last night that the first two discs of my CSI: Season 1 DVDs are not here. I asked my sisters, father, cousin and my brother if they lent it to someone or if someone borrowed it. Negative. Darn. Weird. Why just the two discs? There are 6 discs in one season. I still can't get over my CSI missing discs. It puts me in a not-so-good mood. Now, I'm thinking, should I buy them again or just wait awhile. Any of my friends borrowed it from me? I really would have remembered though. Aaarrggghhhh.
  • American Idol is fun to watch. My faves are Jasmine Trias, Diana De Garmo, Camile Velasco, Jon Peter Lewis. I don't have to mention Fantasia because she's just it. She's already a winner in her own right.
  • Alanis will release a new CD, So-Called Chaos, next month. Yay. I'm a fan, can't change that.
  • MUST arrange and organize my clearbooks soon.
  • Had a headstart with laundry last night, finished one load. Yeah. My weekend starts with laundrying. You can never have too many hangers. [hehe]
  • Haven't played badminton for a week, my cousin wasn't feeling it. Oh well. Hopefully next week we'll play again. My highschool friends kept on saying, let's play badminton again, but no one is initiating. It's all talk. Darn.
  • Get back to reading...
  • Dinner with EBC [minus the Queen] tonight. I'm excited. It's been awhile.
  • * Friday Five...

    1. What is your favorite restaurant and why?
    Pancake House.

    2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to?

    3. What are your standards and rules for tipping?
    If they served good and they weren't rude and if they have genuine smiles, then they'll get a tip. [hehehe]

    4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert?
    I order appetizer if I'm waiting for some other people but if I'm just by myself, I usually don't. Dessert is a must.

    5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant?
    Iced Tea.

    * Past Five dated April 12, 2002